
Pyrite appeared on a remote street corner

"Let me see, where is the mysterious red house now?"

The mental power spread out, covering Budapest and its surroundings.

If a building as large as the Sky Base is to be built without attracting attention, it can only be built in some uninhabited places.

Or, in the mountains...

After exploring every corner near Budapest, Wu Yuyu really found a clue.

Sure enough, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Drekov really understood that it is dark under the lamp.

Wu Yuyu floated above the mountains near Budapest, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Found you~

Although the mountain under his feet looks ordinary and there is nothing unusual.

But under his perception, the mountain has been almost completely hollowed out.

A sky base full of technology has taken shape.

It is estimated that it will not be long before this base can float in the sky.

Wu Yuyu couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, he came early. Otherwise, he would have to go to the Gulag prison...

Retracting the scattered spirit, Wu Yuyu explored the base under his feet without rashly alerting the enemy.

He was going to give the base below to the black widows as a gift!

"Lao Deng, you have to send someone to carry out the mission, right~"

With nothing else to do, Wu Yuyu played the trick of waiting near the mountain.........

Perhaps there was a tacit understanding between Drekov and Wu Yuyu.

Or perhaps he was worried that Wu Yuyu would be bored waiting.

Not long after, there was a new movement in the base.

Wu Yuyu instantly became excited.

"Oh, that's good~ I'll try to make your departure less painful!"

All attention was focused on the base... injecting tranquilizers, opening the door, loading the goods, closing the door, all in one go.

"You are quite skilled."

Wu Yuyu smacked his lips.

It must be said that old Deng Drekov is really cautious.

Every black widow who is sent out for a mission must be given an injection before entering or leaving the base.

No wonder they can survive safely for so long!

Learned, learned.

In the mountain, a hidden exit slowly opened.

The plane carrying several black widows slowly drove out and flew in one direction.

But what the pilot did not notice was that there was a figure sitting cross-legged right above the plane, as if he was using the plane as a mount.

"about there……"

A sound that only he could hear appeared above the plane.

Wu Yudama roughly estimated the distance and waved his hand.

This caused a slight airflow to appear on the plane's flight path, causing the fuselage to vibrate slightly.

The pilot quickly noticed this abnormality, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

It was normal to encounter some airflow during flight, and he had a lot of experience!

But dealing with this airflow was obviously not as simple as he imagined.

""Oh shit, I've never seen such a strange airflow before. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket!"

The pilot's hands kept moving, quickly adjusting various parameters and joysticks, trying to get the plane out of this strange airflow with uncertain direction.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the plane could not get out of the airflow.

Leaning on the driving seat somewhat dejectedly, a bitter smile appeared on the pilot's face.

It seems that his record of zero crashes can no longer be maintained...

Feeling the swaying amplitude of the fuselage getting bigger and bigger, the pilot shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and pressed the call button

"Command desk, this is R-0312, we are entangled in a strange airflow and cannot escape, we are about to crash"

"Command desk received. Abandon the widows and find a suitable opportunity to leave the fighter plane."

"R-0312 received."

For the Red House, these widows are nothing but consumables. A batch of them can be trained every once in a while, and they will not feel the slightest bit of pain if some of them die.

Through the intercom in the plane, the command desk's instructions were notified to the guards who were guarding the widows.

Without saying a word, several guards put their parachute bags on their backs in an increasingly intense shaking, walked through the middle of the widows with expressionless faces, and came to the cabin door to wait for the parachute jump order.

There was no reluctance, not even a glance.

Feeling their movements in the cabin, Wu Yuyu sighed and silently accelerated the speed of the plane crashing. Without the control of the pilot, the plane quickly lost its balance and dived towards the ground.

Several guards, including the pilot, also found the right opportunity to escape from the cabin one after another.

Except for the unconscious widows, there were no other men in the cabin, except Wu Yuyu!

Some compassionate eyes swept over the widows and finally stopped on one of them.

What a coincidence, Yelena happened to be among these widows on the mission.

In surprise, Wu Yuyu transferred them out of the plane that was about to crash.……........

"I almost forgot about you guys!"

At the moment the plane crashed, Wu Yuyu appeared in the sky again.

Looking at the parachutes that opened below, he snorted coldly.

Another strong wind appeared.

Under the strong wind, several parachutes spun uncontrollably and soon lost their balance.

Following the footsteps of the plane……


Wu Yuyu, who was clear-minded, slowly exhaled.

He turned back to the widows and took them to Tony's mansion.

"Wow! I can't tell~"

Tony looked at the widows who were in a coma, his eyes gradually became obscene, and he raised his eyebrows at Wu Yuyu in a teasing way.

Wu Yuyu could tell with his toes that his brain must be full of yellow waste now.

Sensing that Yelena's muscles had changed,

Wu Yuyu quietly moved his feet and hid Tony's body in front of him

"I suggest you put aside the yellow waste in your mind and find something for them to sleep on."

Tony, who didn't understand the meaning of Wu Yuyu's words and thought he was a coward, was about to pursue his victory when he felt a pain in his calf and was instantly thrown to the ground.

Tony looked at the blade against his neck in a daze, and then looked at Wu Yuyu in the distance.

At this moment, how could he not understand that he was being tricked by Wu Yuyu again!

Ignoring the cold touch on his neck, Tony stubbornly made an international gesture to Wu Yuyu in the puzzled eyes of Yelena.

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