Under Erica's increasingly fierce attack, Daredevil, who had no intention of fighting back, could only dodge and retreat. He was soon forced into a dead corner by Erica, restricting his movements.

Regardless of Daredevil's obstruction, he snatched the thing in his hand.

"Is this... a business card?"

Looking at the business card in her hand, Erica subconsciously read out the name printed on it.

"Wilson Grant Fisk……"

Hearing the name from Erica's mouth, Daredevil couldn't help but tilt his head, fearing that he would miss any word.

He finally found the real culprit behind the scenes!........

"Oh my God!"

Looking at the name on the business card, Nelson, who was still working overtime at the law firm, couldn't help but hold his forehead...

Just now, with Karen's reminder, he finally cracked the clue that Matt found in the victim's home.

【MOM 6-8]

The correct way to view this line of words is to turn it around and it becomes

【WOW 8-9】

In the case they were involved in, the victim, Lisa, was killed on August 9.

As for WOW, Nelson thought of a business card he had just received.

"Wesley Owen Welch."

Thinking of the person represented by this business card, Nelson couldn't help but feel a headache.

Suddenly, he thought of a person and immediately found a phone number and called him.

The water behind this murder case is getting deeper and deeper, and he needs to get some outside help to participate.……........

While Nelson was busy calling for help,

Daredevil and Erica had already arrived at the bottom of the Fisk Building.

Looking up at the brightly lit building in front of him, Daredevil once again advised Erica.

"It's too dangerous here. You should go back and wait for my news. It's not too late."

Faced with Daredevil's persuasion, Erica did not respond and walked straight to the Fisk Building in front of her.

While walking, she took off her large coat.

How reckless...

Seeing Erica rushing towards the building so blatantly, Daredevil shook his head helplessly.

After confirming that there were no enthusiastic people on the street,

Daredevil immediately quickened his pace and kicked open the door of the building before Erica.

"Who is it?……"

With one punch, he knocked the scum who came to stop him to the ground.

Looking at the increasing number of security guards in front of him, Daredevil silently took a fighting stance

"Rushing directly into the building is too reckless. How would you deal with these people if I wasn't here?"

Erica, who was standing back to back with him and also in a fighting stance

, rolled her eyes after hearing Daredevil's complaints.

"Huh? Who told you I was going to fight all the way up from downstairs? Wouldn’t that be a fool?"

Oh no!

Oh no, I misunderstood!

Daredevil, realizing that he had misunderstood, touched his nose awkwardly.

Looking at the security guards who surrounded them, he asked Erica behind him:"If I say I hit the wrong person, do you think they will believe it?" Erica almost choked when she heard Daredevil's question. She wondered who the idiot was under the mask of this man, and she shouldn't have rushed in with him! She wanted to complain, but she noticed that the security guard in front of her started to move. She had to concentrate and be on guard carefully.

"You should save these jokes for later. For now, knock them down first!"

Erica kicked a security guard who was in the front to the ground.

At the same time, she used her ten hands to block several rubber sticks that were swinging at her.

Daredevil behind her was not idle either, and he knocked down the security guard in front of him with a few sticks.

Then he came to Erica's side and knocked the security guard who was blocked by the rubber stick to the ground

""Mind your own business!

" Erica glared at Daredevil after watching her opponent being snatched away by Daredevil.

Then she went around Daredevil's back and kicked all the people who were about to attack him to the ground.

However, Daredevil didn't see her glance at all.

After dealing with the opponent in front of him, he continued to help Erica.

After Erica's"head" was snatched away, she also started to snatch Daredevil's"head".


the style of the whole first floor gradually became strange...

It was as if two super warriors started mowing the grass in front of a group of minions.

It was not enough to mow their own grass, so they had to go to the grass next to them to have some fun...

They really had a good time.

It was just a pity for these minions, who were beaten up without knowing anything!


The chaos on the first floor soon reached Kingpin's ears on the top floor.

He heard from Wesley that two people rushed into his building without even a gun.

They were able to knock down almost all of the security guards he had arranged on the first floor.

Oh no, now we should remove the word"almost"...

