Looking at the unconscious Yelena and several other girls dressed similarly to her,

Natasha had a guess in her mind.

A guess that she found ridiculous.

She stroked Yelena's cheek.

Natasha took a deep breath.

"Yelena...and them, what happened?"

"They are under the control of a drug, and they are still looking for a solution."

Ethan handed over a test report.

Looking at the test results, Natasha's chest rose and fell more violently.

‘With a snap,

Natasha closed the test report in her hand. She closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down.

When she opened her eyes again, she was no different from usual. However

, in the eyes of Wu Yuyu and Barton, they could still see the restless heart hidden under the calm appearance.

"Thank you for the gift, I like it very much."

Natasha tried to raise the corners of her mouth and tried to make herself look happier.

"Okay, I'll keep the red house for you. Come back and thank me after you free them."

Wu Yuyu waved his hand and turned to look at Ethan.

"Are their problems easy to solve? I want them to also participate in the action of destroying the Red House."


"Give me three days."

Tony's voice came from the side, interrupting Ethan's answer directly.

It also made everyone's attention focused on him.

Tony now pulled out one file after another on the screen in front of him at a dazzling speed.

He seemed to be aware of everyone's gaze.

Without turning his head, he said:"I am Tony Stark. In three days, I will definitely make them regain consciousness!"

Since Tony has said so.

Wu Yuyu clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the others to himself

"The action is scheduled for three days later.……"

"Five days, I also want to see what kind of place would use such inhumane means."

Tony was doing two things at once.

While looking up information on the screen, he participated in the discussion of Wu Yudama and others.

His Mark armor was almost completed.

How could the destruction of the Red House be done without his participation?

"Uh... that's five days. Get your equipment ready, and gather at this villa in five days. Together we will destroy that red building!"

Seeing that no one had any objections,

Wu Yuyu opened the portal and sent them back to their respective safe houses......... night

"I don't want to go back there, I want to stay in Ohio……"

The scene of playing with Yelena in childhood. The scene of the family of four being hunted. The scene of being forcibly taken back to the Red House.

The scene of training, killing, and being operated on in the Red House.

And the scene of blowing up Drekov's room in Budapest.

One by one, the scenes appeared repeatedly in Natasha's dream.

Finally, the scene stopped at Yelena lying on the hospital bed.

"Yelena! Hoo, hoo, hoo……"

Realizing that she was dreaming again, Natasha got up and went to the bathroom, using cold water to force herself to wake up.

Looking at herself in the mirror.

In the sound of running water...

Natasha seemed to see the psychological shadow that had been with her since she was a child - Drekov.

"This time, I will never let you escape again!"

Turning on the faucet, Natasha prepared her battle equipment and waited for Wu Yuyu's portal in the living room.

Today was the agreed battle time.……........

Outside Tony's villa, all the fighters involved in this battle are present.

"Is there really no chance for me to play? I can fight too!"

Ethan raised a small pistol and tried to participate in the team building.

Looking at Ethan trying to prove himself, Wu Yuyu couldn't help but recall the scene in the movie.

He ran while shooting, and all the bullets hit the top of the cave.

"You should just concentrate on being a doctor. Fighting is not for you."

He held his forehead and directly rejected Ethan's request.

"Ha, see, I'm not the only one who says that to you."

A battle armor descended from the sky, and Tony's voice came from it. The same statement by the two made Ethan drop his arms in frustration and gave up fighting with everyone.

On the other side, the picture was not as harmonious as that of Wu Yuyu.

As soon as Natasha and Yelena met, they started fighting with fists and feet before they could say the second sentence. They are really two sisters who love each other.

Their way of reminiscing is different from others.

The fight on their side attracted all the attention of Wu Yuyu.

As the battle became more and more intense, the two took out their weapons at the same time and prepared to enter the 2.0 battle stage.

"This won't do. Weapons are not allowed."

The two of them felt a flash before their eyes, and the weapons in their hands disappeared instantly.

At the same time, their hands were also covered with a layer of red energy, and they couldn't move at all.

Faced with this sudden situation, the two had to stop fighting and turned to look at the place where the sound came from. Two figures, one red and one silver, stood quietly beside Wu Yuyu.

It was the brother and sister Pietro and Wanda.

"Calm down now. If you have the energy, go to the red house and vent. Although the owner here is a big dog owner, let's save some money for his maintenance."

At Wu Yuyu's signal, Wanda released the two people who were tied up.

Pietro was also in a trance for a while and returned the confiscated weapons.


Knowing that they couldn't fight anymore, Yelena snorted coldly and turned back to join the widows.

Natasha didn't say anything, but just quietly put her weapon away.

"It's almost time, get ready for action!"

Worried that the two sisters would start fighting again if they continued to dawdle,

Wu Yuyu quickly opened the portal.

Let them go to the other side to find the Red House to vent their energy.

He felt that he was already weird enough, but he didn't expect that the two sisters were even worse.

Looking at the scenery on the other side of the door.

The Black Widow team led by Yelena walked over first.

Following closely were Natasha and Barton.

Then came the warm-hearted Tony.

In addition to Wu Yuyu and Pietro, as well as Mordo and Casillas.

This lineup is not something that the Red House can beat...

Wu Yuyu didn't expect that he would just casually call out and attract so many people.

If Fury wasn't still busy dealing with Hydra, he would probably come here to join in the fun.

In this case.

He decided to give Drekov a little shock.

He waved to Ethan.

"Best viewing seat, come on?"

With such a strong lineup, Ethan's audience seat is not missing.

"I repeat, only by cutting off the olfactory nerves can we ignore Drekov's pheromones and harm him. Therefore, the breathing device provided by Tony cannot be removed under any circumstances. If you are ready……"

A portal leading directly to the base appeared in front of everyone...

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