"This, this, and this, all moved!"

In a manor in New York, the servants followed Natsios's command and kept going back and forth between the villa and the truck.

Erica in the room heard the sound, opened the door and walked out.

Standing at the stairs, looking at the busy people in the hall, she was quite puzzled.

""Dad, what are you doing?"

Hearing Erica's question,

Natsios first directed the servants to move the ornaments in front of him onto the truck.

Then, looking at Erica who walked to his side, he said apologetically:"I'm sorry to disturb you, just be patient, it will be done soon."

Erica looked at the empty villa.

Shaking her head, she said:"That's not what I meant. Why do you want to move so suddenly? Is it because of that man yesterday?"

Hearing Erica's question, Natsios was stunned.

The threat Kingpin made to him at that time emerged in his mind.

"I'm saying goodbye to you, old friend……"

Suddenly, Jin Bing's face seemed to reappear in front of him.

The expression on his face was so real and terrifying.……


Erica's call suddenly woke him up from his memories.

Looking at his daughter in front of him, he seemed to see his long-dead wife.

He forced a smile and held Erica's shoulders with both hands.

He turned her around and pushed her up the stairs.

"Don't think too much, it's just that my future work focus will be shifted to other cities, so I'm preparing to move. Okay, go pack up your things, we're ready to go~"

Push Erica into the room.

Looking at the closed door, Natsios looked at his huge manor and couldn't help sighing.

How could he want to escape from New York in disgrace?

If it weren't for Kingpin...

Natsios shook his head weakly and slowly walked down the stairs.

In order to prevent Erica from experiencing the pain of losing her loved ones again, he could only choose to temporarily avoid Kingpin's edge...

What he didn't notice was.

When he walked up the stairs, Erica's door behind him quietly opened a crack.

Looking at Natsios' heavy back.

She knew that there must be something here. Question!

She closed the door gently, went to the closet and opened the secret compartment.

Looking at the various weapons inside, Erica casually took out her commonly used ten-handed weapon, turned it around in her hand for a few times, and then grasped it.

Let her see who is threatening her father!

The weapons in her hands and the training she had undergone gave Erica great confidence.

She believed that after the persuasion of her ten-handed weapon, the person behind the scenes would definitely surrender and never dare to have any bad ideas again...

Well... I don't know where she got her confidence from. If Wu Yuyu knew what she was thinking, he would probably praise her.

Then find the best viewing seat to see how she was beaten.……........

Back to the topic.

Erica in the room changed into a tight combat uniform, hid her ten hands close to her body, and put on a layer of loose clothes on the outside to cover it.

Then she stood up and walked downstairs.

Before taking action, she had to find a way to get some information from her father.

"I've already said that no one has ever given me a rose!"

Just as Erica walked out of the room, Natsios's angry voice reached her ears.

Hearing this voice,

Erica's expression suddenly tightened, and she reached out to the ten hands on her body. At the same time, she hid her body, poked her head out from the top of the stairs, and quietly observed the situation downstairs. What she saw was her angry father and a figure she had seen last night.……

‘Daredevil? What is he doing here?

After a brief conversation last night, she was sure that Daredevil had no ill will towards her father.

So she withdrew her hand from reaching for the weapon and began to eavesdrop on their conversation.

What she didn't realize was that the moment she left the house, Daredevil's head had already tilted towards her.

He had obviously noticed her presence.

"Why don't you leave? Do you want me to tell you again?"

Natsios looked at the unresponsive Daredevil in front of him.

He couldn't help but feel more annoyed.

If it wasn't for the masked guy in front of him who wanted to save him last night, he wouldn't bother to talk nonsense with him here.

Looking at the Daredevil in front of him who was still unmoved, Natsios exhaled heavily.

Good, good, good

‘You like standing, right? Then I'll go, you can stand as long as you want!’

"Please stay!"

Natsios turned around and wanted to leave, looking at the hand that was holding his arm.

He said impatiently:"Your behavior is trespassing. If you don't want me to call the police, leave as soon as possible.……"

"When my father died, there was also a rose on his body!"

Daredevil's words made Natsios stop his threats.

He stared at Daredevil in front of him.

At this moment, he seemed to see Erica.

Thinking that after his death, Erica would be like the man in front of him, looking for the murderer who killed him...

Natsios twitched his lips twice, and finally said nothing.

He casually knocked Daredevil's hand off his arm.

Then he straightened his wrinkled sleeves.

"I really don't know anything. If you want to know who is the real culprit behind this, go find it yourself.……"

After saying this, Natsios walked straight towards the stairs.

Strangely, Daredevil did not reach out to stop him again this time.

Instead, he let him walk away from him.

‘Watching Natsios leave, Daredevil stood there for a moment, then turned around and left the manor.……........

""Stop! Hand over what you have in your hand!"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Daredevil stopped helplessly.

Erica has been following him since he walked out of the manor, and he can't get rid of her at all.

Holding the business card-like thing in his hand,

Daredevil said seriously that he didn't understand what Erica was talking about.

This was what Natsios took the opportunity to stuff into his hand when he knocked down his arm just now.

But he didn't plan to let Erica get involved.

He could do such a dangerous thing by himself.

Facing Daredevil's denial, Erica snorted coldly.

Her father's actions just now were completely seen by her.

Since he doesn't want to hand it over voluntarily, she will beat him to hand it over!

Erica thought so in her heart, without saying hello.

She kicked Daredevil with a whip kick directly.

"Hey, hey, hey, I don't want to fight with you! This is too dangerous, you'd better not get involved!"

Daredevil dodged Erica's kick while explaining to Erica

"Come on, I'll make you hand over your stuff!"

Seeing that Daredevil still had time to talk, Erica couldn't help but speed up her kicks a little bit...

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