On the way to Stark Tower, Tony looked at the Mirror Flower and Water Moon in Wu Yuyu's hand through the rearview mirror.

He wondered which company produced this knife and how it hypnotized people.

Could it be that some new material was used to disguise the signal transmitter as a blade, so Wu Yuyu needed to pull out the knife before using it?

Until now.

Tony still firmly believed that this knife was a product of technology, but it used technology he didn't understand.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with Tony's guess. The Mirror Flower and Water Moon was indeed a product of technology, but it was slightly different from what Tony thought.

The greater significance of the Mirror Flower and Water Moon in Wu Yuyu's hand was to confuse the opponent.

The one who actually used the illusion was Wu Yuyu himself.

If some unlucky guy really believed in the trap set by Wu Yuyu, he would be in trouble.~

"Ms. Potts, it seems you need to find your boss a better therapist, or even a same-sex partner."

"Since getting in the car, he has been looking at me as often as he has been looking at the road."Although Wu Yuyu's eyes were always out the window, how could he not notice Tony's occasional glances at him? He directly put the blame on Tony.

So, the vehicles behind them saw this scene.

A luxury car that was driving normally suddenly began to sway left and right, as if it was drunk.

Fortunately, there were not many cars on the road, otherwise they would definitely have an accident.

In order not to perish with Wu Yuyu, Tony spent a lot of effort to stabilize the steering wheel.

He glared at Wu Yuyu, who was sitting in the back seat with a calm face, in exasperation.

"The world's richest man is your driver, and you are not grateful enough, but you actually ruin my reputation? I repeat, I don't like men!"

""Okay, okay, even if you don't like men~"

Faced with Wu Yuyu's perfunctory answer.

Tony held the steering wheel tightly, and suddenly there came into his mind the idea of dying together with Wu Yuyu!

Fortunately, Tony finally endured it and let the car arrive safely at the downstairs of Stark Building.

Looking at the nearby Stark Building, Potts exhaled a long breath. She had never felt that this road was so long. She secretly decided in her heart that she would never sit in the same car with these two people in the future, especially when Tony was driving!

Otherwise, she might not live to get out of the car, and die with them...

And Wu Yuyu, looking at Tony who had been walking in front of her angrily without saying a word since getting out of the car, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise up.

I like to see this kind of angry but dare not take action reaction........

Under Tony's leadership, the three of them came to Obadiah's office without any obstacles.

Didn't Wu Yuyu say that those arms were sold by Obadiah?

Tony wanted to see what Wu Yuyu would do if he couldn't find evidence on Obadiah's computer.

Unfortunately, his idea was doomed to fail.

Under the watchful eyes of Wu Yuyu and Potts, Tony found many sales records in Obadiah's computer.

A large part of them were unknown to him.

The more he flipped down, the heavier Tony's face became.

Until the end, Tony's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He had never thought that the arms he developed would be sold to so many terrorists by his good uncle.

Obviously, these arms should be used to deal with terrorists...

Looking at Tony's heavy face, Potts opened her mouth, but finally gave up the idea of comforting Tony. After all, her current identity is just a secretary.

Wu Yuyu didn't have so many concerns.

Ignoring Tony's face, she went straight forward and flipped through the arms sales records.

He looked at it and shook his head and smacked his lips,"Oh my, a lot of things have been sold~ Our playboy, the richest man in the world, what do you want to do with your good uncle? And these arms...what do you want to do with them?"

Facing Wu Yuyu's question, Tony's angry expression suddenly froze.

He was so angry that he really hadn't thought of a specific way to deal with it. After all, there were too many arms sold.

Looking at Tony who couldn't utter a word for a long time, Wu Yuyu shook his head.

Tony, who had not experienced the hardships in the future and whose soul had not been baptized, was indeed not decisive enough.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu couldn't help scratching his head. Wouldn't the future Iron Man disappear directly after being messed up by him?

After thinking for a long time, Wu Yuyu decisively gave up thinking without coming to a conclusion.

At worst, he would use illusion to let Tony experience those hardships again. If one time doesn't work, then two times, and if two times don't work, then four times...

He didn't believe that this wouldn't change Tony!

Looking at Tony with a frown on his face, Wu Yuyu stretched his waist and said boredly

"What are you struggling with? Whoever bought it should spit it out, and whoever sold it should never be able to sell it again."

"If it doesn't work, just shut down the weapons department. With your brain, can't you come up with other profitable products?"

Tony's eyes lit up when he heard Wu Yuyu's words, and he looked at Wu Yuyu with appreciation.

He raised his head and said proudly:"So you black households have also heard of my brain. Yes, developing new products is just a piece of cake for me. It can be done in minutes!"

Facing Tony's self-boasting, Wu Yuyu nodded perfunctorily.

"Yes, yes, now that you have an idea, implement it as soon as possible. In addition, leave the terrorists who attacked Sokovia at that time, we will deal with them ourselves."

As he said this, Wu Yuyu stretched out his hand and opened a portal in the shocked eyes of Tony and Potts.

""Wait a minute!"

Wu Yuyu took back the foot that had just stepped into the portal, and turned to look at Tony with some doubts.

Under Wu Yuyu's questioning eyes,

Tony's eyes moved back and forth between Wu Yuyu and the portal.

He asked the question he had been curious about for a long time.

"What are your identities? And how did you open this space door?"

At this moment, Tony's eyes were only focused on the portal in front of Wu Yuyu, and the spirit of inquiry had taken the upper hand in his mind.

Seeing the curiosity in Tony's eyes, Wu Yuyu smiled mysteriously.

"We? We are the guardians of the other side of this planet. In order to prevent this planet from being invaded by some outsiders, we have been fighting against them all our lives.……"

After saying that, Wu Yuyu did not give Tony a chance to ask again.

He stepped directly into the portal and disappeared in a burst of sparks.

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