After a while, one more person joined the drinking party, and now there were three of them.


He didn't understand why his two generals were so unguarded today.

However, he didn't know the situation on the scene, so he didn't speak out to give orders rashly.

In this regard, the Egg Man is much better than some commanders who only cause trouble for their subordinates.

In fact, Natasha and Barton didn't understand why they sat with Wu Yuyu.

But every time they looked at Wu Yuyu, they had a feeling that the person in front of them seemed to have known them a long time ago.

And with their sixth sense as agents.

They didn't feel any crisis in Wu Yuyu.

Maybe this is why they gave up asking and drank drinks quietly with Wu Yuyu...


Barton looked at the Coke in his hand and frowned.

"Why are you drinking cold drinks, but I am drinking warm ones?"

Wu Yuyu turned around in confusion.��

Her face seemed to say,"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand anything?"

Looking at Wu Yuyu pretending to be stupid, Natasha raised the corner of her mouth. She raised the can of Coke in her hand towards Barton with some apology.

"The can in your hand is actually for me, but I like to drink it cold, so……"

Barton looked at the Coke in his hand. Although it was warm, he still felt cold in his heart.

He is really redundant, isn't he?

So redundant that he doesn't even deserve a cup of iced Coke.

Looking at the very depressed Barton, Wu Yuyu and Natasha looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

The trembling shoulders of the two made Barton's heart swell.

What should I do if I feel more depressed?

But smiles are contagious.

I wanted to complain about the inhuman behavior of the two, but the corners of Barton's mouth gradually rose, and finally joined in their laughter.

(Lu Dan: so?)

The world is so strange.

The three people who were even a little tense just now can now sit together and drink and talk happily.

Laughing and laughing.

Wu Yuyu realized that the battle in the mirror space had come to an end.

He picked up a can of Coke and threw it at Barton.

"Here, this can is yours. Don't go back and tell people I'm stingy!"

Barton grabbed the Coke can in the air and put it in his arms.

He pouted with disdain.

"You want to shut me up with just a can of Coke?"

Wu Yuyu glared,"Do you want to drink it or not? If not, give it back to me!"

As she said that, she tried to snatch the Coke from Patton's arms.

Patton dodged Wu Yuyu's hand and begged for mercy:"I'll drink it, I'll drink it! There's no reason to ask for something back after giving it away!"

Natasha on the side just watched the"fight" between the two.

She really liked this kind of atmosphere, which gave her a sense of home.

After pretending to fight with Patton for a while, Wu Yuyu handed Natasha a note

"It's almost time. Call me when you are on break. I know a really good restaurant!"

The two looked at each other and saw the relaxed smile on each other's face.

"You'd better bring enough money, otherwise you'll have to stay in the restaurant and wash dishes for a month!"

Barton put on a vicious expression, but the smile in the corner of his eyes betrayed him completely.

"Then let’s not invite him. It’s fine for just the two of us to go. What do you think?"

"I think it's okay."

Natasha smiled and nodded in Barton's disbelieving eyes.

He was the first one to come here!

Barton covered his chest with some hurt.

""Okay, man, your acting is really bad. See you later!"

He waved to the two of them, then turned and disappeared in a burst of sparks.

Only two people whose worldviews were shocked were left there.

Barton:"Am I dazzled?"

Natasha:"I shouldn't be, because I saw it too."

The two looked at each other, and they finally understood how Wu Yuyu appeared behind them without being discovered.

Turning to look at the camera that recorded all this

"What should we do with this video?"

In perfect agreement, the two said in unison:"Destroy it."

The face of a certain boiled egg head in the distance darkened instantly.

Well... you can't tell if you don't look carefully.

Look carefully... it seems that you can't tell either.

Clearing his throat, the boiled egg head said that he was still listening.

It would not be good to just ignore him and discuss the destruction of evidence!

But he soon discovered sadly that the voice channel seemed to be unilaterally turned off by Natasha and the others.

While disassembling the hard drive, Barton asked:"Is it not good for us to do this?"

Natasha looked at his hands, which did not slow down at all, and rolled her eyes.

He was pretending very well.

It's just that the speed at which he destroyed the evidence...

He didn't look like he would be worried at all.

After destroying the video cleanly, the two smiled at each other.

It was quite like a good student experiencing the excitement of skipping class for the first time.

"Let's go check the camp and then we can go back and report."

"I'm coming. I wasted so much effort, next time I'll definitely give him a good beating!"........

"So, you just let go a guy who was suspected of making terrorists disappear?"

"He has been with us the whole time and has no time to deal with those terrorists."

The boiled egg head looked at the two people in front of him who were righteous, waved his hand, and drove them out of the office.

Before he was sure whether their mental state was affected, he was not going to assign them any more tasks.

Looking at the task report in his hand, Nick couldn't help but feel a long-lost headache.

It was only confirmed that the disappearance of the terrorists was indeed related to the super-powered people, but there was no record of the other party's ability types and the number of personnel.

With this little information, he had to seal up the two capable men.

The boiled egg head couldn't help but feel full of resentment towards the owner of the voice he heard before.

Touching the pager in his arms, the boiled egg head picked up the mobile phone placed aside.

"It's me. Do you have the technology to detect the brain?……"

In the end, Egghead gave up the idea of calling his strongest trump card. He did n't want to call Carol back from outer space for such a small matter. Let's not talk about Egghead's actions for now.

On the other side, Barton and the others walked outside the triangular building.

Feeling the bright sunshine, Natasha stretched lazily.

"We can rest for a long time this time."

Barton nodded in agreement and added:"Until Fury is sure that we are okay."

He can finally spend some time with his family.

Thinking of this, Barton suddenly felt that it might be good to do this occasionally.

He shook his head and threw away this terrifying idea for the egghead.

His eyes turned to Natasha.

"Contact that guy and prepare him to go bankrupt!"

"as you wish……"

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