I didn't expect the name Obadiah to appear in the mouth of the man in front of him.

Tony was stunned for a moment.

Then he grabbed the collar of the man in front of him, lifted him up, and questioned him angrily.

Does he know who this name represents, or is someone instructing him to say so!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Tony's speculation.

Even the man in front of him was created by Wu Yudama, and what he said was of course under his control.

But Tony is destined not to get the answer he wants now...

Facing Tony's questioning, the terrorist pulled the corner of his mouth weakly and gestured to him the scars all over his body.

"Do you think I need to lie to you when I am in this state? I don't want to be beaten again."

After saying that, the terrorist sneered at Tony and said,"It seems that even the famous Tony Stark doesn't know something. I am a little curious, is Stark Industries yours or your good uncle's?"


Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, the terrorist's mocking expression suddenly stopped, and with a smile of success on his face, he fell straight to the ground.

"**You got it for free!"

Rhode kicked the corpse away, looked at the corpse's eyes that had not yet closed, and kicked it again with some dissatisfaction.

"Tony, don't fall for his trick. He might have said that on purpose to alienate you and your uncle."

Staring at Rhodes deeply, Tony forced a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course I know this, but before I could ask further questions, you shot him dead.……"

It was so close to him, and splashed his face with red and white unknown liquid.

But Tony didn't say this.

The calm eyes, the slightly raised corners of the mouth, and the unknown liquid slowly dripping from the jaw together formed a weird face.

Looking at the weird Tony in front of him, Rhode couldn't help but shudder.

"Hey, be normal. You are not doubting that I told him to say that, are you?"

Tony shook his head without saying a word in response to Rhode's question.

"Ha...ha, that's good, that's good……"

Feeling the increasingly tense atmosphere, Rhode laughed awkwardly twice, and then, as if he had discovered something, he pointed at the terrorist camp that had begun to stir.

"They seem to have discovered it, we should leave."

Rhode pulled Tony's arm and prepared to take him away.


Feeling the force coming from his hand, Rhodes looked back anxiously at Tony who was standing there motionless.

""Let's go! It will be too late if we don't leave now!"

As if to cater to Rhode's words, several transport trucks full of terrorists drove out of the camp in the distance. If they didn't leave, they would soon appear in the sight of the transport trucks.

Facing Rhode's repeated urging, Tony's eyes were still very calm. He pulled his arm back from Rhode's hand, raised his head quietly, and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

"Let's talk. I think what I saw is what you want me to know."

Although it was a question, Tony's tone was very sure.

Looking at Tony in front of him, Wu Yuyu was in a trance, as if he saw the figure who was about to snap his fingers in the future.

After a moment of silence, Wu Yuyu smiled with some relief. He was indeed a man who was comparable to gods in his mortal body.

‘This is a good lesson, Mr. Stark.

Although he always reminds himself not to underestimate the characters in the play, he still relaxes a little due to the smooth sailing of the actions during this period.……


The sound of cars, birds, and wind blowing through leaves all disappeared under the sound of the sword being sheathed.

""Crack, crack."

In Tony's eyes, many cracks suddenly appeared in the sky.

As the cracks gradually expanded, the world in Tony's eyes shattered in an instant, and the whole person fell into a dead silence and darkness.

There was no color, no sound, and everything seemed to no longer exist, including time.

After an unknown amount of time, Tony finally couldn't hold on any longer, scratched his hair, and raised his hands high.

""Okay, okay, I surrender! I don't think you just want to lock me up in the dark room, come out and talk, I don't want to stay in this damn place any longer!"

As Tony finished speaking, a beam of light was cast in front of him.

The figure of Wu Yuyu sitting on the sofa appeared in front of him.

"Wowwow, thank God, you are finally willing to come out."

Looking at Wu Yuyu's figure, Tony instantly breathed a sigh of relief, groped his way to Wu Yuyu's side, felt the touch of the sofa in his hand, sat down directly, and groaned with satisfaction.

The environment just now made him uncomfortable.

He finally knew what it felt like to be locked in a small dark room.

Looking at Tony's lazy appearance, Pietro came to the other side with some disgust.

Just now, Tony almost touched his indescribable thing, fortunately he dodged quickly!

Freed from the state of mind of being locked in a small dark room, Tony returned to his unreliable appearance.

"I say, bro, uh, little brother? I'm already here, there's no need to make it so dark."

Hearing the strange name coming out of Tony's mouth, Wu Yuyu couldn't help but have a few black lines on his head.

Little brother?

Fortunately, he is a man, otherwise he would have to beat Tony up.

Glancing at Tony unhappily, Wu Yuyu put the Mirror Flower and Water Moon on the ground in his hand aside, and the surrounding environment instantly changed back to the appearance of Tony's villa.

Noticing Wu Yuyu's actions, Tony quickly glanced at the put-down Mirror Flower and Water Moon, and by the way saw the Pietro brothers and sisters and the still sleeping model lady.


Miss Model?!

Tony recalled the unspeakable things that happened that night... He swallowed quietly and asked carefully:"Well, you shouldn't have seen everything that happened before, right?"

Following Tony's gaze, Wu Yuyu immediately understood what Tony was referring to.

He winked at him with a teasing look.

"Of course, as a world-famous playboy, he can definitely make some action movies. I think they will be very popular."

Tony was embarrassed by Wu Yuyu's teasing, but he soon noticed the confused brother and sister.

Looking at their faces that were obviously not yet adults, Tony felt relieved.

Although he had no reputation, he didn't want to perform such a big show in front of others.

Just when he was about to fight back, Tony recalled the scenes he had experienced before and immediately changed his words.

"You... forget it, let's talk business, I want to know what's going on."

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