Watching the three people gradually walk away, a somewhat deep male voice came from the black van.

"Is there anything unusual?"

The little green man sitting in the passenger seat quickly fiddled with the device in his hand.

After a while, the little green man looked at the green light on the device and shook his head.

"No abnormal mental fluctuations were found"

"Of course, it cannot be completely proved that their spirits were not affected."

Faced with the little green man's heavy breathing while speaking, the black figure sitting in the main driver's seat did not speak, but stared at the little green man next to him with his only eye. He stared until he felt uncomfortable all over. He quickly said the rest of the words.

"Just take them to my place for a test!"

He turned his gaze away from the little green man and looked at the direction the three men left.

The black figure, Nick Fury, slowly started the van he was driving and drove back to the Delta Wing Building.

Let's let them relax today.……........

Wu Yuyu, who was listening to Barton's glorious record, moved his eyes slightly.

So he suspected that they were controlled...

No wonder, after all, even Wu Yuyu didn't expect that the three of them could become friends.

You know, Tony has known him for a much longer time than the two of them.

But the relationship between the two is not much different from that of strangers. Maybe it's because Tony hasn't grown into Iron Man yet...

No longer thinking about these, Wu Yuyu applauded Barton very enthusiastically.

From the perspective of the movie, the combat power of the two people beside him can be said to be the second peak combat power of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu suddenly became curious.

If Barton mastered the magic of Kamar-Taj, what would the future battle be like?

The enemy was walking, and suddenly a portal opened on his forehead.

Then there was an arrow on his forehead.

Thinking of this scene, Wu Yuyu decided to ask Barton what he thought.

If he is willing to leave S.H.I.E.L.D., he will be digged to Kamar-Taj, maybe he can be a magic archer.

It's exciting to think about it!

Do it as soon as you say it.

Wu Yuyu immediately pulled the two people beside him to the rooftop of a building.

Looking at the traffic coming and going below, Wu Yuyu described his ideas vividly...

In order to make them understand better, Wu Yuyu even made a few little people to reproduce all his explanations.

As time passed, Barton's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He was really moved.

No other magic is needed, a simple portal can greatly improve his combat ability.

As for Natasha, her reaction was relatively flat.

For her, it doesn't matter where she is.

What she wants can actually be described in two words.

That is-family.

It is not difficult to see from the movie that she really regards the Avengers as her home. She also regards everyone in the Avengers as her family.

After Thanos snapped his fingers, she was the only one left alone at the Avengers headquarters.

It is difficult to maintain the Avengers family

"I used to have nothing. And then, I got this. This job."

(I had nothing until I got this job.)

When Captain America persuaded her to find a new life, her answer was always - you first.

So, compared to Barton, she is the one who is easier to poach.

As long as Wu Yuyu can provide Natasha with a home.

(The home here is not the one to start a family, but a big family like the Avengers.)

Looking at the two people who fell into silence.

Wu Yuyu casually opened a portal.

Opposite was the headquarters building that was"robbed" from Tony.

After crossing the portal, Wu Yuyu turned around and slowly opened her hands.

"This is the headquarters building I robbed from a wealthy dog owner. I plan to set up an organization here."

"We don't fight for a certain country. We have only one goal, which is to protect mankind from external threats."

Wu Yuyu doesn't have such great ideals as Carol.

It can even be said that before he gained the ability, the only thing in his mind was what to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, and what to eat at night.

After gaining the ability, he didn't have the idea that he didn't eat beef.

He just wants to protect his planet now.

The information revealed in Wu Yuyu's words caused a great shock to the two of them.

What does external threat refer to?

Super-sized meteorites?

Or... do aliens really exist?

In either case, it is not a battlefield where the two of them can intervene too much...

At this moment, the scene that Wu Yuyu mentioned before appeared in their minds again.

"I think I need to think about it for a while."

"Me too."

Wu Yuyu shrugged, indicating that the door here was always open to them.

On the other side, as if someone was digging into his corner,

Nick in the Delta Wing Building suddenly sneezed several times.

He had a very strong premonition.

It seemed that something bad was about to happen.

Keeping this feeling in mind, Nick turned his head and continued to urge the little green man to install the mental detection device.

He had no idea that his Avengers plan had almost been hollowed out by Wu Yuyu before it was established.……........

There are only six people in the first generation of Avengers.

Now Qiaotui is still an ice block, waiting to be dug up in the Arctic.

As for the others...

Nini is picking up girls, and Lupang is out of contact.

Shadaer is waiting for his father to pass on the throne.

Unfortunately, he will not be able to wait for the day of inheriting the throne for the time being, and his good brother will cause trouble for him.

In a few years, he will be abandoned by his one-eyed father.

And find his true love on this planet?

Well... if the time they spent together can be counted. After

Wu Yuyu calculated this, it seems that the only normal first generation Avengers now seem to be these two around him.

Although compared with the other four people, their combat effectiveness is much weaker.

But in various battles, the two of them did not retreat a step, and they have always been charging at the forefront...

I think that when the Avengers were first established, Egghead must have been very troubled.

There are so many problem children in a team.

But now it's good. He found a way to dig out these problem children, so Egghead doesn't have to worry about them.

He is kind-hearted!

If Egghead knew, he would be very touched~

(Nick Fury: I**&**&&#! He had never seen such a shameless person! )

Unfortunately, Lu Dantou was busy working on the equipment and was not here at all. Moreover, he could not hear Wu Yuyu's thoughts.

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