Tony turned his head and looked at the portal that opened beside him, with a smug smile on his face hidden in the armor.

"A new element, how could it be difficult for me? But you, how come you have time to come here? Want to watch my heroic performance in person?"

Walking out of the portal.

Wu Yuyu curled his lips in disdain and gave Tony an international gesture.

"Yingzi? You? Don't tease me."

He sat back and a throne appeared under him.

He crossed his legs and looked around at Tony's armors.

"I'm just worried about your armor. It'll be a pity if it's damaged by Ivan." You're just here to help. Why use the armor as an excuse?

He's seen the large mecha summoned by Wu Yuyu before. It was much more powerful than those in the display cabinet.

Tony rolled his eyes and said,"Like it? I'll give you two."

Wu Yuyu waved his hand and said,"No thanks. When you make a better one later, give me another set and I'll keep it for my collection." Are you saying this to show disdain for his armor? Absolutely!

Tony was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He wanted to use his hand cannon to give this ungrateful guy in front of him a hard blast.

"Your enemy is here."

This sentence stopped the tragedy that was about to happen in the villa.

The two came outside the house.

Countless humanoid armors stood in front of them.

"Tony Stark, you didn't expect me to come back, did you?"

The armor group made way for a passage, and a armor that was no different from the other armors walked along the passage in front of the two.

The mask fell apart, revealing Ivan's smug face.

Looking at his face, Wu Yuyu suddenly had an idea.

‘So much nonsense. If he was at Lin Moudong's place next door, he would have poked Tony with a finger a long time ago. '

On the other hand, can he also launch a sudden attack?

Looking at Tony beside him, Wu Yuyu suppressed his fingers that were ready to move. He kept reminding himself in his heart that this person was not looking for him, so he must not take the initiative, must not take the initiative.

At this time, the two enemies finally broke down in their talks.

Or maybe it wasn't a breakdown in talks, after all, they were ready to fight.

As Ivan's visor fell.

All the armors took up offensive postures at the same time.

Tony also raised his hand, and the hand cannon began to gather energy.

At this moment, Wu Yuyu suddenly raised his hand and called a timeout.

""Wait a minute!"

What's more, his words really worked. At least the two men didn't launch an attack.

"What, do you want to escape? I'll give you some time. I'm only looking for Tony Stark."

He's quite nice.

Wu Yuyu couldn't bear to attack him.

Thinking this in his heart, his hands didn't slow down at all. He quickly opened several portals and smiled at Ivan a little embarrassedly.

"I'll give you a few more opponents, don't you mind?"

Several micro missiles attacked instantly, which was Ivan's response.

It was rare that he wanted to be kind, so he didn't cherish it, but he also found him a few opponents?

Although it was not clear what technology this aperture was, as long as the user was killed, there should be no problem.

However... facing the incoming missiles, Wu Yuyu didn't even raise his eyelids.

He leaned back and sat on the throne again.

At the same time.

A red light flashed, intercepting the missile fired by Ivan in mid-air, without any explosion.

In one of the portals, Wanda walked out with a red glow in her hand.

Obviously, the missile didn't explode because of her hand.

"Don't kill them all, leave some for the great genius."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ivan's eyes blurred and he was shocked to find that there was another person beside Wu Yuyu.

And his armor was instantly broken into pieces.

This discovery made him feel depressed. He looked at Wu Yuyu and the Pietro brothers and sisters beside him with a serious look.

If they intervened, then his actions today would be in vain.……

"How much did Tony Stark pay you? I can pay double, as long as you don't pay"

"How much does it cost?……"

Wu Yuyu stroked his chin, looked at the brother and sister beside him, and gave them a look.

"How much did this tycoon give us?"

Understanding his eyes,

Pietro showed a nasty smile.

He pretended to think for a while and said,"It seems to be 50 million.……"

Wu Yuyu nodded in understanding and turned to look at Ivan.

"50 million per person, double... 100 million per person, how do I pay?"

Ivan suddenly wanted to curse.

Wu Yuyu, Pietro, Wanda, and the men and women who just walked out of the portal.

800 million, where can he get so much money!

Seeing his embarrassment, Wu Yuyu shrugged,"Then there is no way~" and winked at everyone quietly.

In just a moment, all kinds of attacks covered Ivan's armor.

Arrows, magic, bullets, fists.

Before Ivan could react, all the armor he brought was cleaned up.

If Wu Yuyu hadn't said to keep it for Tony, even the one on his body would be gone. They all had to be taken down by Pietro and the others.

Looking at the wreckage of the armor around him,

Ivan felt very complicated.

What kind of devils were these in front of him!

Not only were they strong, but they also had no martial ethics when they attacked, and they just attacked by surprise. The group of armor he had worked so hard to build turned into a pile of broken copper and iron in just a few moves.

But it was okay.

Ivan turned his head to look, and the people like Wu Yuyu were already sitting together, eating and drinking, and didn't even look at him.

It seemed that they were not going to participate in the duel between him and Tony.

With a flick of his hands, two crackling whips appeared in his hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, leave some for me, don't eat it all!"

After complaining, Tony's face turned serious and he looked at Ivan opposite him seriously.

He had to finish the fight quickly, otherwise all the delicious food would be gone!

"Tony Stark……"

Ivan wanted to make some pre-war declarations, but was blasted away by Tony's hand cannon.

"Shut up, I'm too lazy to listen to your loser's feelings now."

As he said this, he continued to attack.

He didn't stop until he blew the armor on Ivan into a pile of tatters.

Poor Ivan, he only launched one attack since the battle began, and it was intercepted by Wanda.

From then on, he could only passively take the beating...

Looking at Ivan lying in a pile of tatters, Tony took off his visor,"In prison, you have plenty of time to say your loser speech... Although I won't listen"

"cough cough……"

It must be said that the people in this world are lucky enough.

Even after Tony's bombardment, Ivan was still able to speak.

He stared at Tony in front of him with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

This time he was too lazy to speak and had no energy to speak.

The hand in the armor pressed the detonation button.

Without any signs, all the mechas were detonated.

In an instant, a powerful energy swept Tony's villa into it...

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