Provoked by Wu Yudama's words, Tony did not continue to ask where the new element was. He hung up the phone and contacted Fury to ask for his father's items.

Soon, Fury sent someone to deliver the things he wanted to his home.

Looking at the tool kit in front of him, Tony had a very complicated expression.

"I didn't expect you would teach me a lesson after being gone for so long, father.……"

In the Marvel world, if Tony is a man cursed by knowledge, then his father, Howard Stark, is definitely not inferior to him.

It's just that in his era, many things could not be further studied.

This is the case with new elements.

Although he has already researched them, they can only be hidden in the exhibition model and handed over to his most proud work-Tony, to try to manufacture them.

"Everything can be achieved through technology……"

Howard's voice began to be heard on the screen in front of Tony.

He wanted to see what kind of new element his father had researched.........

While Tony was busy, Hammer was not idle either.

After rescuing Ivan some time ago, Hammer could not wait to negotiate terms with him, and successfully got Ivan to agree to improve the armor for him.

Now, he stood behind Ivan, watching his busy figure, and began to fantasize in his mind.

After the improvements to these armors were completed, his Hammer Industries stepped on the head of Stark Industries and became the world's number one arms company.

And Tony knelt in front of him with a sad face, begging him to leave a way out for Stark Industries.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became.

Hammer decided to reward himself later.

Immersed in fantasy, he didn't notice at all.

At this moment, a trace of contempt flashed quickly in the eyes of Ivan, who was busy.........

When Tony and Ivan, the old enemies, began their"competition", Wu Yuyu was also studying his stuff.

With his strength, he could be considered one of the best in the current era of superheroes.

Of course, we need to exclude ridiculously strong characters like Ancient One and Odin.

If he uses the Time Stone, he can fight with them, but his own attack power is completely unable to cause effective damage to them.

Especially after facing Odin, he was shocked.

In the training room, various lights kept appearing and disappearing.

Wu Yuyu put his hands in front of him, looking at the microcosm floating above, and muttered:"If the entity illusion is to turn the attack I think into reality."

A fireball appeared and instantly hit the target in front of him, smashing the target to pieces.

He stretched out his hand and another fireball appeared in front of him.

Wu Yuyu stared at the fireball in front of him and began to imagine raising the temperature of the fireball.

Gradually, the fireball gradually changed from red to orange, then to gold, and finally, a pure white fireball appeared in front of him.

He nodded and stopped improving.

With a thought, the same target appeared in front of him.

He threw the fireball at it.

Without any sound, the target disappeared instantly.

Looking at this result, Wu Yuyu was very satisfied. The route he envisioned was effective.

As long as he continued to improve along this route, in the future... he dared not imagine what kind of existence he would become in the future.........

For a while, the planet fell into a strange peace. It was so peaceful that Fury felt a little uncomfortable.

Perhaps sensing his thoughts, a call came from Phil.

"Sir, a large number of armors have been found in the city. It has been preliminarily confirmed that they are not Iron Man's products."

Veins popped up on Fury's forehead.

An idea of turning into a fucking Fuck Man emerged in his mind. He was just sighing at the peace of life, and now he is going to cause trouble, right? He hung up the phone and rushed to the monitoring room to check the armor Phil mentioned.

At this time in the city center, countless armors were flying in the sky, without any sound, making it unclear what their purpose was.

"Call the satellite to determine the source of these armors."

Fury gave the order while dialing Tony's number.

In this area, it is faster to find professionals to handle it.


Meanwhile, Hammer, the manufacturer of these armors, was extremely anxious.

He didn't know why these armors flew out of the company on their own and went to such a conspicuous place in the city center when he hadn't issued any orders.

If people found out that those armors belonged to Hammer Industries,

Hammer couldn't imagine what kind of fluctuations would occur in their company's stock.

After checking inside the company, he finally locked his target on Ivan.

Only he could tamper with the armors.

Unfortunately... he found out a little too late.

When he arrived at the manufacturing workshop, it was already empty, and Ivan was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it, I was fooled!"

After punching the wall hard, Hammer finally realized that Ivan had never thought of working for him from the beginning to the end.

The reason why he agreed to modify the armor for him was just to achieve his own unspeakable purpose.

At this time, Ivan saw Hammer's incompetent and furious look clearly through the surveillance he left behind.

"It's really wonderful."

A playful expression appeared on his face.

But that was all.

He was too lazy to spend more time to take revenge on Hammer, the clown.

After all, he was the one who got him out of prison.

Turning off the surveillance, Ivan turned his gaze to the location of Tony's villa.

The person he wanted to take revenge on was right there...

In an instant, all the armors in the city center turned around and flew in the same direction at the same time.

"Tony, those armors are heading towards your house."

Fury observed the movements of the armors in S.H.I.E.L.D., contacted Tony again, and conveyed the information to him.

"I've seen it."

Tony had already started monitoring the movements of these armors when Fury first contacted him.

Some time ago, Karayuki informed him that Ivan had been released from prison. How could he not be on guard?

The moment he saw these armors, he wondered if the two were related.

Until now, he could replace the question mark with a period. These big toys were definitely Ivan's masterpieces.

Tony looked at the brand new armor on the side, and the triangular reactor on the chest was particularly conspicuous.

"You dare to come and retaliate against me? Then try my new armor."

He stretched out his hand and the"prodigal son" situation did not happen.

The new armor was covered on him very smoothly. As the mask fell, Iron Man appeared instantly.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"You really found a new element."

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