Through Drekov's experience, they understand why Tony and Wu Yuyu can get along well.

To some extent, the brain waves of these two people are at the same frequency and can resonate.

On the other hand, these two people are too perverted.

There is a feeling of mutual appreciation between perverts.

"What are you looking at? Forget it, I'll leave Old Deng to you, play with him however you want, come back to me when you're done."

He threw Drekov at Natasha's feet, not paying any attention to their looks. It's understandable that mere mortals can't understand the behavior of a genius like him!

Many black widows looked at Drekov at Natasha's feet.

Their eyes were full of complexity.

Hatred, fear, plus a tiny bit of gratitude and a little bit of pity.

They were grateful that some of them were abandoned by their parents and rescued by Drekov.

But this kind of gratitude had long been obliterated after so many years of control, training, and torture.

As for pity, it was only because of the ravage he had just suffered.

In the end, all these emotions were mixed together to form... A firm killing intent appeared.

Everything they had been through could only be partially repaid with Drekov's blood...

Yelena took a step forward.

All the black widows followed.

Many girls surrounded Drekov.

Feeling the murderous aura coming from all around, Drekov finally came back to his senses.

He swallowed quietly, his mind working frantically, thinking about how to break the situation.

But the presence of Wu Yuyu and others reminded him of what had just happened. He shuddered uncontrollably. He threw the idea of breaking out behind his mind.

Since force didn't work, he had to settle for the next best thing and choose the psychological tactic.

Trying to make these black widows recall the good memories.

"Natasha, you are my most beloved girl. Have you forgotten how I took care of you? When you were a child... Ugh!"

Before Drekov could finish his words,

Natasha kicked him in the stomach.

Looking at Drekov, who was bent like a shrimp, Natasha sneered.

"Care? Endless training, killing, even removing our uteruses, we can't even be a complete person... You call this care?"

She reached out and stroked her abdomen.

Maybe she was indeed Drekov's favorite, but she would rather not have this kind of love!

She threw out a dagger and stuck it into Drekov's palm.

Amid Drekov's wailing, she slowly stepped back two steps, leaving space for the other sisters.


Without a word of nonsense, she directly stabbed a dagger into Drekov's other hand.

Then she took two steps back...

With the two of them as an example, the rest of the black widows followed suit.

No matter what Drekov said, he was always responded with a dagger.

In the end...

Drekov simply gave up struggling and let them stab him like a hedgehog.

It was also thanks to his good training.

Otherwise, these black widows would not have such exquisite skills. While stabbing him like a hedgehog, they could also accurately avoid every vital point.

"Ouch, it hurts just looking at it, I can't bear it~" Seeing such a horrible scene, Wu Yuyu directly covered his eyes with his hands.

He couldn't bear to watch it...

If it weren't for the huge gap between his fingers, his statement might be somewhat credible.

As for now, everyone just wanted to kick him away.

And they did it!


While Wu Yuyu was not paying attention,

Mordo directly opened a portal to Mount Everest and kicked him in.

This action was unanimously praised by everyone except Pietro's siblings!

Looking at the worried eyes of the siblings, Mordo waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Relax... Don't you know his strength? Look, he's back... Uh."

Mordo looked at the huge figure that came out of the portal and couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

He slowly raised his head.

When it was about to touch the ceiling, he finally saw the head of this figure.

There were several black lines hanging from his head, and he turned into the Roaring Emperor.

"You... don't you have to be so exaggerated! In just a short while, have you mutated?!!!"

Modu's roar brought the others back to their senses.

Looking at this snowman with a white body, two buttons on his chest, and three semicircles on his head to form eyes and nose,

Wanda touched it directly.

A cold touch came over her, and it was indeed made of snow.

Before she could say anything, the huge snowman bent down, patted her head, and slowly pushed her away.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not afraid of you. If you come any closer, I'll take action!"

Looking at the snowman walking slowly towards him, Mordo's hands began to flash with magic light.

""Ouch~ What are you doing~ I was just joking."

Everyone felt a flash before their eyes, and the huge snowman disappeared in an instant.

Only Wu Yuyu, who had a teasing smile on his face, was left standing there.


Mordo curled his lips and retracted the magic in his hand.

He didn't believe a word of what Wu Yuyu said!

If he didn't use magic, this joke might not be a joke. He didn't want to feel the love of the giant snowman.’……........

The incident here did not affect the race change operation on the other side.

At this moment, only one person was left who had not yet attacked Drekov.

Drekov was panting in pain and difficulty.

When the last figure walked in front of him, his somewhat blurred consciousness slowly regained consciousness.

" didn't expect the last one to be you.……"

He tried hard to look at the figure in front of him, his eyes focused on her somewhat scary face.

Antonia, his daughter.

He used her as bait and tool, and transformed her into the daughter of the mimic master.

Not only him, but also Natasha and Barton focused their eyes on this poor girl.

This girl was the only victim of their battle with Drekov...

At the beginning, they confirmed Drekov's location through Antonia, and then blew him up.

It was just that Drekov noticed it in advance.

As a result, only Antonia was hurt in the explosion.

Her somewhat scary face was caused by the explosion...

And Antonia, at this moment, was staring at her father on the ground with a complicated expression, and her already hideous face looked even more terrifying.

In the commotion of Wu Yuyu's resurrection, she had been awakened by Natasha with a reagent.

She had been controlled for many years, and the father's love in her childhood and the experience of being controlled in recent years were fighting wildly in her mind.

"Go ahead...I'm not a good father, but you are a good daughter……"

Perhaps it is because a dying man speaks kindly.

In Antonia's eyes, Drekov seemed to have become her father in her childhood.

However, it was too late...

Gently closing her eyes.

With the sound of a gunshot.

A tear slowly fell from the corner of Antonia's eye.

It seemed to be commemorating her deceased father...

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