Hearing this familiar voice, Tony's eyes froze for a moment.

‘How many layers of illusion did that guy just do? Could his gender be an onion? '

It means that Wu Yuyu can't hear his inner voice, otherwise Tony will be ready to live in the small dark room permanently~

He shook his head and threw away the thoughts in his head

"Jarvis, how much time has passed since I last left the villa?"

"Sir, it has been 3 hours and 30 minutes since you last left the villa."

Hearing this time, Tony estimated that he had just returned to the villa not long ago.

Recalling the scenes in the illusion, Tony was in a trance and could not tell whether it was an illusion or a dream he had when he was drunk.……

"Why did you push me just now? I won't play those weird things with you!"

The model lady who was pushed away by Tony rubbed her sore buttocks and complained about what Tony had just done...

It was her complaint that reminded Tony that there was such a person in the hall.

He took off his watch, patted the model lady's arms, and raised his hand to point to the door.

"This is for you, you can go now."

Tony's cold attitude made the model feel a little overwhelmed. She subconsciously took the watch in her arms and looked at it. The corresponding price automatically appeared in her mind.

"What do you think you are? Who do you think I am? Is this a job for you?"

Tony was too lazy to explain to the model.

He raised his hand to loosen his tie, then turned and walked towards the basement.

"Jarvis, contact Potts and ask her to come over. If she doesn't leave within three minutes, help me contact the police."

Listening to Tony's somewhat indifferent words, the model lady widened her eyes in disbelief.

""What! You better give me an explanation!"

Unfortunately, Tony didn't even pause.

At this moment, Miss Model's anger reached its peak.

She subconsciously wanted to chase after Tony.

"Madam, you'd better calm down if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in jail."

Jarvis's mechanical voice was like a bucket of cold water, pouring directly on her head.

Looking at the empty living room, the model stamped her feet, carefully put away her watch, and then left Tony's villa angrily.........

In the basement

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's not gentlemanly to treat a beautiful lady so rudely."

Tony stopped searching for information and turned to look at Wu Yuyu who appeared beside him at some point.

Yes, it was Wu Yuyu who had just left the villa.

After sending the brother and sister back to Kamar-Taj, he returned to Tony's villa without stopping, just in time to see Jarvis chasing people away.

"Jarvis, cancel the alarm."

"Yes, sir."

Hearing the conversation between Tony and Jarvis, Wu Yuyu was quite surprised and asked with interest:"What? You are not going to call the police to arrest me?"

"Arrest you? I'm not sure if I will be the one taken away by the police."

Wu Yuyu's illusion left a deep impression on him. Coupled with his elusive skills, Tony was sure that with the ability of the police, all of them together would not be enough for him.

Facing Tony's guess, Wu Yuyu hummed, which was considered as his confirmation.

He turned around and began to wander around Tony's basement.

Although it was called a basement, the space was not small at all. There were many luxury cars parked there.

"Your collection is quite good."

Walking around Tony's luxury car for a few times, Wu Yuyu was very envious. These were things he had never dared to think about before he crossed over.

Tony stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Wu Yuyu. Only then did he know what Wu Yuyu was talking about.

"That's right, I spent a lot of effort to collect these."

Listening to Tony's boastful tone, Wu Yuyu curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

It's just a car, isn't it?

He has a portal! He can go wherever he wants!

He's not envious...

Forcefully holding back the tears of envy in his heart, Wu Yuyu turned his head and stopped looking at Tony's collection of luxury cars.

He was afraid that if he continued to look at it, he would find time to come and empty this basement.……

"How is the search going? The head of Stark Industries~?"

Tony clenched his fists instantly.

Although there was nothing wrong with what he said, why did it feel so strange when it came out of Wu Yudama's mouth?

‘Don't do it, don't do it, I can't beat him.'

Tony comforted himself in his heart and finally calmed down.

"I can't find any useful information here, so I have to go to Stark Tower to check it out."

Some important information is all stored in the server of Stark Tower, and it cannot be queried from the outside.

Only the computer inside Stark Tower can be queried.

Tony closed the screen in front of him, turned around and walked upstairs. He happened to meet Potts who came in the living room after receiving the notification from Jarvis.

"Tony, you better call me here for a good cause, not to clean up your battlefield.’!"

Seeing Tony coming towards her, Potts couldn't help but tell a cold joke.

There was no other way. As soon as she lay down on the bed at night, she received an overtime notice from her boss. Anyone would feel resentful about this.

Of course, some high-rollers are an exception.

Before Potts could complain, she saw Wu Yudama following behind Tony, and her thoughts were tangled for a moment.


Potts came back to his senses and looked at Tony with a look of disdain that gradually changed from resentment to disgust.

"I didn't expect our playboy's hobby is so unique now. No wonder he called me over in the middle of the night. Tell me, what should I do?"

"Hey, hey, hey, did you misunderstand something? I have nothing to do with this Old Deng!"

Wu Yuyu's brain circuit turned so quickly that she guessed what Potts was thinking about as soon as she saw her eyes. She waved her hand quickly to distance herself from Tony.

As she said that, she distanced herself from Tony with disdain.

Although Tony didn't know what the word Old Deng was, he thought it was not a good word. He silently added a note to Wu Yuyu in his heart.

Then he looked at Potts seriously.

"You said it as if no one wants to have anything to do with you! And, Potts, do you miss your boss so much? It seems that I have to consider reducing your salary."

Knowing that he had misunderstood, Potts apologized and bowed quickly. He smiled at Wu Yuyu a little embarrassedly.

There was no way, usually she came here to chase people away, and today when she came here, she saw Wu Yuyu, it would be strange if she didn't think of something wrong!

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