"Hey, hey, we're still eating here. It's not good to make such a big noise."

Ivan heard these words in a trance before he completely lost consciousness.

‘Did my last attack only affect your meal? '

With dissatisfaction and doubt in his heart, Ivan's consciousness gradually fell into darkness and he never woke up again... and the explosion he caused.

Tony looked at the several deep pits in front of his villa, walked out of the armor, and sat down next to Wu Yuyu.

He snatched the food from Wu Yuyu's hand with resentment and complained

""Where's your mirror space? Isn't it always open?"

Facing the 'robber' in front of him, Wu Yuyu shrugged, quietly opened the portal, and replenished some food from Mordo's plate.

Before Mordo found out, he quickly stuffed the food into his mouth.

"Chew chew chew...Aren't you rich? Why are you short of this little money for repairs?"


After hearing what Wu Yudama said, he didn't know what to say.

When he was refilling his food, a sly smile appeared on Tony's face.

""Hey man, someone stole your food!"

Although he didn't say who it was, Mordo felt that he was talking about him.

He lowered his head quickly and saw a 'dirty' little hand quickly retracted.


His neck turned towards Wu-Yu-Yu like a rusty gear.


Seeing that he was discovered, Wu Yuyu quickly stuffed the food into his mouth, his cheeks bulged on both sides, and he chewed quickly like a hamster.

Seeing this, Modu's brain was throbbing, and he unconsciously reached for the magic weapon behind him.

How many times has this happened!

Is other people's food so delicious?

""Well, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first~"

It's just stealing some food, so why bother touching the magic weapon?

Seeing the magic weapon in Mordo's hand light up, Wu Yuyu quickly grabbed a few pieces of food and disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone stared in amazement.


I don't know who started it, but the whole villa was instantly filled with a happy atmosphere.

If it weren't for the potholes all around, people might have thought they were really having a dinner party.........

"Haven't they got any results yet?"

Steve's voice was heard in SHIELD.

Fury shook his head and looked at the phone in front of him, his heart full of confusion.

What's going on?

After so much time, there should be news coming back.

Tony is fine, he wasn't very reliable to begin with.

But how come Natasha and Barton...did they run into some trouble?

Fury could never have imagined that the people he thought were reliable were now happily enjoying the food and had completely forgotten to report back to him.

When he led the team to the scene and looked at the happy atmosphere in front of him...

Fury admitted that his brain, which could remain calm no matter what, could no longer calm down.

"Damn it!"

He waved his hand in dismay.

He asked his men to retreat, and he walked towards the villa with a dark face.……........

"Hey, calm down brother, if you don't want to get hurt, you'd better stay still."

In the distant starry sky.

Loki stood behind a mechanized figure, with a dagger against his lower back.

I don't know why he, a mage, always likes to do some assassin's behavior.

With the hostages he was"held hostage", Loki began to retreat slowly.

Because he found that there seemed to be many figures approaching him.

However, he found it a little too late.

Feeling the hardness from his back.

Loki's eyes moved slightly.

His palm exerted force instantly and inserted the dagger into the hostage's lower back.

Then he turned around quickly, ready to kill the enemy behind him.

But unfortunately

"Calm down... Calm down... I surrender."

Looking at the dozens of figures behind him... Loki admitted that he was following his heart.

He raised his hands and let them take away his weapons.

At this moment, he already missed Thor's existence.

If Thor was here, he would definitely not let him face this kind of dilemma.

Thinking about this and that, Loki suddenly felt a strong force coming from behind, pushing him to stagger.

Although he didn't know where they wanted to take him, he was now alone and weak, and he had no power to fight so many enemies.

He could only follow their footsteps and move in a certain direction to see if there was any suitable opportunity to escape on the way.

"Where are you trying to take me?"


On the way, Loki tried to talk to the people escorting him.

But no matter how he tried to find a topic, the people around him seemed to be unable to talk and did not pay any attention to his thoughts.

At most, they raised their weapons, suggesting that if he continued to talk nonsense, they would hit him.

Seeing this, Loki had to shut up and think quickly.

‘It seems that it is impossible to escape from them. '

Looking at the figures around him, Loki set his sights on the leader of these people who might appear next.

Since he was not dealt with immediately, he must have something to ask for.

Soon, Loki was brought to a somewhat mysterious figure.

The most eye-catching thing should be his hand with six fingers. He withdrew his eyes from his hand without leaving a trace.

Loki ignored the many figures around him, and walked to the leader of these people with a relaxed smile on his face.

"You took so much trouble to bring me here, so you must have something to say."

The leader, The Other, clapped his hands softly.

"As expected of the second prince of Asgard, he is full of courage."

Loki's pupils shrank slightly, and his smile froze for a moment.

He is not the brawny man like Thor.

To be able to recognize his identity in such a place, he must have been paying attention to their realm for a long time.

The smile slowly disappeared.

Loki looked at the figure in front of him.

"what do you want to do?"

"Oh, don't get excited, little prince, come with me, the master wants to see you."

Faced with his inquiry, TheOther did not respond immediately.

He turned around and walked in front of Loki to lead the way.

There is also a master?

Loki, walking behind him, felt that things were getting more and more troublesome...

Walking up one stone step after another.

Finally, the two stopped in front of the throne surrounded by many meteorites.

TheOther bent down,"My lord, the little prince of Asgard is brought here."


There was a moment of silence.

The figure on the throne hadn't spoken a word, and The Other didn't dare to straighten his back, just bent over, waiting for the response from the figure on the throne.

"Well done, leave now."

Finally, the figure on the throne responded.

TheOther felt relieved, bowed quickly, and left.

""Sir, what should I call you? Also, can you tell me your purpose?"

Loki looked up at the throne.

After a moment of silence, the figure on the throne stood up. His tall figure was full of oppression.

"They call me Thanos."

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