"Ah, ah... chew, chew, chew... gulp."

In a restaurant, there was a sound like a glutton eating.

The other guests in the restaurant secretly glanced at Barton, who was putting food into his mouth with both hands at the same time, as if he hadn't eaten for 800 years.

His rough behavior made Natasha a little unacceptable. She silently moved the stool and moved to the side of Wu Yuyu.

"Another helping!"

Wu Yuyu held his forehead.

Barton said he would empty his wallet, and he really did!

Touching his pocket, Wu Yuyu felt lucky that he had filled his wallet today, otherwise he would have to go back to get money...

Noticing Wu Yuyu's action,

Natasha supported her chin, turned her head to Wu Yuyu, and smiled mischievously.

"You won't stay here to wash the dishes, will you?"

Since she didn't lower her voice deliberately, the busy boss pricked up his ears instantly and stopped what he was doing. His suspicious eyes swept over Wu Yuyu and the other two, and finally stopped at Patton who was still eating.

Could this man come here to eat a free meal?

Fortunately, Wu Yuyu took out his bulging wallet in time.

This made the boss give up the idea of taking out his gun.

He rolled his eyes at Natasha unhappily. Can't you speak more quietly?

Facing Wu Yuyu's dissatisfaction, Natasha smiled apologetically, but Wu Yuyu didn't seem to feel really guilty.

So... it was intentional!

Wu Yuyu's heart instantly turned over 10,000 tables.

And this guy who was busy eating!

Wu Yuyu's eyes seemed to be able to kill people, staring at Patton opposite.

Well... it didn't affect Patton's appetite at all.

Finally, Wu Yuyu looked at the long bill in his hand and looked at Patton's stomach with suspicion.

Some suspected that there was a Yuan Devourer hidden in it.

(Evoker: an orange cat with a universe in its stomach.)

After completing the payment with great pain, Wu Yuyu touched his half-empty wallet.

"You've suffered. It's all my fault for choosing the wrong friends.……"


Walking to a dark corner, Barton slapped Wu Yuyu on the shoulder.

"Stop acting, some blind people are following us."

Although they noticed that they were being watched, both he and Natasha had a nonchalant expression on their faces.

They were just a few greedy minions...

Wu Yuyu slowly raised his head, and the smile on his face was a little broken.

Let's use these minions to commemorate his half-empty wallet!

Mirror space - expand!

Looking at the cracked glass-like lines around them, Barton and Natasha looked at each other in shock.

They finally knew how those terrorists disappeared...

However, those minions obviously didn't notice the changes around them.

While thinking about how much"white powder" they could buy with the money, they blocked the only exit of this corner.

They had no idea that they were blocked. It was actually their escape route.

The leading minion raised the right corner of his mouth 45 degrees, with an 'evil' smile, and walked between Patton and Natasha in three steps.

When passing by Natasha, the minion leader's eyes suddenly lit up.

What a rare beauty!

Ignoring Natasha's frown, the minion leader looked from top to bottom, admiring Natasha's figure.

But the most important thing at the moment is to get Wu Yuyu's wallet.

So the gang leader simply whistled and didn't do anything excessive.

This also made him feel comfortable for a few more minutes.

Coming close to Wu Yuyu, the minion leader looked at Wu Yuyu with his back to him.

With a disdainful sneer, he pulled out a dagger from his waist and pointed it at Wu Yuyu's waist.

"Hey Bu Rou, if you don’t want to have another hole in your body, hand over your wallet right now!"


Hearing the laughter coming from Wu Yuyu's mouth, the little leader felt that he was despised, and immediately wanted to add a few more holes on Wu Yuyu's body. Just as he was about to do it, the little leader suddenly felt the world in front of him spinning.

It was like a box that was turned 90°.

Like dumplings, many gangsters fell against the wall under the influence of gravity.

Amidst groans, Wu Yuyu handed the wallet to the little leader.

He asked with a smile:"Here, this is my wallet."

The little leader's groaning stopped for a moment, and his eyes followed the arm in front of him, and he saw Wu Yuyu, who was 'crossing' in the air with a smile. He rolled his eyes and lost consciousness instantly.

This scene was still a little too exciting for him...

Think about it carefully, when a person is lying on the ground or lying on the bed, another person slowly walks towards you from the top of the wall...

It doesn't seem so scary, right?

Soon, with the help of Barton and Natasha, several little minions who were looking for excitement were all knocked to the ground by them.

In the complicated eyes of the two, Wu Yuyu skillfully displayed the collection skills.


Collection completed!

Successfully obtained the spoils——「"A few melons and a few dates".

Looking at the coins in his hand, Wu Yuyu spat at the minions fiercely.

Going out to rob with just this little money?

They are not as good as his 'good brothers' on the streets of New York!

He put the coins into his trouser pocket with disdain.

An idea came to him.

He directly dispelled the mirror space and returned to the real world again.

Seeing Wu Yuyu just leaving the minions there, Patton asked in confusion:"Are you just going to leave them like this?"

Wu Yuyu was a little puzzled.

"Then I will send them to the police station?"

Hearing Wu Yuyu's question, Barton forgot how to describe his thoughts.

"No, I mean...you...they……"

After gesturing with his hands for a long time,

Wu Yuyu still didn't understand what he wanted to express.

Natasha thought for a while, and an invisible light bulb appeared in her head.

"Is he saying that they don't need to lose their memory?"

""Yes, yes, that's what I want to say!"

Barton nodded vigorously and gave Natasha a thumbs up.

Facing Barton's curious eyes, Wu Yuyu rolled her eyes.

"Amnesia? He must have watched too many movies. Even if he said it casually, would anyone believe it? What's more, he is a drug addict.……"

It's not the era of superheroes in a few years.

Even if the scene just now was recorded, people who saw it would just think it was a promotional video for a movie.

Barton nodded with some disappointment. What

Wu Yuyu said made sense. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't believe that there was such a person as Wu Yuyu in this world.

"Let's go, did you encounter any interesting things during the mission? Tell me about them~"

His eyes swept past an inconspicuous black van in the distance.

Wu Yuyu raised his eyebrows imperceptibly and started asking questions to his two friends.

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