Pietro turned his head stiffly and saw the palm floating above his shoulder...

Looking at this palm, Pietro couldn't help but fall into a long silence.

Palm, a flying palm.


For some reason, he suddenly wanted to shout, I am a Taoist!

As if it noticed Pietro's gaze, the palm shook towards him, as if to greet him.

With the movement of the palm, Pietro's mind was pulled back.

In a flash, Pietro had blocked Wanda and Wu Yuyu. Staring at the palm in front of him with a serious expression...

Seeing Pietro's face as if he was facing a great enemy, Wanda reached out and patted his shoulder.

Let him think about where he is now, there is no need to make himself so nervous.

Wanda's words made Pietro wake up from a dream.

Yes, he is now in Kamar-Taj, the holy land of magic!

After figuring this out, Pietro turned around with some resentment, without saying a word, just staring at Wu Yuyu.

It was as if he was asking a silent question.

Is it fun to mess with him like this?

Wu Yuyu, who couldn't stand being stared at by him, quickly called back his third hand.

He introduced this to the brother and sister as a new method he had developed...

Looking at the brother and sister who were watching their palms with great interest, Wu Yuyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Good guy.

Being stared at with a wronged look by a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

He almost got goose bumps all over the floor!

After the two satisfied their curiosity, the three sat down face to face again and continued to discuss the topic just now.

Wu Yuyu drank a sip of Coke and forced himself to suppress the discomfort in his heart. He asked seriously:"Have you decided?"

He originally thought that the two would be entangled for a while.

Unexpectedly, just one day later, the brother and sister came to the door.

Hearing Wu Yuyu's question, the brother and sister looked at each other and nodded seriously.

Although they had not been in contact for a long time, their trust in Wu Yuyu was almost full.

If Wu Yuyu had a favorability system, he would be surprised to find that the brother and sister's favorability towards him has reached 80 points.

It can be said that as long as Wu Yuyu's suggestions are not too outrageous, they will obey them unconditionally.

This is why they made the decision so quickly.

Of course, the kindness in the brothers and sisters' hearts also played a significant role.

The kindness in their hearts prevents them from killing innocent people.

If Tony Stark really had no idea about this incident, and they still insisted on killing Tony, then what is the difference between them and those terrorists?

Looking at the determined eyes of the two, Wu Yuyu finished the Coke in his hand in one gulp.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

As soon as he said it, Wu Yuyu threw the empty Coke bottle in his hand into the portal. With a wave of his hand, he brought the brother and sister directly to the outside of Tony's villa.

At the same time, in order to prevent being discovered by Jarvis, Wu Yuyu specially opened a mirror space.

His decisive move obviously made the brother and sister feel a little at a loss. They followed him dazedly and walked to the door of the villa.

Looking at the door that was so close, the two people's firm attitude suddenly became hesitant.

As long as they step through this door, they can see the person they have hated for a long time.

But how can they judge what kind of person Tony Stark is?

Seeing their hesitation, Wu Yuyu suddenly laughed out loud.

He said jokingly,"Why, are you starting to back down now?"

"No! We just... just…"

"We just don't know how to make Tony Stark speak his true thoughts."

Hearing Wanda's concerns, Wu Yuyu patted his forehead in sudden realization.

He had forgotten that these two people are not Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch many years later.

Now, one of them is a magic apprentice who has just started, and the other is a completely ordinary person.

No wonder they have such concerns.

But it's not a big problem. Although Wanda can't affect the mind now, don't forget that he is here too.

Tony is just a little Karami who can be solved with a snap of his fingers.

"Leave everything to me, just wait and see!"

Patting his chest confidently, Wu Yuyu led the brother and sister into Tony's home with great confidence, as if he was returning home.

Wu Yuyu lay down comfortably on the sofa, took out two bottles of Coke and threw them to the brother and sister.

"You're welcome, sit anywhere. The playboy is busy flirting with cover models right now, and he won't be back for a while."

Seeing Wu Yuyu as comfortable as if he were at home, the brother and sister had to follow his arrangement and sat on the sofa a little stiffly. After hesitating for a long time,

Wanda asked tentatively:"Do you know Tony Stark?"

Wu Yuyu paused while drinking Coke, and looked at the brother and sister beside him with some confusion.

Noticing the uneasiness in their eyes, Wu Yuyu thought for a while, and immediately understood their thoughts.

He said with some amusement:"Why, are you afraid that I will protect him?"

The brother and sister hurriedly shook their heads, indicating that they didn't think so, they just felt that Wu Yuyu was very familiar with Tony Stark.

Seeing the nervous look of the brother and sister, Wu Yuyu waved his hand, his tone was very relaxed

"Don't be so nervous, you are right, I am indeed very familiar with Tony, but... not the current Tony."

Not the current Tony?

The brother and sister did not quite understand the meaning of Wu Yuyu's words. Could there be a future Tony?

Thinking so in their hearts, they also asked so.

In response to the two people's questions, Wu Yuyu snapped his fingers and confirmed their guess.

"It's Tony in the future. We in Kamar-Taj have a kind of time magic that can see the future."

At this point, Wanda already understood what he meant.

"So, you saw Tony's existence in the future, which means we finally let him go, right?"

Hearing Wanda's question, Wu Yuyu nodded approvingly.

As expected of a magician, his mind works quickly. The speedster who was shot to death next to him doesn't quite understand what's going on.

After receiving a positive answer, Wanda fell into silence.

The future is already known, so what's the point of them coming here?

Facing Wanda who was lost in thought, Wu Yuyu calmly drank a sip of Coke, without any intention of persuading her.

When the playboy comes back, Wanda's thoughts will naturally have the answer.……........

On the other side, Tony, who had successfully made an appointment with today's cover girl, was rushing home with a happy face.

He had no idea what would happen after returning...

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