If those figures in black combat uniforms were still here, they would definitely be very surprised to find that

Wu Yuyu's figure actually appeared again in the remote corner they had just left.

Looking at the direction where those black figures left, he took out the hidden communication tool Natasha gave him.

Since they might go out on missions at any time, in order to prevent Wu Yuyu from being unable to contact them, or causing problems during their mission, a communication tool was specially prepared for Wu Yuyu.

Press the only button on the top and watch the indicator light flash for a while, and finally stabilize and stay on.

Wu Yuyu put the communication tool in his arms again.

Take out the mobile phone.

Slowly follow the direction where the black figures left...


Wu Yuyu looked at Natasha's name on the caller ID and answered it casually.

"What's wrong?"

"I was attacked."

Wu Yuyu's reply immediately caused a metallic collision sound on the other end of the phone.

When Natasha's voice came again on the other end of the phone, her tone had become extremely serious.

"Where are you now?"

He quickly confirmed the location of Wu Yuyu, and then there was a busy tone on the phone. He completely ignored what Wu Yuyu said... He was fine, there was no need to worry, he could open a portal... and so on.

"Patton, there is work to do!"

In just a few seconds, Natasha has changed from her home clothes to her usual combat uniform, fully armed.

Sharing the location information with Patton.

Natasha has already ridden her Harley and rushed towards Wu Yuyu at lightning speed.

""Hello, hello?"

Looking at the hung up phone, Wu Yuyu felt helpless.

Couldn't he just wait for him to finish?

Shaking his head, Wu Yuyu called Natasha again.

This time, he didn't give Natasha a chance to speak, and asked directly about Natasha's location.……

"So, this is why you chose to ride a motorcycle here?"

Natasha's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

If the current situation was not so suitable, she would have let the smiling Barton experience her fighting skills.

She, the Black Widow Natasha, was not so easy to be laughed at!

While they were talking and laughing, they had already arrived at the bottom of the Delta Wing Building.

"Are you sure you didn't break any laws?"

Barton nudged Wu Yuyu with his elbow.

He pointed at the delta-wing building in front of him, his eyes full of ridicule.

"How did they bring me here?"

Wu Yuyu gave him a silent look.

If he knew, why would he ask them to come here?

The three of them followed the black figures silently and walked to a small hidden door.

"What area is this?"

Natasha turned to look at Barton and found that he was also confused.

Obviously, neither of them had ever been to this area.


Not having been to this area meant that they knew nothing about the situation inside.

Natasha took out her phone from her arms, her eyes full of solemnity.

"Contact Fury. The arrest order was probably not issued by him.……"

Before he finished speaking,

Barton added silently in his heart:"There are a lot of traitors in the bureau.……’

""Shh~, someone is coming."

Although the person coming couldn't see them, Wu Yuyu still pretended to be serious and raised her index finger in front of her mouth. She successfully received two pairs of white eyes.

Ignoring Wu Yuyu's funny face, Natasha briefly repeated her situation on the phone.


Natasha hung up the phone and did some simple exercises.

"Get ready for battle. Fury will take care of the electronic equipment here, and we will take care of the rest."

"In the end, it's all about the fists."

Wu Yuyu shook his head.

He wanted to see what good ideas the egghead could come up with... but in the end, they still had to rely on themselves.

He shouldn't have thought about what role this director who was sidelined could play!

Wu Yuyu stretched and pushed Natasha and Barton to the side.

"Leave the fighting to me. I've been shot several times for no apparent reason. It's time for me to vent my anger!"

Natasha and Barton looked at each other.

They felt sad for their opponents.

"It's time to have a big fight!"

Wu Yuyu casually opened the mirror space.

Today, he would either walk out of this space standing up, or lie down on the other side and walk out of this space!

(Floating out is also possible.)

They came to the hidden door.

Natasha stepped forward to check it, and said without looking back:"There is a fingerprint lock, give me some time."

But Wu Yuyu obviously didn't want to waste time here.

"Natasha, get out of the way."

It was a huge fireball, and all the fingerprint locks and pupil locks disappeared in the explosion.

Looking at Wu Yuyu's nonchalant back, Barton's mouth twitched.

"What a simple and crude way to unlock"

"But it's useful, isn't it?"Natasha stretched her hand near the gap and felt the burning sensation coming from it.

If she knew this, the mission would be much easier!

After a sigh

, the two followed Wu Yuyu and stepped into the passage with a sharp alarm. At the same time as they stepped into the passage,

Fury on the other side just hung up the phone. His dark face made it hard to tell what kind of emotion he was in.

All he could hear was that he seemed to be mumbling something.

"Rumlow, Sylvie, and... Alexander Pierce."

Slowly closing his eye,

Fury began to recall the past encounters with Pierce.

Finally, he opened his eye again, his eyes were cold.

"Are you one of those people hiding in SHIELD?"

The security level of the information about the black feather jade was set to the highest by him. Logically, only he could view it.

But even so, the information was leaked without his knowledge.

If it is possible that these were not done by Pierce, then the rapid reaction force was mobilized to attack, and Sylvie, the eighth-level agent, was also involved.

In addition to himself, only the former director of SHIELD, Pierce, could command these people.

Excluding all impossibilities, no matter how unbelievable the rest is, it is the truth!

He had been looking for the termite inside SHIELD during this period.

Now it's easy.

These pieces of information are connected together.

Fury felt that he was the termite.

Now, except for a limited number of people, he couldn't trust the rest.

Looking across the office,

Fury finally checked his equipment.

He stood up, tidied his clothes, and walked out of the office as usual.

He watched several familiar agents talking and laughing as they passed by him, and saluted him.

He couldn't tell who could be trusted at all...

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