With the sound of the gunshot, all the Black Widows felt as if there was a hole in their hearts.

They had been trained in killing techniques for many years.

After losing their leaders and enemies one after another, they completely lost their goals in life.

Looking at their equally confused companions, they didn't know how to survive in the future...

Natasha noticed their expressions, which were exactly the same as hers at the beginning.

She opened her mouth and wanted to comfort them.

But she couldn't say a word.

She herself was still working for another agent organization, so what role could she play to comfort them?……

""Pah" Wu Yuyu clapped her hands, unlocking the mirror space and attracting their attention.

"I am going to set up a company. If you don't mind, you can come and work for me."

Although Drekov's behavior is rather despicable, the black widows he cultivated are all top talents.

This can be seen from Drekov's previous words.

The widows he sent out have infiltrated various fields in various countries.

In other words, no matter what type of company Wu Yuyu wants to set up, they can fully adapt to it.

Of course.

Although Wu Yuyu doesn't want to miss these talents, he didn't force them to join.

Otherwise, what is the difference between him and Drekov?

"I join!"×2As soon as Wu Yuyu finished speaking, two people came to him.

One was Yelena, who was rescued from the Red House by him. Her joining did not cause any emotional fluctuations in Wu Yuyu.

But the other one surprised him.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Antonia in front of him unexpectedly.

After noticing Wu Yuyu's emotions, Antonia's expression did not change. Nothing could make her who had lost everything change her emotions.

She looked into Wu Yuyu's eyes with a questioning look in her eyes.

"May I?"

"Of course!"

Wu Yuyu's lips curled slightly.

After receiving the response, Antonia did not react. She just walked quietly behind Wu Yuyu and then stood there motionless.

After a while, the last Black Widow also chose to join Wu Yuyu's company.

It can be said that he was the one who gained the most from this trip to the Red House.

Even Tony felt a little jealous.

If the armor could not be taken off, he would have to compete with Wu Yuyu.

With so many young, beautiful and capable girls, he can also provide a lot of jobs!

Under the cover of the armor, no one noticed his reaction.

Wu Yuyu clapped his hands and announced the first task of the company's establishment.

"Yelena, Antonia, and everyone, our company is officially established."

"Now, we have a very important task.……"

Many girls looked serious and quieted down instantly.

After years of training, they were more accustomed to the process of arranging tasks and executing them.

The others also turned their eyes to Wu Yuyu.

Some were curious about what task he wanted to give.

Only a few with more active brains or more experience had guessed the content of the task.

In this quiet atmosphere, Wu Yuyu suddenly grinned.

"Why are you so serious? I'm not asking you to kill anyone."

He came to Drekov's body and took off the ring he was wearing.

"The first task is to contact these dispatched black widows."

He brought up the red map again and pointed to the white flashing point above.

Under everyone's gaze, Wu Yuyu took out a tube of reagent and gestured to them.

"After Drekov's control was lifted, I told them that the Red House had been completely destroyed and they could return to a peaceful life or come to work for me."

"Everything, let them choose for themselves."

Many girls looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

It seems that there is no need to worry about returning to that kind of life in the future!

If it was because of gratitude and confusion before, now it is really wanting to join the company and fight for it.

"Leave it to us, we won't miss any of them!"

Yelena took the reagents and looked serious, as if she had issued a military order.

Under her arrangement, all the girls started working, completely ignoring the bodies on the ground.

"Thank you."

Wu Yuyu looked at Natasha beside him and said nothing.

The two of them just watched Yelena and the others walking around, and the atmosphere became quiet for a while.

But... how could Tony let the atmosphere be silent?

With a sound of metal collision, he stopped in front of Wu Yuyu.

"You are amazing. If you don't mind, I will also invest in your company?"

Listening to Tony's question, Wu Yuyu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Investing in shares is not a big deal.

But... can he say that he hasn't even thought of a name for the company yet?

Forget it.

Anyway, he is also going to get a few people present to join, so why think so much.

With a sunny smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and pounded the chest of the armor.

"Welcome to invest, I just need your help with something."

Looking at Wu Yuyu's smile, Tony felt a sense of regret in his heart.

"Well, can I regret it?"

"Of course... No!"

Without giving Tony a chance to speak, Wu Yuyu directly swung a portal and swallowed him and Tony in.

When the two appeared again, they had arrived in front of a metal building.

"This is the sky base that Drekov has not yet built."

Needless to say, Tony has already figured out what Wu Yudama wants to do.

The armor took off and circled around the base.

"This old man is quite thoughtful. If his plan succeeds, it will be hard to find him."

Wu Yuyu also thought so.

He patted the base with his hand and turned to look at Tony.

"How about it? Can you handle it?"

This provocative way of speaking, Wu Yuyu���I never get tired of trying.

It can be called a treasure for Tony.

As soon as Tony heard this, his voice instantly rose.

"You are questioning me, Tony Stark! Although the old man's idea is good, in my opinion, this base is full of loopholes and can be easily destroyed!"

Zhen" patted his chest.

"I am also a director of this company. Leave the base to me. I don't need this junk!"

After saying that, he urged Wu Yuyu to open the portal.

He returned to the villa and began to work.

"Tsk, am I going a little too far?……"

After sending Tony away, Wu Yuyu reflected on himself for three seconds and came to a conclusion

"I did this for his own good! Although he contributed money and effort, I was offered a position as a director! Well, that's it!"

After repeating it several times, Wu Yuyu successfully brainwashed himself and stopped worrying about it.

Of course, these were all jokes between friends. With Tony's brain, of course he could see that this was Wu Yuyu's plan, but he just didn't expose it.

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