Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 257 Strange And The Ancient One Magician's Encounter From Thousands Of Miles

Apocalypse, who didn't know that his first knight was run away by a little girl, was taking in Daisy John and Phil Coulson.

After increasing the power of Daisy John, Apocalypse found that the little girl had a strong will to resist, and the bald head resisted even more strongly.

And the bald one actually appeared with the power to control others' minds.

Apocalypse directly controlled Daisy Johnson and Phil Coulson with her stronger spiritual power, and took them by her side to find the last knight.

I don’t know why these villains who have great power and are Super Wisdom in the setting, why they are so loyal to accepting younger brothers, accept younger brothers and then don’t use them, fight themselves.

The younger brother's task is to give the protagonist experience points, and then let the protagonist grow up and defeat the villain.

Apocalypse can clearly control human beings directly, but he has to find the Four Horsemen and prepare to rule the world when they are all together. Is he too confident in himself or is his power incomplete without his subordinates?

Just when Apocalypse took two knights to get his last knight.

Strange finally got off the plane and couldn't make a change by car. After a long journey, he came to a small town at the foot of the Himalayas.

Looking at the people coming and going in the town, this should be the town leading to Kamar-Taj that the wishing elf said.

Strange frowned and reluctantly took out the pink transformation stick with small wings from his backpack and suddenly held it up high.

"Moon cosmic power!! Transformation!!!"

In an instant, all the people nearby turned their heads to look at the foreigner.

Fluorescence of various colors began to emerge from Strange's body, his figure began to change, and ponytail and golden hair bows appeared one after another.

The fluorescence dissipated, and a pervert with a long face and a sailor suit miniskirt suddenly appeared on the street.

"Catch the pervert!! Catch him!!"

For a moment, everyone picked up the things that were still around and threw them towards Strange.

What stones, oranges, eggs, and still clothes and shoes.

Crash la la la - Strange thugs who were smashed by a lot of things ran away, dodge quickly, fortunately, after transforming, the combat power has improved a lot, avoiding the deadliest stones and eggs Strange took two long strides The legs start running.

Ancient One magician and Jiang Bai stood in mid-air and hid in the mirror space watching Strange running wildly all the way.

Jiang Bai laughed out loud, and the corners of Ancient One magician's mouth curled up, but in order to maintain his image, he still covered his mouth with a small folding fan.

"When are you going to meet him, magician`?"

"Let him run for a while, so easy to find Kamar-Taj he will not cherish the opportunity.

Strange didn't know that the two evil-hearted guys were actually standing in the sky watching him being chased by a large group of people.

Along the way, flying over the eaves and walking around the wall.

Strange's shoved-down stalls and trampled makeshift sheds littered the avenue.

Panting, he finally got rid of the pursuers behind him, and Strange came to a dead end and hid quietly.

A little girl about six or seven years old happened to be playing in the alley and saw Strange and immediately yelled: "Mom! There are bad people!!!"

Those who were chasing Strange heard the cry of a child and immediately came to look for it.

Strange hugged the little girl and said, "I'm here to find Kamar-Taj, not a pervert!!"

"Kill him!! He stole the child!!"

A group of men guessed towards the shovel and rushed into the dead end.

Remember that Strange looked around to see if there was any place to run.

"Hey! Magician, did you choose the wrong person? He has extraordinary power, but he was chased and beaten by a group of mortals. Even if he chased and beat him, he was blocked. With his brain, I don't think he can learn it." Will be magic.

"Give him a little time to react, people have to learn to grow from setbacks, you see that he is starting to change now!"

The Ancient One magician pointed to Strange and asked Jiang Bai to continue watching.

Strange saw that so many people blocked themselves in a dead end and still held weapons in their hands. If they were beaten, they would be killed.

Pushing away the little girl in his hand, he put on a posture and shouted loudly: "Don't come here!! If you come here again, I will attack you!!!"