From Wesley's phone call, Kingpin heard that the first floor had been cleared.

He reached out to stop Wesley from sending more people.

"Let the guards let them up."

All the security guards on the first floor were taken down in such a short time.

Sending more people would only slow down their pace to get here.

In this case, he might as well deal with these two rampant people himself. You know, under this suit, he is hiding a lot of fat!

"But... Sir!"

Hearing Jin Bing's arrangement, Wesley's heart suddenly became anxious. Just as he was about to continue to persuade him, he turned around and saw Jin Bing smoking a cigar.

Looking at this figure, Wesley's open mouth slowly closed.

"I understand, sir."

Since Jin Bing has made the decision...

He picked up the phone that had not yet been hung up. He passed on Jin Bing's order, then looked at Jin Bing, turned around and walked out of the room, stopping.……........

In the lobby on the first floor, the second wave of security guards suddenly stopped their attack and made way for them.

Daredevil and Erica looked at each other in confusion.

They didn't understand what they meant.

"No matter what, isn't our ultimate goal to go up? It just saves a lot of effort."

After thinking for a while,

Daredevil gave up thinking and took Erica along the passage they made and went straight upstairs.

Anyway, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, he has to go and try it, right?

As the two figures disappeared on the first floor

, a voice suddenly appeared amid the wailing.

"You didn't sleep late at night and said you wanted to drag us out to watch the fun. Is this what you mean? A group of ordinary people fighting?"

Following the voice, what came into view were the three brothers Wu Yuyu who were hiding.

He had known that Matt would come for revenge, so how could he miss such a good opportunity to watch the fun?

But Casillas didn't seem to be interested in this.

He was just looking at the miserable situation on the first floor with a nonchalant look.

Although the fighting skills of those two were indeed good, they were nothing compared to him!

They were just guys who could be knocked down with a magic.

""Hey, just tell me whether the scene just now was lively or not!"

Unlike Casillas, Mordo was quite happy to watch it.

He put his arm around Casillas' shoulders and stopped him from continuing to complain.

Although he was pushed away by Casillas

, he didn't care.

He asked Wu Yuyu with great interest if there would be any other exciting things to watch next. After a hard day, he would love something to relieve his boredom!

Wu Yuyu, who finally found a fellow traveler, rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Of course! Let's go! Let's go upstairs!"

He came to the elevator and waved to Mordo and the others.

Facing Wu Yuyu's call, Casillas shook his head and said in a very disappointed tone:"You go, I still have to go back to practice!"

After saying that, he wanted to turn around and leave.

At this moment, a hand grabbed his collar from behind and pulled him into the elevator.

"Where are you going? Come here! Wu Yuyu, close the door!"

As the elevator door slowly closed,

Mordo loosened his hand on the collar.

Looking at Casillas who was bending over and coughing, he curled his lips in disdain.

If you want to roll him, let alone the door, there is not even a window!

"Do you want to kill me?"

After Casillas recovered, he grabbed Mordo's collar.

He was ready to have a friendly exchange with him...

Facing the irritable Casillas, Mordo had an indifferent expression.

It's just a fight, it's not like we haven't fought before.

Who's afraid of who?

But now!

Casillas, don't even think about leaving his side!

Looking at the two people quarreling in front of him, Wu Yuyu helplessly supported his forehead.

Fortunately, the people in his hometown can't see here.

If they knew that these two guys have become like this, they can't save their faces~

Seeing that the elevator has reached the top of the building.

Wu Yuyu directly used a �� in one hand to distance the two people who were about to stage a fight, and said helplessly:"Although others can't see it, you two should also be careful, okay!"

"Also, don't forget what we are here for. Put other things aside for now and just watch the fun!"

After being reminded by Wu Yuyu, Mo Du remembered their purpose and hurried out of the elevator.

When he passed by Casillas, he glanced at him with disdain.

It was all his fault. He almost forgot the important thing!


This guy Mordo is disgusted with him!

Casillas chased after him with his fists rubbed, ready to let Mordo see what a dirty hand is!

Looking at the two people in front, Wu Yuyu shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, he had turned off all the surveillance by using Wesley's image.


