The weather outside the window gave Karayumu a flash of inspiration.

He remembered a character he saw when he was watching anime before - Kurama Yakumo...

(Kurama Yakumo: a character in Naruto, ability: controlling the five senses, using illusions to affect reality.)

Since he can't hypnotize people, then he will hypnotize the world directly! If illusions can't have an effect, then he will just turn illusions into reality, true and false, real and fake...

Imagine the scene in future battles, with a Great Flame Ring Entei in his left hand and an EX curry stick in his right hand.

Karayumu looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and the curve of his mouth became bigger and bigger.

He seemed to have suddenly fallen in love with this weather.……

"Thank you!"

As if sensing Wu Yuyu's gratitude, a thunderclap sounded in the sky at the right time, as if responding to him.……........

The next morning, Wu Yuyu walked out of the room with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

"Wow! Let me see who this is, this is called... Panda, right? How come you secretly changed your gender after not seeing you for one night!"

(No typo, there are many genders of Eagles, it seems that there are more than 100 kinds now.)

Hearing Mordo's joke, Wu Yuyu was too lazy to talk back.

He stretched lazily, yawned loudly, and said listlessly:"I forgot the time during practice yesterday, and I used too much mental energy.……"


Good man, it rolled up secretly, didn't it!

Looking at the dark circles on Wu Yuyu's face, Mordo silently made a decision in his heart.

In the future, if Wu Yuyu asked to spar, he would push Casillas out.

Practicing all night?

He could imagine that Wu Yuyu must have made some progress in illusion!

He didn't want to be fooled for no reason, so he decided to let Casillas go first to explore the way.

Anyway, he is more resistant to beatings!

<( ̄︶ ̄)>

After breakfast, Kuroba took a walk to digest his food, and unknowingly walked to the side of the training ground.

Looking at the Pietro siblings who were training as usual, Kuroba nodded with satisfaction.

It seemed that his advice was taken seriously by the siblings.

"Uncle Casillas, what is the crotch kick?"

Wu Yuyu, who turned around to go back to rest, stumbled and almost fell to the ground after hearing this question.

Quickly standing firm, Wu Yuyu half-squinted his eyes and turned back to stare at Pietro who asked this question.

Good, good!

Just after saying that they would listen to advice, he turned around and heard this ghost question...

Looking at Casillas who was demonstrating to Pietro, and Pietro's sparkling eyes.

Wu Yuyu silently made a cross on his chest.

May God bless Tony, I hope Pietro doesn't use this trick on him, otherwise with his fragile physique...

I'm afraid he will never see little Morgan again!

Don't ask why he made a cross, because he knew that God would not pay attention to him. What if he succeeds by asking other gods?

You say, Mephisto~

Finally, after taking a look at Pietro who had already started practicing, Wu Yuyu turned back to the room.

He admitted that this trick was unsolvable for people.

But he would not use it, because... this trick is not cool!........

""Knock, knock, knock."

The knock on the door woke Wu Yuyu from his meditation.

Looking at the setting sun outside the window, Wu Yuyu stood up and stretched vigorously.

‘Recovering, oh no, it feels so good to have more mental power! '

Feeling the mental power that has expanded its coverage.

Wu Yuyu couldn't help but sigh that a whole night of practice really worked!

Not only has the physical illusion begun to show results, but the coverage of the mental power has also increased a lot.

If the previous coverage was 1 New York, then the current coverage is 1.5 New York.

I'm awesome!

Wu Yuyu was so proud that he stood there with his hands on his waist.

It wasn't until the knock on the door sounded again that he came back to his senses and remembered that there was someone waiting outside.

Subconsciously, Wu Yuyu wanted to go forward and open the door.

But a thought came to his mind and stopped him.

Fire and lightning are physical illusions.

Then can he also perform other illusions?

Just do it!

Wu Yuyu's mind moved slightly, and an illusory hand was constructed in his mind.

With the activation of his illusion, this illusory hand gradually became real.

2.5 seconds later, a real hand appeared in front of Wu Yuyu.

Controlling his third hand and grasping it a few times, Wu Yuyu smiled and a bold idea came into his mind.……........

Outside Wu Yuyu's door.

Pietro and his sister knocked on the door twice, and when they were about to knock for the third time.

The door was opened from the inside.

The two looked at the gradually widening gap in the door, and just when they were about to say hello to Wu Yuyu, they found that there was no one behind the door. Pietro scratched his head, looked at Wanda, and then walked straight into the room.

They regarded this strange situation as a kind of magic they had never seen before, so they didn't take it too seriously.

Naturally, they didn't realize that behind the door they just passed.

A hand floating in the air had quietly followed them...

After greeting Wu Yuyu and taking the ice cola from his hand as usual, the brother and sister sat down opposite Wu Yuyu.

Pietro began to talk about their ideas.

"We are going to meet Tony Stark first, and then decide whether to... Wanda, just say whatever you want to say, why do you keep poking me?"

He rubbed his kidney with a grin.

Pietro even suspected that his kidney had turned blue.

He looked at Wanda, who was sitting on his left, with some resentment. I asked you to say something just now, but you didn't, and now you're poking my kidney again.

Don't think I won't beat you up just because you know magic!

Hmm~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)oIt seems like he really can't beat him!

But it's okay, he's the elder brother, the elder brother is like a father, if Wanda dares to hit him, it would be treason!

Looking at Pietro whose eyes were becoming increasingly erratic.

Wanda asked in confusion:"Pietro, what are you talking about? I didn't stab you."

Wanda's question made Pietro's right hand, which was rubbing his kidney, pause.

That's right!

There's no one on his right!

Then who is stabbing his kidney?

His eyes swept from Wu Yudama in front of him and Wanda on the left.

The room is only this big, and he saw it clearly when he came in just now. There are only three of them.

Then... who is the person who has been stabbing his kidney?

Thinking of this, Pietro couldn't help swallowing.

"Wu...Wu Yuyu, is there anyone else in your room? Someone keeps poking me."

Listening to Pietro's trembling voice, Wu Yuyu pointed at Pietro's shoulder with some evil humor.

"Are you talking about it?"


Hearing the word in Wu Yudama's words, Pietro turned his head with a stiff neck...

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