Recalling the oppression that Thanos brought him, Loki tightly grasped the scepter given to him by The Other.

It had been a long time since he met Thanos.

But he still recalled the previous scene from time to time.

In his opinion, Thanos seemed to be stronger than his father, and he had such a powerful army under his command.

Looking at the busy Chitauri around him, Loki's ambition gradually expanded.

‘Father, Thor, I will let you know what a mistake it was not to choose me. '

The unfortunate child did not seem to think of this.

If Thanos is really stronger than Odin, why would he still ask him to do things? Wouldn't it be better to just march in with his army and get what he wants in person?

Loki, who was full of thoughts of making Odin look at him with a new eye, obviously did not think of this.

"Come on, ally. It's time for you to take action. Go and get the Cosmic Cube back. Our Chitauri army is right behind you."

TheOther's call brought Loki out of his thoughts. Looking at the Chitauri army around him, an evil smile appeared on his face.

‘Atrium, your king is here!’........

SHIELD, the Cosmic Cube has energy fluctuations again.

Eric, who was pulled in by Fury to serve as a soldier, reported the situation.

Fury, who was extremely concerned about the Cosmic Cube, quickly led his team here.

"What's the situation now?"

"I don't know. The Cosmic Cube is a little too active."

This somewhat perfunctory answer obviously did not satisfy Fury.

He called Barton aside and asked him if Eric had any unusual behavior recently or had contact with any strange people.

Obviously, he did not trust Eric very much.

Or in other words, in Fury's mind, no one can be completely trusted.

But this time, he really wronged Eric.

The reason why the Cosmic Cube was so active was entirely because of him. He insisted on mastering the power that did not belong to him, which led to the Cosmic Cube's connection with the Chitauri and now it is out of their control.

"No, Dr. Shavig is innocent. If there is a problem, it is not our problem."

Fury was stunned.

"On our side?"

Just as he was about to continue asking, the Cosmic Cube began to have energy fluctuations again.

Shutting their mouths, the two turned their heads to look at the Cosmic Cube at the same time.

This time the energy fluctuations were particularly large, and as the energy index became higher and higher.

In an instant, a huge energy wave exploded, and Loki's figure appeared.

Fury now understood why Barton said that if there was a problem, it was not their problem.

"Sir, put down your spear."

Loki put away the evil smile on his face.

He raised his scepter and asked Fury if this was what he was talking about.


Instantly, an energy ball shot towards Fury who was about to nod.

Then he launched an attack.

In front of the Asgardians who had not lost their powers, Fury's agents seemed very weak.

Even Loki, a wizard, could knock them down with just a few punches and two kicks.

This included Barton.

"You are a little different."

He caught Barton's punch. Although Barton's strength seemed a little weak compared to him, he still saw that Barton was one of the best among these people. He slowly pointed the scepter at Barton's chest.

Loki was ready to use the power of the Mind Stone to recruit a powerful subordinate for himself.

But unfortunately……


A magic circle unfolded on Barton, breaking his plan.

Realizing that something was wrong,

Loki pushed Barton hard and quickly controlled the other agents and Dr. Eric beside him.

With their help, he successfully escaped from Fury.........

On the other side, when the magic on Patton was triggered, Wu Yuyu was testing his new idea.

Feeling that Patton's vital signs were not fluctuating, he did not rush over.

With the magic he left behind, if Patton really encountered an irresistible threat, he would be able to hold on until he arrived at the scene.

"So, the Cosmic Cube was stolen? And your research base was destroyed as well?"

When Wu Yuyu finished the test in his hand, he rushed to the scene according to Barton's location.

What he saw was a huge deep pit.

His body was suspended in the air, and he looked down to check the depth of the pit.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the loss is huge."

Falling beside Fury, he looked at him with a teasing look.

This kind of loss was enough to make him feel distressed for a while.

Fury's face darkened when he was teased by him. Although it was not very obvious under the cover of the night, Wu Yuyu could still feel that he was extremely unhappy.

Yes, as the leader of a huge organization.

Loki's operation was completely rubbing his face on the ground. It would be strange if he could feel good.

Giving up the idea of continuing to tease Lu Dan's mood, Wu Yuyu came to Barton and simply bumped fists with him.

"Are you okay?"

"Very strong."

Barton pounded his chest to show that he was fine.

But then, a trace of lingering fear appeared on his face.

"Thanks to your magic, otherwise I would have been controlled by that strange scepter. Also, according to him, he is also from Asgard. How come he seems to be much stronger than the big guy last time?"

Barton still remembers Thor as the one who fought back and forth with them.


Wu Yuyu's eyelids twitched.

He patted Barton's shoulder speechlessly.

"Just tell me this. If the Hammer God hears it, he will definitely test his skills against you."

"In addition, the reason why he was able to fight you last time was because his divine power was sealed by the God King. This time you are facing a being with intact divine power."

Barton suddenly realized���Wu, no wonder he felt that this guy was so much stronger.

It was also Wu Yuyu's fault.

Last time, he took the Destroyer away directly, which ruined Thor's chance of saving face.

Otherwise, Barton would definitely not have this idea now.

At this time, Fury came to the two of them and looked at Wu Yuyu with one eye.

"What are you going to do?"


Wu Yuyu pointed at himself and looked at Fury in confusion.

An emoticon appeared above his head - ah? Me?


Fury turned and walked away.

The emoticon above Wu Yuyu's head was very clear, questioning him.——‘You, the director of SHIELD, asked me, an ordinary person, how to deal with this kind of thing. Is this a beaver? A beaver?

Seeing this, Fury was too lazy to argue with Wu Yuyu.

He made one call after another while walking.

In this situation, it is time to start his Avengers plan.……........

In the distant Asgard,

Heimdall reported the news to Odin as soon as he saw Loki.

Then, Asgard also began to take action...

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