Under the cleansing of the Pietro brothers and sisters, the terrorists holding guns seemed so vulnerable.

Freeman, the leader of the terrorists, watched the Pietro brothers and sisters killing people in the crowd through the surveillance camera, and scratched his hair frantically. He grabbed the adjutant beside him. He pointed the gun at the surveillance screen and roared:"Damn it! Why are these two devils here? Do you know them?"

The adjutant, who was spit on, let Freeman grab his collar and carefully calm him down.

He was afraid that he would be shot by Freeman.

""Hey, we don't know them either. They just showed up here out of nowhere. How about we ask them if there's any misunderstanding?"

After venting his anger, Freeman regained some sense.

He looked at his cautious subordinates and loosened his grip on the adjutant's collar.


"I fuck him**^*&"They have killed so many of us, I will make them pay the price! Go, take out those big guys, let's see if they are **immortal!"

The adjutant regained his footing, looked at Freeman with a ferocious expression, and then looked at the Pietro brothers and sisters who were flying in the surveillance.

He felt a little sad in his heart.

Facing such a terrifying enemy, can their so-called big guys really work?

In addition, who would risk being killed and go to the other side to get those big guys?

The facts are just as the adjutant guessed.

Facing Freeman's order, the people around stood still.

It seemed that there was a problem with the ears at the same time

"Bang! Bang!"

"Hurry up! Are you going to rebel?!"

Freeman was still filled with hatred towards the siblings, and he didn't notice the changes in the eyes of the people around him.

He tried to maintain his dignity with the gun in his hand.

Adjutant, oh no, Padilla sighed and waved his hand.

The two soldiers standing behind Freeman changed their eyes, grabbed Freeman's arms on the left and right, and kicked him on the knee at the same time, pressing him to the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing? I'm your boss!"

However, no matter how Freeman struggled, the people in the monitoring room ignored his thoughts.

One of them walked to Padilla's side and looked at Freeman on the ground as if he was looking at garbage.

"Boss, what should we do with this guy? Should we just kill him?"

He said, and pointed his hand at his throat, which made Freeman's eyes widen.

"Boss!? You**……"Hmm! Hmm!"

One of them took off his unwashed socks and interrupted Freeman's next words. Ignoring

Freeman who rolled his eyes due to the smoke, Padilla took off his glasses with one hand and pushed his bangs back with the other hand.

As if a living person had been transformed, a brand new Padilla appeared in the monitoring room.

Now he is the real boss of the terrorists!

As for Freeman, he was just a fool who was pushed out by him to attract attention.

Padilla put his glasses aside and waved his hand.

The two people who held Freeman down dragged him to another room in his eyes that contained shock, fear, anger, confusion and other emotions.


Freeman's humming sound suddenly disappeared...

After the two men of the"boss" came back before the execution, Padilla withdrew his gaze from the surveillance.

He led his core subordinates and turned to a corner.

After fiddling with something, a secret passage slowly appeared in front of them.

He actually destroyed his hard work for so many years. Wait, he will definitely come back for revenge!

When the figures of Padilla and others completely disappeared, a figure suddenly appeared in the monitoring room

"Oh my, this is so scary~ I thought that Hairspray Hand was here too, but he turned out to be a little jerk~"

(Hairspray Hand: here refers to Sosuke Aizen in Bleach)

He threw Freeman, who was sleeping like a baby, to the ground.

Karayumu wiped his hands with some disgust.

He had already come to this room when Padilla"transformed". He watched the whole process of the super evolution of the pirated Hairspray Hand.

It must be said that this pirated Hairspray Hand was quite thoughtful, knowing to create a substitute with a not-so-good brain to help him attract hatred.

Although it didn't work.

Karayumu snapped his fingers.

The secret passage on the side opened again.

Several terrorists who had just walked in came out from inside.……........

After a while, the Pietro brothers and sisters finished dealing with the enemies outside and opened the door of the monitoring room.

"This is... this is……"

The scene in front of them made them open their eyes wide.

In their eyes, the room was divided into two parts.

On one side was Wu Yudama sitting comfortably on the chair, and on the other side were several terrorists lying on the ground... just now.

Feeling a little bored, Wu Yudama suddenly recalled the military training he had participated in.

Looking at the terrorists in front of him, Wu Yudama suddenly became interested.

After using the small dark room to break their mentality, he commanded them to do push-ups (one command and one action version) in the eyes that they looked at the devil.

Well... not everyone regards him as a devil.

At least Freeman looked at him as if he was looking at God.

Wu Yudama, who was uncomfortable being stared at by Freeman, quickly gave the order

"Listen to my command, push-ups ready! 1 is down, 2 is up!"


Everyone lowered their bodies at the same time.

Feeling Freeman's eyes leaving him, Wu Yuyu breathed a sigh of relief.

2 didn't shout anymore, just let them hold on like this.

Freeman wouldn't look at him disgustingly again.

I don't know if Wu Yuyu did it on purpose, but Freeman and Padilla were arranged together by him.

Freeman tried to hold on while spitting at Padilla.

"Traitor! Still want to kill me? Prepare to die with me!"

Freeman no longer considered revenge. Having been betrayed, he only wanted to drag these traitors to hell.

Facing Freeman's ridicule, Padilla didn't even bother to give him a look.

When he survives, he can do whatever he wants with this idiot.

Well... yes, Padilla is still thinking about surviving from Wu Yuyu. However

, his plan is doomed to fail.

After the Pietro brothers and sisters walked into the monitoring room, Wu Yuyu stood up and patted them on the shoulders.

Then, in the desperate eyes of Padilla and others, he walked out of the monitoring room and closed the door of the monitoring room...

I don't know what the Pietro brothers and sisters did in it.

When the door of the monitoring room was opened again, everyone inside had lost their vital signs.

There was still a lingering fear on his face...

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