Hearing the door of the monitoring room behind him open, Wu Yuyu turned around and looked at the Pietro brothers and sisters who walked out of the door.

"How does it feel to get revenge?"

There was a little confusion in the eyes of the Pietro brothers and sisters.

After practicing hard for a long time, they should feel extremely happy at this moment when they got revenge today.

But now they feel empty in their hearts.

Relaxed? Maybe... but more of a confusion about the future.

They lost their goals and didn't know where to go in the future.

Wu Yuyu patted their shoulders and smiled brightly in their confused eyes.

"What? Are you confused? If you don't know where to go in the future, why not rescue the refugees in the war?"

"You know, there are many people who have experienced the same thing as you."

The eyes of Pietro and his sister gradually brightened up, looked at each other, and nodded vigorously.

That's right, they can go and rescue people like them!

Looking at the brother and sister who had regained their spirits, Wu Yuyu had an idea.

The pile of corpses in the distance suddenly moved.

One of the"corpses" opened his eyes again.

Looking at his comrades around him, his eyes were burning with anger. He quietly moved his body, bypassed the sight of Wu Yuyu and the other two, and climbed to the ammunition pile on the side.

Looking at the many ammunition in front of him, he picked up a big guy mentioned by Freeman - M72LAW rocket launcher. (Just search the name, don't worry about it))

"I will be able to avenge you soon."

Kissing the rocket launcher in his hand, the 'corpse' murmured.

He was so angry that he didn't realize that he was the 'lucky one' who was carefully selected by Wu Yuyu and survived.

In Wu Yuyu's perception, the 'lucky one' smiled miserably and aimed the rocket launcher in his hand at the missile with the word Stark printed on it.


Amid the huge explosion, Pietro turned his head sharply.

His eyes changed from blank to resolute.

In an instant, he piled up obstacles in front of Wu Yuyu and Wanda, trying to reduce the damage of the explosion to them.

As for himself, it was too late to hide behind the obstacles...

Watching Pietro's operation, Wu Yuyu was moved and angry.

He drew a portal casually, swallowing the flames and shock waves of the explosion.


In Pietro's blank eyes, Wu Yuyu hit him on the head with a slap.

Looking at Pietro who was still a little confused holding his head,

Wu Yuyu pulled his hands away from his head and hit Pietro on the head with a few slaps in succession.

While hitting, he kept muttering

"Selfless sacrifice, right?"


""Sacrifice yourself for justice, right?""

Well, this word doesn't seem to be appropriate.

Never mind.


Dozens of words are omitted here....

Wu Yuyu knocked Pietro like a wooden fish, almost knocking him into a Buddha.

Then he pointed at the obstacle in front of him.

"You know how to use this thing to stop us, why don't you know how to pull us away?"


After hearing what Wu Yuyu said, Pietro froze in place and began to doubt his life.

Why didn't he think of this method?

Shaking his head helplessly, Wu Yuyu looked at Wanda beside him and raised his hand to point at his head.

"He here?"

"That's right, there's something wrong with him.

Wanda sighed and nodded pretentiously, indicating that Pietro's brain had not been very bright since he was very young.

"Hey, hey, hey, you are slandering me! There is nothing wrong with my brain!!!"

As if he realized the crisis in his personality, Pietro suddenly regained consciousness in his daze.

He jumped up and said that he just didn't remember it for a moment, and there was no problem with his brain!

Wu Yuyu and Wanda looked at each other, and they tried to suppress their laughter and said perfunctorily:"Yes, yes, don't be so excited, we believe you."

After getting the answer they wanted,

Pietro nodded with satisfaction.

He turned around and prepared to inspect their spoils.

Unexpectedly, he heard a puff from behind.

Pietro turned around a little woodenly, with his eyes slightly closed, staring at Wanda, whose shoulders were shaking more and more.

It would have been better if he didn't look back.

Wanda saw Pietro's expression when he turned around, and the smile in her heart was completely uncontrollable.

""Pfft, hahahaha!"

Wanda stopped laughing with a guilty conscience until she noticed Pietro's increasingly gloomy expression.

She coughed twice, and then said pretentiously,"I'll go over there to check if there are any fish that have slipped through the net~"

She didn't dare to look into Pietro's eyes.

Wanda said this quickly, and then took off into the air. She flew away without looking back.

Only Pietro was left standing there, angry but with nowhere to vent, staring at Wanda's figure in the sky with resentment.

""It's great to be able to fly!"

It's indeed great to be able to fly.

At least Pietro can only talk nonsense on the spot now...

He picked up a stone and threw it at Wu Yuyu. There was no obstruction at all. The stone went straight through Wu Yuyu's body and fell to the ground.

I knew it would be like this!

Pietro curled his lips in disdain.

Since he turned his head, Wu Yuyu has been keeping that posture and has never changed.

It's so perfunctory!

Can't you make a better fake body to deceive him?

Looking at the two figures in the distance, Pietro moved and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

When he appeared again, he was already next to Wu Yuyu and the others...

Wu Yuyu noticed the dissatisfied expression on Pietro's face and asked jokingly:"Aren't you going to search for spoils? Why did you come back empty-handed?"

Pietro snorted, and he got angry when he mentioned this.

"There is no loot left, they were all destroyed by the explosion just now!"

Speaking of this, Wu Yuyu shut up immediately.

The explosion just now could be said to be caused by him...

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu suddenly felt something was wrong.

He slapped his forehead suddenly. How could he forget that he opened the mirror space before the battle started! He must have been infected by Pietro!


Pietro rubbed his nose and looked at the two people beside him suspiciously.

Why did he feel like someone was scolding him behind his back?

Before he could think carefully,

Wu Yuyu's next move attracted his attention.

Wu Yuyu raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the space around them suddenly shattered.

A"brand new" terrorist camp appeared in front of them. The only difference was that everyone inside had fallen to the ground.

Noticing this, Pietro's eyes lit up immediately.

"Mirror space!"

Wu Yuyu felt his eyes blurry, and there was one person missing beside him in an instant.

Pietro couldn't wait to collect his spoils...

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