Seeing Tony's raised middle finger, Yelena felt confused even though her consciousness was under control. Has this man always been so brave?

You know, there is a knife on his neck!

The knee pressing on Tony's chest increased its strength again.

Yelena roared at Tony viciously:"Behave yourself! Otherwise, you will have another wound on your neck!"

"Cough cough!"

Tony felt a suffocation from the pressure on his chest. He quickly raised his hands and said sincerely:"Relax, I'm very honest. If you don't believe me, you can go out and ask. The whole world knows that Mr. Tony is the most honest!"

As he spoke, Tony carefully pointed to his knees on his chest.

"Um, can you be a little more gentle? I was injured a while ago and I don't want to go to the hospital again. You know, the hospital won't prepare cheeseburgers for me, except for those pretty nurses who can cheer me up a little.……"

Tony's series of mumblings annoyed Yelena.

If she hadn't been waiting for the other widows to regain consciousness and waiting for the rescue of the Red House, she would have killed the"old lady" on the ground with a knife!

There was no need to endure this kind of mental torture...

Yelena stuck a knife into the ground with Tony's neck.

Finally, Tony, who was chattering non-stop, calmed down.

""Okay, okay, you know they are all begging me to give a speech, I really don't know how to cherish the opportunity."

Yelena rolled her eyes silently, who wants this opportunity?

Yelena, who was not disturbed by noise, stared at Wu Yuyu opposite her, and with Tony lying on the ground, the three of them fell into a strange stalemate.

Wu Yuyu, as if threatened by Yelena, stood there without moving, which made Yelena feel much more relaxed.

Very good, very sensible.

You can spare his life then.

As for the"old lady" on the ground, just kill her directly, she just disturbed her ears!

Thinking of this, Yelena glanced at the widows behind her with some impatience. It has been so long, why haven't they woken up yet.

At this time, she felt that Tony in her hand moved again. She quickly increased the strength to press him down, and at the same time was alert to Wu Yuyu opposite her.

"Ahem, man, if you keep playing like this, Mr. Tony will suffocate.……"

Tony rolled his eyes under pressure, smiled bitterly and asked for help from Wu Yuyu.

Hearing Tony's words, Yelena's expression changed instantly.

Looking at Wu Yuyu who was pacing over, she shouted sternly:"Stop! If you dare to take another step forward, I will cut off this guy's head!"

However, Wu Yuyu seemed not to hear her threat. He still walked forward slowly.

Seeing that the threat did not work, Yelena directly slashed Tony's throat with a knife.

Then she rushed towards Wu Yuyu with a dagger in hand.

"I wanted to spare your life, but you didn't feel my kindness!"

Wu Yuyu turned sideways to avoid the dagger. He waved at Yelena who was still trying to attack.

"I suggest you look at your right hand. Are you sure that's really a dagger?"

When Wu Yuyu said this, Yelena, who wanted to continue attacking, suddenly felt her eyes blurred.

The dagger in her hand had turned into a banana.

This change made her stunned for a moment, and she didn't notice that she was being aimed at by a gun.


An anesthetic needle instantly appeared on Yelena's arm.

Without any struggle, Yelena only had time to give Wu Yuyu a blank look, and then she fell softly under Ethan's anesthetic with a full heart of doubts.

"Okay, Ethan, you are watching my fun too, right?!"

Tony rubbed his chest and throat, staring fiercely at Ethan who walked out of the door.

It seemed that he wanted to kill Ethan with his eyes.

Ethan looked confused and said helplessly:"I just found the tranquilizer gun. What happened just now?"

"You... forget it, it's nothing."

This one didn't know the situation, and that one couldn't be beaten.

Tony could only walk into the villa with a belly full of resentment.

However, what he didn't see was that the moment he stepped into the door, Ethan turned his head and blinked at Wu Yuyu.

Obviously, he was not really ignorant of the situation outside.

Wu Yuyu couldn't help but sigh,"Sure enough, those who look honest may not be really honest. If you cut them open, they may be black!"

Shaking his head, he looked down at the widows on the ground, raised his hand and waved, and a portal appeared instantly, sending them into Tony's basement.

"The chips in their thighs can detect their physical condition and location, and can also be controlled remotely. Although I have destroyed them, remember to take them out for them."

Tony lowered his head and fiddled with the equipment in front of him, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

Looking at Tony's childish temper, Ethan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Who could have imagined that a playboy who was rich enough to rival a country, genius, sharp-tongued, and self-centered would be like this in front of acquaintances?

"Don't worry, with Tony and I here, we will definitely make them return to normal."

"That's good……"

""Ethan, Ethan! Come and help me adjust the equipment over there! Also, it's working hours now, so please don't harass the staff, OK?"

Tony's voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

Ethan shrugged helplessly, and in Wu Yuyu's understanding eyes, he returned to Tony's side to help.

"I'm leaving now. Contact me if you need help."

Looking at the two busy people, Wu Yuyu fully felt the suppression from the academic bully. He couldn't find a way to help.

He could only make coffee for the two and then turned around and left.........

Near the restaurant where Natasha and I had dinner last time.

As soon as Wu Yuyu stepped out of the portal, before he took the second step, several anesthetic needles appeared on his body.

"Is this what it means to be a good person? It comes really fast.……"

Without even seeing where the attack came from, Wu Yuyu felt his eyes blur and then lost consciousness.

A few minutes later, there was a rush of footsteps on the street.

Many figures in black combat uniforms suddenly appeared from all corners and quickly moved towards the place where Wu Yuyu fell.

As the leader raised his left hand, everyone stopped in unison, and the muzzles of their guns were pointed at the unconscious figure on the ground.

Waving their hands, two people in the crowd put down their guns, came to Wu Yuyu and lifted him up.

With Wu Yuyu, these black figures left as fast as the tide.

This round trip took only more than ten minutes, which shows the high military quality of these people!

"STRIKE, the Crossbones team? Interesting……"

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