While Tony was attending the hearing, the sound of the live broadcast of the hearing came from an unknown hut.

A strong man holding a toothpick in his mouth was listening to the hearing while activating his weapons and equipment.

With a burst of electric current, the long whip in his hand began to flash with sparks of electricity.

"Tony Stark!"

The sturdy man swung a crackling whip and broke the TV broadcasting the hearing live in half with just one blow.

It was Ivan Vanko, who had just lost his father.

After completing the development of the weapon, he turned around and began to investigate Tony's itinerary.

He was ready to use the electric whip in his hand to seek justice for his father.

Tony had no idea that in a place he didn't know, a sturdy man who was seeking revenge for his father was attacking him.

At this moment, he was still taking Wu Yuyu to visit the sky base he had built.

"How is it? Is it much better than that old man's design?"

Tony patted the wall beside him and looked at Wu Yuyu with a proud face.

"Perfect, but……"

Wu Yuyu looked at this high-tech sky base and raised his eyebrows at Tony teasingly.

"Why does this base look so familiar? Let me think... I seem to have seen it in a red house~"

Tony's eyes wandered. He coughed twice and changed the subject.

"Ahem. Those are not important. What is important is that the materials of this base are absolutely solid. Even if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, it is not so easy to be destroyed!"

In order to prove his words, Tony took out his pistol and fired two shots at the wall.

It did not leave a trace on the wall.


Wu Yuyu reached out and knocked on the wall that Tony had shot at, and threw a fireball at it.

It didn't leave any marks on it.

Wu Yuyu estimated in his mind that with his destructive power, he could indeed destroy the base, but it would take a lot of effort.

He smacked his lips and turned to look at Tony.

"This material is the same as that used in your armor, right?"

"Of course, I have shares in this company, so I must use the best materials to match my status."

At this point, Tony poked Wu Yuyu's kidney curiously.

"When you talk about setting up a company, you should also tell me the nature of this company. What kind of business do you want to focus on?"


Wu Yuyu looked left and right, but didn't respond to Tony's question.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"You haven't decided what to do yet, have you?……"

Wu Yuyu scratched his face and showed an embarrassed smile.

""Hey, you found me~" Tony felt his eyes go dark and veins popped out on his forehead. Sensing what was going to happen next, Wu Yuyu immediately raised his hands to cover his ears. Sure enough, the next second after he covered his ears, Tony's roar reached his ears.

"Wu...Yu...Yu! What the hell are you doing!!! You haven’t even thought about the company’s business, and you’re still rushing me?!!!"

Tony never expected this.

In the past, he was the one who made others angry.

But when it came to Wu Yuyu, it was always him whose blood pressure rose.

Is this retribution?

"Calm down, calm down, I was just joking, getting angry is bad for your health……"

Facing Wu Yuyu's comfort,

Tony took a deep breath to calm his rising blood pressure.

"You better not lie, otherwise even if I can't beat you, I will kick you twice in my armor!"

Wu Yuyu waved his hand quickly,"Not really, I'm not kidding this time."

He took out his phone from his pocket and opened the news page.

"Look at this"

【The world doesn't need Iron Man】

【For the sake of the country, Tony Stark should hand over the armor technology】


【Is Hammer Industries' technology reliable?】

【A few things Tony Stark had to say about his cover model】

【Shocked! The world's richest man, Tony Stark, actually took her home.

Tony raised his eyebrows when he saw the news.

"I see, those models do have great bodies! But what does this have to do with the company?"

Wu Yuyu felt a mouthful of blood rushing up his throat.

Okay, okay.

That's how you read the news, right!

He tapped the screen unhappily, opened the first piece of news, and directly hit Tony in the face.

""Take a look at the content and comments inside."

Tony took the phone and took a quick look.

He found that it contained fabricated facts, misinterpretations of his words, or malicious editing of his interviews.

He read several news items at the top of the list, and the content was roughly the same.

They were all slanders against him.

He was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone on the spot.

"These guys, get ready to face Stark Industries’ legal team!"

"Hey! This is my phone, I just bought it! If you want to smash it, you can smash your own!"

Wu Yuyu snatched the phone back. He looked it up and down under Tony's rolling eyes.

Seeing his stingy look, Tony didn't know what to say to him. He was obviously not short of money, but he was so stingy.

"It's just a cell phone, isn't it? If it breaks, I'll buy you a car!"

"It's a deal!" Tony didn't bother to pay attention to Wu Yuyu's eyes rolling around.

He opened the news page again.

After regaining his composure, he soon found a clue. The ones who issued these news were either partners of Hammer Company or partners of those congressmen.

This can be seen from previous news.

Looking through these news, Tony roughly guessed what the company's business direction was.

"So, you're planning to go in this direction?"

"This is the public opinion group responsible for the public opinion part, and another part is the combat group for responding to the war."

Hearing the second half of the sentence, Tony's pupils suddenly brightened.��

War, the word represents a lot of meaning. The scene of his first meeting with Wu Yuyu appeared in his mind again. He quickly asked,"War? Are you talking about those aliens who want to invade this planet?"

Wu Yuyu recalled what he had said.

Dimensional Demon, Chita, Thanos, they are not much different, they all want to invade this planet.

He nodded directly.

"That's about right. It's easy to deal with."

This time, Tony really couldn't calm down.

He quickly handed over the command of the base to Wu Yudama, then quickly returned to the villa and began to develop a new armor.

Although Wu Yudama felt that it was easy to deal with, it was a question whether his current armor could participate in the battle.

He is"Iron Man", how could he not participate in the battle!?........

While Wu Yuyu was trying to operate the base, a toothpick strong man was rushing towards the city where Tony was.

An old man in a small town also drank a bottle of impure drink. The era of superheroes has gradually begun.……

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