Time came to the next day

"Loki from Asgard stole the Cosmic Cube?"

Reaching out to hold the swinging sandbag, Steve looked at Fury with a confused look.

He seemed to have heard a myth.

At this moment, Steve was a little doubtful in his heart, whether this world was still the world he lived in.

He just slept for a while, why did the characters in the myth begin to appear?

"You heard it right."

Fury unfolded a document and handed it to Steve.

"The world is changing very fast, faster than you can imagine. Before carrying out the mission, I think you need to recharge yourself."

Steve took the information and glanced at it casually.

Except for the opponent who came out of the myth, the rest were basically what he knew.

He handed the information back to

"I think I'm used to it." He was referring to the changes in the world.

Since he woke up from his slumber, there have been magic, technology, and now gods.

Steve thought that nothing should be able to shock him.

As he packed his bags and prepared to leave, Fury said,"Ten dollars, I bet you're wrong."


Steve did not respond to Fury's bet, apparently agreeing to it by default.........

While Fury was inviting Steve,

Phil knocked on Banner's door.

To find the Cosmic Cube through weak gamma energy fluctuations, they could only choose to find Banner, an expert in this field, to help them. Banner, who was already able to control his transformation, was living a happy life with his girlfriend Betty.

Facing Phil who explained his purpose,

Banner hesitated for a moment and nodded to accept his invitation.........

Unlike Fury and Phil, Natasha's guest, Tony, was much more difficult to deal with. When Tony heard that she was coming to him on behalf of Fury, he immediately felt that he was in big trouble. He immediately asked Potts to send her away and wait for Natasha to come as a friend before welcoming her into his home.

"I knew you wouldn't agree easily."

Natasha handed the information in her hand to Potts and touched her hair.

"Just now it was Fury's request, and next, it's a conversation between friends"

"That's right, Potts doesn't need to see her off, just let her in."

Potts was not surprised at all by Tony's change of attitude, he shrugged at Natasha and welcomed her into the villa.

He handed Natasha a cup of coffee, and the three of them sat on the sofa.

""Thank you."

Natasha took a sip of coffee, her expression became serious, and she looked at Tony across from her,"Are you ready for war?"



Tony was stunned.

Such an unfamiliar word.

Why do we suddenly have to face war?

Just as he was about to ask what kind of war it was, a voice that they were very familiar with sounded beside him.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of people here."

The three of them turned their heads at the same time and looked at the portal that was opened on the side.

The moment he saw Wu Yuyu walk out of the portal, Tony rolled his eyes instantly, revealing a look of disgust.

"Why are you here if you don't want to study your magic?"

Wu Yuyu seemed not to notice Tony's expression. She pushed him away with her buttocks, leaned back on the sofa, and sighed comfortably.

"The sofa here is more comfortable."

Tony, who was almost pushed to the ground, looked at the somewhat lazy Wu Yuyu and shook his head helplessly. He really had no way to deal with him.

He stood up and walked to the side.

He took out a can of Coke and threw it at Wu Yuyu.

"Now, after you finish drinking, tell me what you are here for. I don't believe you would come to me for nothing."

Tony's operation was successful and he earned a thumbs-up from Wu Yuyu.

After a series of"ton ton ton" sounds, Wu Yuyu collapsed on the back of the sofa with satisfaction.

He turned to look at Natasha,"You haven't finished yet, right?"

""I was just about to say it." Natasha shrugged.

Since Wu Yuyu was already here, she didn't plan to waste any more words.

She imitated Wu Yuyu's movements and leaned back comfortably, with an expression that looked like she was watching your performance.

"Okay, let me tell you then."

The next sentence from Wu Yuyu instantly changed Tony's expression.

"Use Stark Tower to open a space wormhole? No, I don't agree! I don't want to act out this kind of play with a little elk."

After Wu Yuyu told Loki's plan, Tony slapped his thigh.

He, Tony Stark, has many titles such as billionaire, genius, philanthropist...

How could he become a drama actor?


"This time I'll open a mirror space, plus dinner for a month."

That's about right.

Tony nodded with satisfaction.

But to show that his building wasn't that cheap, he still raised three fingers.

"Three months"


Instantly, Wu Yuyu held Tony's outstretched hand.

It was so fast that Tony felt regretful.

‘……What a loss!

But the words had already been said, and there was no room for him to regret.

Tony could only look at his outstretched fingers with regret.

Why didn't he stretch out a few more!........

Tens of minutes later, the first generation of Avengers gathered at the SHIELD aerospace carrier.

Looking at the huge flying and invisible spaceship under his feet, Steve silently took out ten dollars and gave it to Fury.

He admitted that this new thing was indeed beyond his understanding.

"How many spectrometers can you find?"

Banner looked at the busy staff around him and knew that it was time for him to make a move.

However, he was not sure how powerful Fury and his team were and whether they could find the number of spectrometers he needed.

But with such a high-tech spacecraft, it should be able to meet his needs.

This was indeed the case.

Under Fury's order, it didn't take much time at all, and the spectrometers Banner needed were ready, waiting for his use at any time.

Then, the huge organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. was fully mobilized.

All devices that could be connected to the Internet were under their monitoring. As long as Loki showed up, he would appear in their sight.

And above their aerospace mothership, there was another organization floating in the sky.

"Aren't you going to come to this spaceship?"

Hearing Tony's question in the headset, Wu Yuyu looked through the window at the hidden position of the aerospace aircraft carrier below.

"No, if I go there, Loki won't be able to carry out his plan.……"

The development progress of Loki, as they called him, was not as smooth as in the original series.

Without Barton's assistance, he could not find so many people.

Not to mention that he knew the personalities of the first generation of Avengers very well and could easily break through their psychological defenses like in the original series.

At this moment, he could only roughly guess his next opponent through the few low-level agents he controlled.

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