As the door broke,

Bronski led his team directly into Banner's room.

Without hesitation, he fired several shots at the raised blanket on the bed.

In just a moment, the blanket was full of anesthetic needles.

His decisive action fully demonstrated his professionalism.

Unfortunately... Banner had a very alert dog, and he had already escaped from here through the window before they arrived at the door. There was nothing else in the raised blanket except the pillow.

"The target escaped."

Bronsky found himself fooled, and while observing the room, he reported the situation to Ross outside.

By the way, he also gave the puppy abandoned by Banner an anesthetic needle.

It instantly fell to the ground.

Facing Bronsky, who has been fighting for many years, Banner's escape experience seemed a little insignificant.

What's more, the outside was surrounded by Ross and his men.

Soon, Banner's figure appeared in their eyes.

A fierce chase game began...

Compared with the tense atmosphere on their side, Wu Yuyu's side seemed a little strange.

At this moment, he was following several people slowly.

At the same time, he made several calls in succession, asking if anyone wanted to watch the fun.

No matter which world people are from, they seem to be very concerned about watching the fun.


There were many more figures around Wu Yuyu

"It seems that you are either watching the fun or on the way to watching the fun. Are all you mages so idle?"

Tony asked before he came out of the portal.

Looking at Mordo, he was a little curious about whether their mages were idle.

After all, since he met Wu Yuyu, this person seemed to have never had a peaceful life.


Tony's question completely stumped Mordo.

Looking back at his past experiences... it seemed like there was nothing wrong with what he said?

"Can't we be a little more idle?"

Precision strike!"

Wu Yuyu's words instantly silenced everyone.

The more idle they are, the safer this planet is.

The equation is established, and the conclusion is drawn.

Looking at the silent people, Wu Yuyu proudly raised his eyebrows at Mordo.

By the way, he also picked up the Eye of Agamotto and shook it in front of him and Casillas.

Like teasing a cat, it made the two people's eyeballs shake left and right.

"Let's talk about it when we get back. Let's watch the fun first."

Seeing that Banner had been cornered by Bronsky,

Wu Yuyu directly waved his hand to stop the two from asking questions in advance. With a wave of his hand, the mirror space instantly unfolded.

Everyone hid in the mirror space and watched the scene of the Hulk beating up the soldiers.

Under Ross's order, the combat team led by Bronsky was constantly pulling the trigger at the transformed Hulk.

However, under the Hulk's powerful defense, even bullets had a hard time breaking through the defense.

Not to mention their tranquilizer bullets.

Under the Hulk's feet, there was a layer of tranquilizer bullets that could not break through the defense at all.

"Wow~ He is so strong!"

Looking at the green fat man walking in the hail of bullets, Tony couldn't help but start to wonder whether the weapons in his armor could cause any harm to the green fat man.

"Aren't you going to make a move?"

Wu Yuyu was still admiring the green fat man beating up the soldier.

He was stunned for a moment when he heard the question from the side.

He turned his head to look at Fury who followed Patton shamelessly, looked around, and pointed at his nose.


Fury nodded as a matter of course.

Even Wu Yuyu, who was looking at him, laughed out of anger.

"Who should I help? The green fat man? Or do you want me to clean up the mess of that old man with a mental problem?"

He raised his hand and poked Fury's chest.

"There are no innocent people here, and this is not the old man's territory. If he doesn't cause trouble without reason, this place will not be destroyed, so you should persuade him!"

Fury silently took two steps back.

In order to avoid being thrown in front of the green fat man by Wu Yuyu in anger.

Originally, he just wanted to test Wu Yuyu, and then consider whether to pull him into the Avengers plan.

Don't mention it, he really tried out something...

Wu Yuyu raised the corner of his mouth as he glanced at Fury who was lost in thought.

‘Are you testing me? You should doubt your life first.~~’

Turning his head to look at the battlefield.

It's true that the soldiers' fighting spirit is quite strong.

Even if they can't cause any harm to the green fat man, they didn't stop attacking.

Finally, under the explosion of a projectile, the green fat man was completely enraged and officially blew the horn of counterattack.

Storage tanks and forklifts were thrown at them one after another.

The soldiers instantly lost the ability to fight back.

They could only watch the green fat man break through the wall and leave.

""Pa pa"

Looking at the almost completely destroyed building, Wu Yuyu clapped his hands.

This time it was not in the mirror space.

Destroyed is destroyed.

"I don't know who the owner of this place is. I hope he can find an old man to ask for compensation."

Fury's face darkened.

When Wu Yuyu said this, he looked straight at him.

It was obvious that he was talking to him.

‘One more thing to add is that he holds grudges and has a strong desire for revenge. '

Under the gaze of everyone, Fury called Ross. He called Ross three times before Ross impatiently pressed the answer button.

"Fury? I'm on a mission, that's it, hang up……"

Before he could finish his words, Fury's unhurried voice came out from the microphone.

"General Ross, I heard that you have made a big move in other countries.

Ross couldn't understand what Fury was referring to.

He snorted coldly.

"Although I don't know where your information comes from, you must have received fake news."

Rose commanded the car.

Wu Yuyu and others stood there quietly, listening to the sophistry on the other end of the phone.

Everyone's mouth corners were slightly curved.

In this weird atmosphere.

Fury coughed lightly and suppressed the smile in his heart.

"I will verify whether the news is true or not. If General Ross causes damage in other territories, remember to make compensation, otherwise, it is not me who is talking to you."

Then, Fury hung up the call unilaterally.

Listening to Ross's furious voice in the command vehicle, Wu Yuyu nodded with satisfaction.

He turned and headed in the direction where the green fat man left.

But... everyone looked at the string of tires floating behind Wu Yuyu, and the corners of their mouths twitched unnaturally.

It seems that these soldiers, including Ross, can only walk back this time.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with them.

Everyone looked at the portal that appeared beside them, knowing that Wu Yuyu was not going to take them to play next.

Without hesitation, they walked in one after another.

Especially Fury, for fear that he would be left here by Wu Yuyu if he walked a step slower........

On the other side, Wu Yuyu caught up with Hulk.

As Hulk watched, Wu Yuyu stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Hulk."

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