"Fury, you should have thought of an explanation that will satisfy us, right?"

Taking off the slightly complicated instrument on her head, Natasha fixed her eyes on the one-eyed boiled egg-headed man in front of her, who only left her with his back.

She was called to the headquarters early in the morning.

Without saying anything, she was brought to this newly built laboratory.

A strange device was also put on her head. She looked up and down the device in her hand.

Well, she couldn't see anything.

For this knowledge, she only stayed at the level of being able to communicate.

As for the deeper level, forgive her profession is not a scientist, it is not something she needs to master.

The device was thrown aside casually.

Natasha stood up and came to Fury's side.

Fury was flipping through the test results in his hand, skipping the first pile of complicated data, and directly turning to the last page of the test results.

【"No abnormality detected"

These five words finally put Fury at ease.

It was good that his capable men were not under control.

With a calm expression on his face, Fury glanced at Natasha and Barton beside him.

"We should talk."

He took the two of them to his office.

Looking at the scenery outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Fury was about to say something when he was confused by the sudden action of Natasha and the others. He swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Under his gaze, the two searched the office and turned on the anti-eavesdropping device before returning to Fury.

Is there a traitor in the bureau?

As a senior agent, Fury certainly understood what the two were doing.

In an instant, many investigation plans emerged in his mind. He even began to think about the escape route from this office.

But before that, he was going to listen to what made Natasha and Barton do this.

Could it be him?

A figure with Barton's arm around his shoulder gradually became clear in Fury's mind.

"Fury, I have a question. What was the content of the test just now?"

Fury came out of his thoughts and looked at the two people in front of him who were waiting for his answer.

After a brief pause, he handed the test results in his hand to the two people.

"The feedback you gave on the last mission was too abnormal, so……"

"So you suspect that we have mental problems?"

Looking through the test results in her hand, Natasha interrupted Fury's next words.

Facing her question, Fury neither admitted nor denied it.

He just looked out the window.

"There are not only humans in this world, so I must be cautious."

Natasha and Barton looked at each other, and this coincided with what Wu Yuyu said.

Turning around, Fury spread his hands.

"That's my explanation. So, can you tell us your story?"

Speaking of storytelling, this is Natasha's strong point.

After a few words, her expression gradually became serious.

"Aliens do exist, don't they?"

After a brief pause, seeing that Fury had no intention of objecting,

Natasha took a breath and then stared at Fury's single eye.

"It would be best if only the three of us knew what was going on. Hmm... Coulson is fine too."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire office suddenly became more solemn.

Recalling what Wu Yuyu said at that time, Natasha slowly paced back and forth.

"In the future, this planet will encounter many hardships, and we don’t know what they will be or when they will happen. The only thing we know for sure is that we are in big trouble."

"in addition……"

Natasha looked around the office and walked to the French window, overlooking the scenery below.

"The materials used to build this building seem to be wrong."

Before he had digested the previous piece of news, the second piece of news immediately followed, causing Fury's eyes to change instantly.

A deep voice rang out in this office.

"These are what your new friends said, right?"

Although it was a question, Fury's tone was very sure.

His palm gently stroked the tabletop of the desk.

"Choosing the wrong material is not a big problem, as long as it is built firmly, it is a good material."

"What if it's not firm?"

The hand on the table stopped instantly, and several blue veins on the back of the hand were visible to the naked eye.

"If it's not firm, change it!"

"If they are all broken, replace them all! This building can also be rebuilt!"

Fury's voice was extremely certain.

The stability of S.H.I.E.L.D. is above all else.........

Outside the Delta Wing Building.

Natasha and the others looked back at the building behind them.

"Do you think Fury can check it out?"

"I don't know."

Barton shook his head.

"Fury is used to keeping all his thoughts to himself, and no one can figure out what his current plans are.……"

A figure with a harmless smile on his face and sparse hair slowly appeared in his mind.

Perhaps only that person could roughly keep in sync with Fury's thoughts.

Shaking his head, it was unnecessary to think about anything now. They just needed to wait for Fury's arrangements.

Looking at the vehicles coming and going on the street, Barton did not continue the topic and walked towards the small jeep parked on the side.

"Hey, you won't be liked by girls if you only finish half of your words!"

Natasha stood there, using words to tease Patton.

But these words were nothing but child's play for Patton.

With a roar, Patton's jeep stopped in front of Natasha.

Slowly rolled down the window

"I don't need to please girls, you know."

Natasha rolled her eyes, walked to the other side and opened the passenger door.

"Yes, yes, you are married and now you are a good husband."

"He's still a good dad."

"Wow, that's really congratulations. Do you want me to prepare any gift?"


Amidst the chatter, the little jeep slowly left the delta-wing building.........

On the other side, at Tony's beachfront villa, a portal slowly opened.

Wu Yuyu's figure walked out from it.

"The gentleman is not at home now."

As soon as he arrived at the door of the villa, Wu Yuyu was stopped by Jarvis's mechanical voice. He raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect Tony to not stay in the basement today. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Tony's number while asking Jarvis

"Is that guy trying to pick up girls now? Will it bother him if I call him now?……"

Although he said this, his hands were not slow at all.

"Sir, there is no party schedule today."

At the same time that Jarvis said this, Wu Yuyu's phone was connected.

He nodded towards the camera in front of him, turned around and walked away from the villa.

"Great inventor, I hope this phone call didn't interrupt your plans to pick up girls.……"

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