"Kill him!! Kill this bad guy who stole the child!!!"

A group of people swarmed up and held up their shovels to kill Strange.

With a swish, Strange took off the decorative headband from his forehead and threw it towards everyone.

The headband turned into a golden disc in the air, slashed across the shovel and the kitchen knife and flew back to Strange's hand.


The shovel and kitchen knife were cut in half by the golden disc and fell to the ground.

Everyone quickly backed away when they saw it. If they were hit by the disk, they would be cut in half. No one dared to take a step forward, and they all looked at Strange on guard.

"Everyone go back, I came to his question!!"

A chubby man with a round face pushed away the crowd and walked in.

"King magician!"

"King magician!!"

Salute one after another.

The magician named Wang picked up the little girl and handed it to the little girl's mother who was hiding aside.

"It's all gone, I'm here to solve this man's problem, he's here for Kamar-Taj and I'll take him to Sorcerer Supreme!"

Strange looked at the fat man in front of him, seemed to be Kamar-Taj's magician?

"Can you really take me to Kamar-Taj?"

"Can you change your attire? My eyes hurt." Wang turned around and left: "Follow!"

Ancient One magician smiled and said to Bai Bai: "Let's go, it seems that we are going to welcome guests!"

As he spoke, he opened a space door and walked in.

Still in the small room of Ancient One magician, there is still a small tea table with three cups of tea on it.

Jiang Bai didn't hesitate to make some tea with him.

By the way, I drank the tea from Ancient One magician many times, but I didn’t taste what it tasted like. Anyway, it’s okay, it tastes better than drinking plain water.

Strange released his transformation and followed the queen. As the two walked, there were fewer and fewer people nearby, and the further they walked, the more remote they went.

Strange suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart: "..Can you find Kamar-Taj? Are you trying to rob? I have no money and I have no identity now!!"

Wang, without even turning his head, said: "If you can walk faster, you have already arrived!!"

Take Strange to a cliff.

Wang walked directly towards the cliff and disappeared in front of Strange's eyes.

Strange bowed his body and looked down to make sure that this place was really a cliff, and then stretched out a foot to test it, and found that there was no place to step on it, and hurriedly retracted his foot: "Wang, Wang magician? How do I get there?"

"King magician? Are you still there?"



Strange was looking out from the edge of the cliff to see if the king magician really disappeared into the air.

All of a sudden, Juli Strange heard from behind him, only to feel that he was flying into the air all of a sudden, closing his eyes, and began to yell ~~~.

The screaming started to lack oxygen, but I didn't feel that I fell to the ground, so I tried my best to open one eye and look around.

It turns out that this is an antique room, and the ancient one magician is drinking tea with Jiang Bai in the room.

Strange was lying on the ground with his limbs raised high, like a bastard who had been turned upside down.

(Li Mo's) Jiang Bai took a sip of tea and said: "The performance is very vivid, I didn't expect you to have the ability to be an actor besides being a doctor."

Strange rolled over from the ground and got up and blurted out: "Elf!!!"

Jiang Bai's face drooped immediately, what kind of elf, hurriedly said to Ancient One magician.

"Magician, you can reconsider and change your successor, there is no need to run away in such a hurry, and you see that the earth is not in danger now, how good it is to retire in Kamar-Taj!"

"Actually, it's also possible. I can pass on the position of Sorcerer Supreme to you." Ancient One magician smiled and looked at Jiang Bai. If this guy becomes Sorcerer Supreme, the earth will definitely be safe in the future.

"Forget it, let me go, I don't want to deal with Mephista every day, it's annoying to death."

Strange couldn't understand what Jiang Bai and Ancient One said at all, and asked: "Elf [you don't say Kamar-Taj can heal my hand? Can I be cured now?"

"This is the boss here, the Ancient One magician. She can heal your hands, and I'm not an elf. My name is Jiang Bai. We will deal with each other often in the future. I hope you can stay happy."

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