Drekov, who was in the base, was still dreaming of using many Black Widows to disrupt the world.

He had no idea that a team that was enough to battle with the first generation of Avengers had quietly entered the base...

As usual, Wu Yuyu first released the mirror space and then asked

"We'll just be spectators this time, okay?"

Patting the chemical reagents on her waist,

Natasha removed the magazine and checked the ammunition.

"That's exactly what I want."

He loaded the gun in his hand and turned to look at Yelena beside him.

"Be careful."

Yelena didn't appreciate her concern at all.

She checked her weapons and equipment and said sarcastically,"Hmph! Worry about yourself. Don't die here. I won't save you!"

There was indeed enough ammunition.

She turned around and took a few black widows to lurk towards the base.

She only left one sentence for Natasha.

"Let's go rescue the other Black Widows, don't follow us and cause trouble!"

Looking at the backs of several people, Natasha did not comment and turned to look at the people behind her.

"I'll deal with Drekov, they……"

"Don't worry, their lives won't be lost, I said!"

Wu Yuyu waved his hand and took over the job of protecting Yelena and the others.

He also had a new idea that needed someone to help test, and of course he wouldn't let these black widows die here easily.

He touched the object in his arms that looked like a communicator.

It was perfect for them to help test this thing...

Natasha didn't say anything else, she just picked a direction and disappeared in front of them in a moment.

"We all have tasks, so leave the surveillance to me."

Tony, who wanted to make a big scene, couldn't hold back his restlessness.

He took off from the spot and blatantly killed the armed men.


A direct micro missile sent the armed personnel who were unable to react to hell.

The battle began.

"He is a good hand at attracting attention."

Amid the alarm, Patton commented on Tony's behavior.

He watched Tony stand motionless in the storm of bullets from the armed men, allowing them to empty the magazine.

Then he slowly raised the muzzle of the gun at his shoulder and shot them all.

Such behavior made several people hold their foreheads at the same time.

A series of words such as showoff, indecisive, and sloppy came out of their mouths.

However, as he spoke, Wu Yuyu's voice became smaller and smaller.

He suddenly remembered that these words seemed to be quite reasonable for him...

Well, let's not complain about Tony, otherwise Wu Yuyu always feels that he is complaining about himself.

At this moment, the iron door on the side was pushed open from the inside.

Several armed men walked out of the door.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Wu Yuyu and other idle people


In less than a second, all of them who were about to draw their guns and shoot were changed by Pietro.’——

The third leg was kicked and flew out.

It was estimated that they could not survive...

However, these people were really unlucky.

If they had encountered the Black Widows including Natasha, they might have been able to resist a little, fire a few shots or something.

But they were unlucky and happened to run into the strongest people among the invaders.

Not to mention resistance.

Even the way they died depended on who did it.……........

On the other side, Natasha and the Black Widow team, who were acting separately, heard the continuous explosions in the distance and immediately sped up their actions.

At this time, the attention of the base must be focused there, and they must seize the opportunity to complete their mission.

"Well done, but can you handle such a big commotion?"

Although she didn't know who was over there, it didn't stop Natasha from praising him.

It was just like playing a game.

No matter which teammate made a brilliant move, just praise him!

Tony fired two consecutive micro missiles, blowing up all the surrounding militants.

"I'm Tony Stark, this kind of small situation can't stop me!"

Another energy ray cleared out all the militants around who finally realized something was wrong.

From then on, no militant dared to appear in front of Tony.

"Finally, it's quiet."

Tony looked at the results of his battle, stretched his arms downward, and flew away from the battlefield.........

On the other side, Yelena looked at the fully armed Black Widow team in front of her and silently reached for her waist.

In sync with her movements, there were several people standing behind her.

Both sides were Black Widows who had also been trained here.

The same training gave them the same methods.

At this moment, they were observing each other cautiously, and neither of them took the lead in launching an attack.

The situation was temporarily deadlocked.

But soon, the Black Widow on the Red House side seemed to have received some instructions and pulled the trigger instantly.

If Yelena and others had not reacted in time.

They would not have reacted in time.

As for whether they would be sacrificed under the opposite side's strafing?

Please see above.

Wu Yuyu's mental power is covering here at the moment.

If there is a problem, he will take action at the first time to control all the Black Widows on the opposite side.

"Use that."

After hearing Yelena's words, several people took out the reagents prepared by Tony and threw them at the feet of the widow in the red room.

In just a moment, the widows in the red room stopped shooting.

Their expressions kept changing, as if they were struggling.


Hearing this voice, the Ukrainian widows all smiled with joy at the success of their plan.……........


He punched the table.

Drekov looked at the black widows huddled together on the screen, his eyes widened in anger.

But soon, he regained his composure.

��The flying armors, the Black Widow who regained consciousness and successfully gathered together, the mysterious people who seemed to be superpowers, and his favorite"daughter".

His eyes swept through these screens one by one.

Drekov knew that it was time to evacuate this villa.


"My dear daughter, go and bring that traitor back!"

Drekov still had Natasha in his mind, so he sent out his best weapon, his daughter, the Master of Mimicry.

"No need, I'm here."

A voice that he was very familiar with suddenly appeared outside the door.

Looking at the face that appeared as the door opened,

Drekov couldn't help but turn his head to look at the surveillance camera beside him.

"you are not……"

At this moment, in the surveillance video, there was another Natasha.

She was fighting fiercely with the armed guards.

This discovery made him understand everything instantly.

"Wow, it looks like this guy doesn’t have Alzheimer’s yet."

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