"Sir, no sales records of this batch of arms were found."

In the dead silent underground laboratory, an electronic voice sounded, announcing the results of the investigation.


Tony slammed his fist on the table, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him.

Apparently, his investigation had not found any clues.

"How is it possible?!"

Tony couldn't accept such a result at all.

He began to repeat the previous operation, looking through the arms sales records over and over again, trying to find the omission just now.

However, he forgot one thing.

People may make mistakes, but machines almost never make mistakes.

In other words, the result of Jarvis's investigation just now is basically the final conclusion.

Potts, who was standing aside, looked at Tony, who seemed a little impatient at the moment, and stretched out her hand, trying to help Tony do something.

But after looking around, she found that there was nothing she could do to help, so she had to turn around and make a cup of coffee.

"Tony, could it be that they stole the weapons from somewhere, or that someone else pirated our weapons?"

Handing the coffee to Tony, Potts tentatively expressed her opinion.


Tony took the coffee from Potts and rejected the speculation without even taking his eyes off the screen.

He had just confirmed that those weapons had logos specially made by him, and no one else could copy them. He was very confident about this.

In addition, those logos contained the serial number of each weapon, and according to the serial number, the purchaser and purchase time of these weapons could be found.

However, he did not find any of this information.

After explaining to Potts, Tony remembered the coffee in his hand, and without even looking at it, he put it to his mouth and took a gulp.

Potts was too late to stop him.

"Poof! Hiss!~!"

You can imagine the temperature of freshly brewed coffee.

The huge pain pulled Tony out of his dilemma.

He took the ice cubes handed to him by Potts and threw two into his mouth.

The cold temperature made his frozen brain start working again.

Since Stark Industries couldn't find anything, he would go directly to the terrorists to check.

He patted his forehead in annoyance. Why didn't he think of this just now?

Looking at Potts, whose eyes were full of worry, Tony stood up excitedly and hugged her in his arms.

"You really helped a lot! Mua!"

He kissed Potts' forehead vigorously, then let go of her hand and walked quickly out of the villa while calling a friend of his.

"Rod, I need your help.……"

Potts, who was behind him, reached out and touched the forehead that Tony had kissed.

She began to think about whether she should find a lawyer. Was she harassed in the workplace just now...?

Looking at the empty underground laboratory around her and the various folders that were still open behind her,

Potts shook his head helplessly and began to clean up the"mess" left by Tony.

Let it go this time, if there is a next time...……........

Wu Yuyu looked at the brother and sister who had fallen into silence beside him, and patted their shoulders.

"What's wrong? Tell me what you think."

The brother and sister looked at each other. From Tony's actions, they were sure that Tony really didn't know that his weapons were sold to terrorists.

After all, the"information" Tony saw just now was completely true.

The photo above was taken secretly by Wanda the night before when the terrorists were not paying attention.


Wanda exhaled heavily and looked at Wu Yuyu seriously.

"I want to see what Tony Stark does next."

"No problem."

Wu Yuyu snapped his fingers casually.

As he snapped his fingers, the scenery around them suddenly changed.

In the blink of an eye, they had arrived at the terrorists' lair near Sokovia.

Beside them were Tony and several soldiers led by his good friend Colonel Rhodes.

"I repeat, I am here to investigate with you in violation of the rules this time. Don't get carried away and engage in direct firefights with the terrorists!"

Rhodes lowered his voice and repeatedly warned Tony in his ear.

This time he violated the rules and led his troops to Sokovia. If he was not discovered, it would be fine. If he engaged in a firefight with the terrorists and was discovered by Sokovia, he would be in trouble.

Moreover, in order not to attract attention, he only brought a few men with him. If a fight really broke out, I'm afraid none of them would be able to escape.

"Got it, got it."

Tony, whose attention was completely attracted by the weapons of the terrorists, frowned and waved his hand impatiently in response to Rhode's instructions.

Of course he knew all this, he was not a reckless man.

Rhode, who knew Tony's temper very well, sighed helplessly. Now he could only pray that Tony would not have a seizure.

Adjusting his mentality, Rhode pointed at Tony.

"Leave two people to watch him, and the others follow me."

Okay, he still didn't trust Tony to carry out the mission with him.

Looking at Tony being held up by two people, Rhodes was satisfied and led the team to lurk in the terrorist base camp.

""Hey! Rod, stop right there!"

Tony gritted his teeth and stared at Rod's back, but he didn't dare to make too much noise and could only whisper his name.

Rod turned a deaf ear to Tony's shouts and didn't care about Tony at all.

Are you kidding!

This might be a life-threatening mission, how could he listen to Tony.

Two hours later.

Rod returned to Tony with a terrorist who was tied up.

He waved his hand and let the two soldiers who were holding him let go.

Tony looked at the two soldiers who had held him before and gave up the idea of embarrassing them.

He turned his head and glared at Rod unhappily, rubbed his sore shoulders, and walked a few steps to the tied terrorist.

"Is this the terrorist leader?"

"Yes, we were lucky. We happened to meet him wandering around in the middle of the night. Otherwise, it would have been difficult to deal with him.

After listening to Rhode's description, Tony nodded and squatted in front of the terrorist.

At Tony's signal, the soldier who controlled the boss pulled his hair and forced him to look at Tony.

"You know who I am, tell me where you bought the Stark Industries weapons from!"

Faced with Tony's questioning, the boss curled his lips in disdain and ignored Tony's thoughts at all.


After some torture... Tony looked at the terrorist who was willing to talk and shook his head helplessly.


Hearing this name, Tony's eyes widened in shock...

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