Wu Yuyu, who returned to Kamar-Taj, had no idea how much impact his words had on Tony's worldview.

Considering that it was already late, Wu Yuyu did not immediately go to look for the Ancient One.

Instead, he returned to his room and watched until the sun rose.........

In the training ground, Wu Yuyu looked at the many apprentices who were practicing magic, moved his feet, and approached Ancient One.

He smiled and tentatively asked Ancient One if he could borrow the Eye of Agamotto again.

Ancient One put his hands behind his back, and his eyes kept moving among the many apprentices.

"You want to stimulate the hidden power in the brother and sister's body."

Wu Yuyu was not surprised that Gu Yi could guess what he wanted to do.

He nodded directly, indicating to Gu Yi that he did think so.

"Call them and follow me."

Looking at Ancient One who left straight away after speaking, Wu Yuyu didn't bother to talk nonsense. He directly opened two portals and pulled Pietro and Wanda out of the door under Mordo's puzzled gaze.

"It's time to stimulate your talents."

After hearing Wu Yuyu's words, the puzzled expressions on the faces of the brother and sister froze.

Some suspected that they had heard it wrong.

But after seeing Wu Yuyu's affirmative eyes, their dull expressions instantly turned into ecstasy.

"Let's go, don't keep the Venerable waiting too long, it's not too late to be happy after everything is over."

Wu Yuyu patted the brother and sister on the shoulders and led them to the direction where Gu Yi left...

Behind them, Mordo shook his head helplessly.

Still so lazy, he has to open a portal for just a dozen steps...

After secretly complaining about Wu Yuyu, Mordo turned his head to look at the apprentices whose attention was attracted by Wu Yuyu and the other two, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Slowing down his pace, he quietly walked to their side.

"Pay attention! If you lose your focus during the battle, you will not be able to perform magic and you will die!"

Several apprentices who were distracted did not notice Mordo's actions at all.

Therefore, Mordo's loud voice frightened them and made them shiver.

The sparks that were still flickering in their hands also disappeared.

When they came to their senses, they looked at Mordo's gloomy face, stood up straight, and began to draw circles in front of them.

Mordo folded his arms and looked at them for a while.

Until they calmed down, they nodded, turned around and began to instruct other apprentices.……........

On the other hand, when Wu Yuyu brought the brother and sister to find the Ancient One, the Ancient One had already worn the Eye of Agamotto on her chest.

Under the guidance of the Ancient One, the brother and sister stood in front of her with trepidation.

After all, Wanda had studied magic for a while, and she quickly calmed down.

But Pietro was different.

The power of his heart was so close that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Calm down, focus on feeling the power inside your body, and try to channel it out.……"

Listening to Ancient One's instructions, Pietro looked at Wanda beside him, and then at Uroyuki standing behind them.

He slowly closed his eyes and took several deep breaths.

Finally, he calmed down.

At this moment, Ancient One waved his right hand forward, and then his hands turned slightly.

With her movements, cracks began to appear in the space around the four people.

This also means that they have come to the mirror space.

At this point, Ancient One's movements have not stopped.

Under Uroyuki's gaze, Ancient One's hands slightly closed in front of the Eye of Agamotto, and made several gestures in succession.

With her movements, the Eye of Agamotto began to emit green light, covering the brother and sister.

Looking at the brother and sister slowly floating in the air under the green light, Uroyuki came to Ancient One and curiously asked them how long this state would last.

After performing magic, Ancient One played with the fan that had accompanied her for a long time.

Hearing Uroyuki's question, the corners of Ancient One's mouth raised again, as if seeing through everything.

"The power of the gem is just a trigger, they will wake up when they are supposed to."

Wu Yuyu glanced at the answer given by Gu Yi.

It was really just nonsense literature.

It was really like listening to a man's words, as if listening to a man's words~

That's why he couldn't beat Gu Yi, otherwise he would have to... worship him well.

Wu Yuyu, who was boasting in his heart, suddenly felt Gu Yi's gaze.

The thoughts in his heart changed instantly.

After all, Gu Yi could be regarded as his teacher, and he was a good student who respected his teacher, and he didn't change his words just because it was in his heart!....

(At that moment, those who don’t know me read with me——shí)....

Without letting Wu Yuyu and the others wait too long, the brother and sister soon found the power hidden in their bodies and channeled it out.

As the green light around them slowly dissipated, the brother and sister slowly opened their eyes.

Feeling the power radiating from inside his body, Pietro's eyes revealed a hint of excitement.

With a thought, Pietro disappeared instantly.

Wu Yuyu only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Subconsciously, he wanted to give this figure a dam water repair.

"Wrong, wrong, just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

Noticing the flashing light in Wu Yuyu's hand, Pietro instantly disappeared in front of Wu Yuyu and ran very decisively.

He just ran a little faster, but he couldn't withstand Wu Yuyu's magic!

Wu Yuyu dispersed his mental power, feeling Pietro running around, and shook his head helplessly.

This Pietro was much more excited than when he first gained his ability, just like a happy Husky, who couldn't be stopped... No longer caring about Pietro who was venting his energy, Wu Yuyu cast his eyes on Wanda who was mobilizing new power.

As if feeling his gaze.

Wanda's eyes and hands lit up red at the same time.

Wu Yuyu's thought moved, and a target instantly appeared in front of Wanda.

Feeling Wanda's gaze, Wu Yuyu smiled slightly and raised his chin towards the target.

"Are you not going to give it a try?"

After hearing Wu Yuyu's question, Wanda looked at his hands and subconsciously waved at the target.

With a bang, the entire target was instantly shattered.

Pietro, who had just run back, was frightened and ran eight kilometers away in an instant...

Wu Yuyu picked up a piece of the target's body and smacked his lips.

This power...

Wu Yuyu felt a little envious.

When he just got the ability, he couldn't even affect reality.

But now~

Thinking of the various abilities he developed, the envy in Wu Yuyu's heart disappeared instantly.

His abilities are much more comprehensive than Wanda's!

Gu Yi, who was standing aside, looked at the brother and sister who were using their abilities, with a very calm expression.

He dispersed the mirror space casually and turned to go to other rooms...

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