"Hey, it looks like this person doesn't have Alzheimer's disease yet."

As the door of the room was completely opened, all the small teams that came to the red room for team building appeared in front of Drekov.

In addition to the many black widows who broke free from control, the whole room suddenly seemed much more crowded.

Drekov looked at the crowd in front of him with a very calm expression.

He stopped the imitation master who wanted to launch an attack.

"Natasha, it seems that you have made a lot of new friends since you left here."

Drekov had a fatherly expression on his face, and it was hard to tell that he was the mastermind behind the entire Red House.

He ignored the existence of Wu Yuyu and others.

He came to Natasha and tried to touch her face.

But before he could touch her, Natasha slapped him away.

"Don't be so polite, your smile makes me sick!"

Drekov looked at his hand that was slapped away.

Amid the hateful gazes of many black widows, he slowly withdrew it as if nothing had happened.

"It seems that you have me in your hands."

Drekov's eyes swept across the faces of everyone present.

Finally, they returned to Natasha.

No longer hiding his inner thoughts, he sneered and said,"If you attack as soon as you open the door, you may be able to kill me, but now……"

He reached out and pulled the pistol from Natasha's thigh.

He checked the ammunition and loaded it.

He personally put it in Natasha's hand.

"Don't you want to kill me yourself? Come on, I'll give you a chance."

Drekov grabbed Natasha's hand and pointed the gun at her forehead.

Natasha, who had never heard of such a request, immediately wanted to meet Drekov's request.

She exerted a little force with her fingers and tried to pull the trigger.

But the strange thing was that no matter how hard she tried, the finger on the trigger didn't move at all, as if the trigger was stuck by something.

And for this situation.

Drekov pretended to be curious and took the pistol

"How strange! Is the pistol broken?"

He raised his hand and fired two shots.

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, Wu Yuyu fell to the ground.

"It seems that there is no problem with the pistol, so what is the problem?"

Throwing the pistol away,

Drekov looked at the people with anger in their eyes.

He raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that this person is very important to you. I'm so sorry~ I thought there was something wrong with the gun."

With an innocent expression,

Drekov walked back and forth among the crowd.

Everyone who wanted to attack him ended up with the same result as Natasha, who couldn't bring himself to do it.

"What a pity, it seems you can't kill me, just like the last time the bomb didn't kill me!"

Returning to Natasha,

Drekov stared fiercely into her eyes.

"This room is full of my pheromones. Anyone who smells them will be like you and will not be able to do anything to me."

At this moment,

Drekov was a little too proud of himself.

He returned to the control panel and entered the password in front of everyone.

A red world map dotted with white dots appeared.

"Look, those white lights above are Black Widows just like you."

"They were thrown on the street like garbage, but I took them in, trained them, and eventually sent them to all parts of the world."

When he said this, Drekov even waved his hands excitedly.

"I can start or end a war with just one command.……"


""Pfft, hahahaha!"

A laugh interrupted Drekov's passionate speech.

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't hold it back, your joke is just too funny."

In Drekov's eyes, which were three parts angry, three parts confused, three parts shocked, and one part fearful, like a palette,

Wu Yuyu slowly climbed up from the ground.

"What? You can only use the pheromone lock, but I can't use the blood lock?"

Noticing Drekov's gaze, Wu Yuyu stretched lazily, stretched out his right hand, and left a gap between his index finger and thumb.

"You were just a little bit away from killing me."

As Wu Yuyu stood up, the others also put away their shocked and angry expressions.

"Why don't you pretend? I want to hear his next story."

After listening to Mordo's words, Wu Yuyu rolled his eyes.

"It's tiring to lie on the ground, okay? My back is sore"

""Okay, okay, whatever you said is what I mean. How about I give you a back massage? Take these two eyeballs away!"

Mordo looked at the two white eyeballs that were almost sticking to his face.

The words"SAN value -1" seemed to keep floating on his head.

The expression on his face was even more distorted.

He kept hiding behind Casillas.

"Hey, don't come to me! If you are disgusting, am I not disgusting too?"

Finally, Casillas, who couldn't stand it any longer, took out his space blade.

With a few slashes, he chopped the white eyes into pieces.

The fight on Wu Yuyu's side made Drekov's eyes bloodshot.

The anger in his eyes seemed to be able to burst out and turn Wu Yuyu and others into ashes.

However, the caution engraved in his bones made him never make a sound.

He moved quietly, trying to sneak out of the room before everyone reacted.

"Where do you want to go?"

Drekov's eyes blurred, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Isn't this the white-haired man standing behind the man he just"beat to death"?

Before he could think about it,

Pietro kept the force to be able to kick away but not to kill him, and kicked him.

Then there was a series of kicks.

One person played the role of an entire football team.

And Drekov also played a very important role - football. After a while ,

Pietro kicked him directly towards Wanda.

Then, Drekov changed from a football to a windmill, and it was the kind that turned very fast.

Then, Mordo's portal free fall and Casillas' building toppled one after another fell on Drekov.

When the few people had enough fun, Drekov had completely lost consciousness.

The black widows who witnessed all this on the side had dissipated a lot of resentment towards Drekov. There was even a trace of pity.


Others had enough fun, but Wu Yuyu hadn't. He directly struck Drekov with a bolt of lightning.

This time he fully learned from the last lesson. He controlled the strength perfectly.

Didn't he faint?

He came to give Drekov an electric therapy, which would definitely make Drekov regain consciousness!

So, one after another, lightning struck Drekov, shocking him.

After a while, Tony also joined in the electric therapy...

With the unremitting efforts of the two, Drekov finally succeeded in regaining consciousness.

This is truly a medical miracle!

"Good job, Dr. Tony."

"You too, Dr. Wu Yudama."

The two of them seemed to have accomplished a great achievement, and shook each other's hands with serious expressions.

After watching all this, the corners of the mouths of the people were twitching wildly...

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