It's obvious that he is the one who usually makes trouble.~


Compared with the current images of these two people, his image is more normal.……........

Just when Casillas caught up with Mordo,

Mordo grabbed his face, raised a finger with a serious expression, and sighed.

"Stop arguing, it's about to start!"

He pushed Mordo's hand away from his face.

Casillas looked at the two people who walked in front of Kingpin and snorted disdainfully.

But he didn't do anything else and quietly walked aside.

Start watching the show! ×3........

Under the gaze of the three,

Daredevil and Erica walked in front of Kingpin in a very handsome posture.

Kingpin also took off his coat, cuffs and other things while they were going upstairs.

Only a small vest was left on his upper body, which made him look particularly strong!


Without any extra nonsense, Daredevil came up to Kingpin and hit him with a stick.

He was going to knock Kingpin down first and then talk about their affairs.

Erica looked at Daredevil who rushed forward, and there was nothing she could do but to attack him together.

Kingpin grabbed Daredevil's guide stick and then slightly turned sideways to avoid Erica's ten-handed stab.

""Oh, look who is this? Isn't this my good niece, Erica?" With a strong swing, Daredevil hit Erica.

With the sound of ding-dong, the two rolled on the ground, and their weapons fell to the ground.

Kingpin spread his hands and walked towards the two people on the ground.

"Let me guess, you are here for your father. What about you, masked boy? Are you here to vent your anger on your girlfriend? Hahaha……"

Although he was talking, Jin Bing's hands did not slow down at all.

He grabbed the two of them and prepared to give them a love throw.

"Don't mention my dad!"

Kingpin's words made Erica explode like a small universe, kicking Daredevil away from her body.

Then she dodged Kingpin's grabbing hands and threw several heavy punches, all hitting Kingpin's face.

Well... it didn't break the defense at all.~

"Are you giving me a massage, little girl?"

"How about trying this?"

King Bing, who had just started to taunt, suddenly felt his eyes go dark.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side and punched him in the face several times. Looking at Wu Yuyu on the side, his eyes twitched.

Good man, these two are really a pair, they only hit people in the face!

Daredevil's few hits did cause some damage to King Bing. At least in Wu Yuyu's eyes, King Bing's gums had been bleeding...

It was these heavy punches that successfully ignited King Bing's anger.

There was no way, no one could stand being slapped in the face continuously.

Afterwards, King Bing resisted the attacks of the two several times.

Finding the right opportunity, he grabbed both of them in his hands one by one.

Looking at the two people struggling in his hands, King Bing smiled grimly, and then clasped his hands together


Their heads collided heavily, completely losing their ability to move.

He threw Erica aside and reached for Daredevil's mask with one hand.

Let him see what kind of face is hidden under this mask.

"Wow wow, isn't this the blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen? I remember, your father also died in my hands, right?"

He casually threw Daredevil next to Erica.

Knowing his identity, Kingpin couldn't help laughing.

This was really a coincidence. His father died in his hands, and now his child is going to die in his hands. It was so coincidental that he couldn't even control the smile on his face...

Hearing Kingpin's words, Erica, who was lying on the ground and almost unconscious, seemed to be stimulated.���She regained consciousness again.

No wonder Daredevil had dodged her attack but never fought back.

Looking at Matt with his eyes closed in front of her,

Erica showed a miserable smile.

It seems that this couple will inevitably meet death together...

She endured the pain and grabbed Matt's hand.

Then, looking at Kingpin who was slowly walking towards them, Erica slowly closed her eyes.

This is good... At least they can continue to be together after death.

It's just that she feels a little sorry for her father.

Thinking of her father, Erica's whole body tensed up. No, she can't just give up like this! Kingpin noticed Erica's trembling just now and thought she was afraid of death, so he comforted her:"Don't be afraid, it will be soon.


As he spoke, Kingpin swung the stick he had just picked up and hit Matt hard.

He kept his promise and said he would do it quickly. He had no intention of torturing Matt and wanted to kill him with one blow.

As the stick fell, a scream appeared in the room.……


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