
Mordo and Casillas looked at the large and small packages hanging on Pietro with question marks.

At the same time, they turned to look at Wu Yuyu beside them and asked,"I remember you went to seek revenge, didn't you? Why did you go shopping?"

Wu Yuyu held his forehead with an expression that said,"Don't ask me, I don't know anything."

The two had to turn their heads to look at Pietro.

"These are my spoils! Are you jealous~"

Pietro shook the package on his body with a smug look on his face.

A grenade fell out of the package with a clanging sound and was caught by Mordo quickly.

Casillas looked at the grenade in Mordo's hand.

Then he looked at Pietro who was smiling awkwardly.

A few well-shaped characters appeared on his forehead, and he squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

"Very good, very good!" Casillas grabbed Pietro who was about to run away when he saw the situation was not good.

The smile on Casillas' face was very kind, and he said in a gentle tone:"Where do you want to go? My dear Mr. Pietro."

Under his strong pressure, Pietro swallowed his saliva, and his mind was working frantically.

"I don't want to go anywhere. I'm a little tired after fighting for so long. I want to go back and have a sleep."

Casillas sneered and snatched the package from Pietro.

"Tired? I don't think you're tired at all! Come on, I'll take you to practice!"

Casillas handed the package to Mordo, and then, amid Pietro's wailing, he dragged the burden in his hand and ran straight to the training ground.

"Wait, Casillas!"

Pietro, who thought he had met his savior, immediately raised his head with hope in his eyes.

But he was shocked to find that it was Wu Yuyu who called Casillas!

It's over...

Everyone here is familiar with Wu Yuyu's character, and Pietro is no exception.

He immediately stood up and pulled Casillas to escape from this place of trouble.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Casillas narrowed his eyes, held down the agitated Pietro, and tied a whip to him.

Looking at Pietro who had completely calmed down,

Wu Yuyu winked at him.

He ignored his pleading eyes.

When the munitions exploded, he repeated what Pietro did.

It's over~~

Feeling Casillas's gaze like a blade,

Pietro sighed. He just closed his eyes and said whatever he wanted.


Looking at Pietro who was acting like 'I'm done, you can do whatever you want to me', Casillas snorted coldly.

Under the gaze of the three people, he dragged Pietro farther and farther away.……

"Well, Pietro should be fine, right?……"

Wanda looked at Pietro who was dragged away like a dead body and asked weakly.

Wu Yudama was also a little uncertain at this moment.

Looking at Casillas's appearance, it seems that the"extra training" he mentioned is not so easy...

The three of them silently made a cross on their chests.

They offered sincere prayers for Pietro who was about to suffer painfully.

May there be no Casillas in heaven, Pimen……

"Come, come, come, see what Pietro has looted, share the spoils!"

Hearing Wu Yudama's call, the two people on the side immediately forgot about Pietro.

(Pietro: Li, are you polite?)

The three heads came together and divided up Pietro's inheritance...

(Pietro: Mao, are you polite?)........

"You mean, Obadiah escaped from prison?"

Tony nodded.

"By the way, I ran to your house and threw a grenade, and it blew up you?"

Tony nodded again with some hesitation.

Wu Yuyu slapped him on the face.

Good guy, really a good guy.

He sent Obadiah to prison with his own hands, and he didn't even keep a closer eye.

He is really worthy of Tony who has never experienced betrayal.

Early in the morning, Wu Yuyu was curious about the progress of Tony's side, and was ready to find some more opponents for the brother and sister.

As a result, just after contacting Potts, he heard the news that Tony was injured...

Looking at the gauze wrapped around Tony's chest, Wu Yuyu's eyes were very complicated.

""Where's Obadiah? Did he run away?"

Tony shook his head helplessly and looked at the pen beside him.

Wu Yuyu had been staring at the pen for a long time, so he took it in his hand.

After looking it up and down for a while, Wu Yuyu found nothing unusual and directly sent out his mental power to


Sensing the structure inside, Wu Yuyu raised his eyebrows. He probably guessed Obadiah's fate...

He fiddled with the gadget in his hand for a while. He threw it to Tony with some boredom.

Looking at the somewhat decadent Tony, Wu Yuyu frowned, not knowing how to comfort him.

If he were Tony, he would probably be in this state after being attacked and killed by his uncle.

Shaking his head, Wu Yuyu turned and walked to the living room.

"Jarvis, is that okay? Please help me contact Ms. Potts"

"Of course, please wait, Ms. Potts is on her way"........

After a while,

Wu Yuyu looked at Tony who was full of energy and shook his head.

As expected, only Potts could accurately control Tony.

"So, our... um... Mr. Magician, what do you want to talk to me about? Is the world going to end? Or are aliens going to attack the earth?"

Wu Yuyu clenched his fists instantly.

He shouldn't have any kindness, and he should let the shit die on his own!

Looking at Tony in front of him, Wu Yuyu began to think in his heart whether to send him to Jotunheim? Or Muspelheim?

(The former is the kingdom of frost giants, and the latter is the kingdom of fire giants.)

Or Helheim!

Sparks of magic began to emerge in Wu Yuyu's hands, and he was ready to give this annoying guy in front of him to Hela as a gift.

It should make her feel a little fun in her boring life.

Tony, who realized that he had fallen into his old habit again, waved his hand with a smirk.

"I am willing to donate 10 million for free as your salvation fund!"

Tony said this quickly, fearing that if he said it a second later, he would be hit by some strange magic.

"Hey, what 20 million rescue fund? You are too polite! We don't need a headquarters building. It's not necessary.……"

Tony was unable to react for a moment as he looked at the smiling Wu Yuyu. After thinking carefully about what he had just said, he immediately rolled his eyes in anger.

Although he was not short of this little money, he had never seen such a shameless person!

"Why don't you go and rob it!?"

Wu Yuyu still had that smiling look on his face, but there was a hint of danger in his eyes.

"Am I not robbing it?"

Tony sensed the danger coming, turned his head helplessly, and waved to Potts.

"Prepare a set for him as he said."

It was the first time that he saw Tony being humiliated. Potts smiled secretly.

He walked in front of Wu Yuyu and began to record his needs...

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