In the following period of time.

The girls headed by Yelena and Antonia gradually released the control of the black widows around the world.

At the same time, they also conveyed Wu Yuyu's thoughts to them.

Unlike Yelena and the others.

These black widows have been sent to various parts of the world for a long time.

Although their consciousness is controlled, it does not mean that they have no memory of that period.

In the process of playing their respective roles, they have found their own fetters and chose to return to normal life.

Only a few widows without fetters, or with shallow fetters, choose to join Wu Yuyu's company.

In this regard.

Wu Yuyu sent blessings to those widows who returned to normal life.

At the same time, he said that the destruction of the red house would not affect them, and they should just live their own lives in peace.

Wu Yuyu did not expect that because of this decision, he would have fewer troubles in his future life...

At this moment, he was in the base sent by Tony.

"Why are there so many people?"

Wu Yuyu rubbed his forehead with a headache, looking at the long list sent by Antonia.

They were all black widows who chose to join the company.

He originally thought that it would be a lot to recruit dozens of them.


Looking at the hundreds of people on the list, Wu Yuyu fell into a long silence.

How many girls has the old man Drekov harmed!

So many black widows.

It is hard to imagine how many people died during the training process...

He leaned back and lay directly on the backrest of the boss chair.

Unexpectedly, the company has not been established yet, but a lot of employees have been brought in.

After thinking for a while, Wu Yuyu called Tony.

He was ready to ask when the sky base would be completed.

If it is not completed, he will have no place to arrange these girls!........

During this period, Tony was not idle.

In addition to upgrading the armor and designing the sky base, he also drove the armor from time to time to find trouble with the terrorists.

Since participating in the Red House eradication operation, he has completely fallen in love with this kind of battle to punish evil and promote good.

His image is getting closer and closer to Iron Man.

However, in the frequent operations, he not only gained the name of Iron Man, but also made his armor enter the sight of the country's top leaders.

A conspiracy against him gradually emerged without his knowledge.……........


This familiar word, Wu Yuyu didn't expect to be said by Tony.

The snake hunting operation of the egghead was in full swing, but he didn't expect that someone would target Tony's armor.


Wu Yuyu patted his forehead.

He had forgotten the temper of those congressmen.

With the value of the Mark armor, even without the instigation of Hydra, they would not easily give up the opportunity to snatch it.

Just like a group of hyenas, once they are targeted, they will never give up until they tear off a piece of meat.

Tony didn't take them seriously at all.

He clamped the phone between his head and shoulders.

He adjusted the parameters of the armor with both hands.

"If they want to take the armor from me, let them dream on. Maybe in their dreams they can even conquer the universe?"

""Okay, okay, don't forget to call me when the court opens. Such an interesting thing must be watched live." After agreeing to go to the hearing together, the two ended the call.

Antonia, who was standing by, listened to the entire conversation between the two.

She also learned that someone was harassing their company's architect.

For her, the company's base = home.

Slowing down the construction of the base = demolishing her home.

If she doesn't have a home, then she won't live!

But before taking action, she still asked for Wu Yuyu's opinion. She didn't want to cause any trouble for Wu Yuyu.

"We don't need to do anything, Tony will take care of it."

After hearing Antonia's idea, Wu Yuyu quickly stopped her.

My goodness, those people almost lost their lives before they even started to act.

Wiping the fake cold sweat from his forehead, Wu Yuyu felt that he deserved to be awarded the title of National Security Ambassador.

If he hadn't stopped it in time, those senior officials would have experienced a bloodbath tonight.........

Soon, the day of Tony's hearing came.

Wu Yudama, who didn't want to reveal his identity, walked directly into the mirror space and watched the debate on weapons or prosthetics in another space.

In this debate, uh... hearing, Tony seemed to have turned back into the playboy he used to be.

He only chatted with Potts behind him and didn't take the congressman on the stage seriously at all.

"Mr. Stark. Mr. Stark?"

""Bang, bang, bang." The congressman knocked on the table several times in succession, which drew Tony's attention back.

With a false smile, the unknown congressman asked Tony if he had a strange weapon, such as the Tin Man.

Tony shrugged and said that his invention was definitely not a weapon.

If it must be classified into a category, high-tech prosthesis is its category.

Amid the laughter of the audience, Wu Yuyu silently recorded this scene.

After that, it was Justin Hammer's moral kidnapping, trying to use the excuse that Tony could not foresee all the dangers to force him to hand over the armor technology. To this end

, he also joined forces with the congressman to produce images of several countries testing armor to prove the authenticity of his remarks.

However, this trick was directly cracked by Tony's hacking method.

Regardless of the congressman's obstruction, the subsequent parts of these images were directly displayed to everyone.

Not only does it prove that these armors are all developed by Hammer.

And these armors are also very unreliable.

Pointing to the picture on the screen where Hammer's armor is out of control and shooting everywhere.

Tony turned to face everyone

"The danger I can't foresee, is it Justin Hammer? The guy who does the knockoffs?"

Amid the uproar caused by this video, Tony ended the hearing with a tough attitude.........

"High-tech prosthetics, you really think they are idiots."

Hearing Wu Yuyu's complaints, Tony looked indifferent. In his eyes, those people were no different from idiots.

Who would cooperate with Justin Hammer?

Looking back at the crowd behind him, especially Justin Hammer who was surrounded by reporters, the arc of Wu Yuyu's mouth became bigger and bigger.

"He is the only victim of this hearing. If other countries want to copy my invention, it will take 5 to 10 years, and Hammer will take at least 20 years."

Turning to look at Tony,"With your words, the reputation of his company is completely gone."

Tony Bear spread his hands

"Does his company have a good reputation? Besides, I'm not lying."

"OK, OK, I know your technology is the best in the world. Then I want to interview Iron Man, when will our sky base be completed?"

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