"Hello, Hulk."

Looking at Wu Yuyu's right hand stretched out to him,

Hulk tilted his head.

He raised his right hand and looked at it.

He seemed to see Wu Yuyu's friendliness.

He turned his palm and stretched it towards Wu Yuyu's hand.


At the moment when their palms were about to touch,

Hulk instantly clenched his fist and punched the place where Wu Yuyu was.

A deep pit was directly smashed in the ground, and dust rose up around.

"Hulk...won't...believe you!"

He put his fist away and stood up, a wisp of dust slowly sliding off his fist.

Hulk snorted triumphantly, like a child who had successfully played a prank.

He didn't even look at the damage he had caused, squatted slightly, and exerted force with his legs.

In a puff of dust, a huge figure instantly soared into the sky. Continue to move forward in the direction in his mind.

As the dust gradually dissipated, Wu Yuyu's figure appeared again.

He looked at the deep pit under his feet.

Fortunately, he knew Hulk's character better, otherwise the punch he hit on the ground would have hit the ground.

He sighed slightly in his heart.

With a thought, a metal disc appeared under his feet, taking him to chase the huge figure bouncing in the distance.

""Hello, Hulk."

The familiar voice appeared in his ears again.

Hulk turned his head and took a look.

He took another look.

Shouldn't this guy be crushed by him?

Looking at Wu Yuyu floating beside him, Hulk's not-so-smart head was a little confused.

If one punch doesn't work, then give it another one.

Hit me!

Hulk clenched his fist and swung it at Wu Yuyu again.

But he forgot that he was now floating in the air.

The punch made him lose his balance immediately. He fell headfirst to the ground.


A cloud of dust splashed up from the ground.

Wu Yuyu couldn't help but cover his eyes. This time he really didn't mean it.

Hulk was too reckless.

Fortunately, his physical resistance was high enough, otherwise he would have been in big trouble. He slowly fell to the ground and came to the deep pit created by Hulk.

"Hulk? Can we talk?"

"Hulk... doesn't want to... chat!"

In the deep pit, Hulk's figure soared into the sky.

He used a punch from the sky.

A deep pit appeared where Wu Yuyu was standing.

"Alas, I wanted to communicate with you.……"

In the dust created by Hulk's smash, one, two...many Wu Yu Yu slowly walked out, formed a circle, and surrounded Hulk.

Hulk turned around. There were so many identical faces that his brain was a little overwhelmed. The more he looked, the more irritated he became.


With a roar, he picked a random direction and rushed forward like a bulldozer.

"Hulk! Smash!"

In front of him, many black feathers were like toys. He picked up one in each hand and swung them up as weapons.

It was as if he was an unrivaled general among the soldiers.

He kept smashing one black feather after another.

However, the figures around Hulk not only did not decrease, but there were signs of more and more.

These extra black feathers did not take action, but quietly surrounded him.


Letting go of the 'weapon' in his hand, Hulk sat down on the ground, ignoring the group of black feathers around him.

He was a little bored after smashing for so long.

"Let's talk."

Seeing Hulk calm down, the real body of the black feather jade came forward with full sincerity.

He waved his hand gently.

The other black feather jades disappeared one by one in front of Hulk.

He reached out and took out a can of Coke.

After thinking for a while, he got an oversized cup, filled it up, and handed it to Hulk.

Looking at the extremely dark and bubbling liquid in the cup,

Hulk smelled the smell cautiously. He had no intention of letting it drink.

"You don't have to be so cautious. You should be able to feel that I have no ill intentions, right?"

Wu Yuyu sat down directly opposite Hulk.

He took a sip of Coke and squinted his eyes comfortably.

This successfully made Hulk let down his guard and imitated him, raising the cup and taking a sip.

The wonderful feeling spread from the tip of his tongue to his brain.

He couldn't help but take a few more sips and drank up all the liquid in the cup.


Hulk burped a huge burp.

If Wu Yuyu hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been hit by the burp head-on.

He snapped his fingers and filled Hulk's cup again.

Wu Yuyu handed over the Coke can.

"Let's clink glasses, we are friends now."

Looking into Wu Yuyu's eyes.

Although Hulk's brain was not very sensitive, he could see that Wu Yuyu was serious.

After a moment's pause, Hulk pulled the corner of his mouth awkwardly.

"Friends? Hulk... likes... friends!"

He wanted to clink glasses with Wu Yuyu directly, but looking at his fragile body, Hulk was a little worried that this friend would be beaten to death by him. He carefully controlled his strength and clinked glasses with Wu Yuyu.


With the sound of cups clinking, Hulk didn't hate the world so much for the first time.

For the first time, someone really approached him with kindness. After finishing the Coke

, Hulk stood up and looked in one direction.

"Hulk is leaving...Friends."

That direction...

Wu Yuyu took out the map.

Sure enough, it was New York.

‘I remember that in the original series, Banner regained consciousness in Guatemala. Hulk is so energetic that he can cross so many countries.……’

Patting Hulk on the shoulder,

Wu Yuyu waved his hand.

A portal flashing with silver sparks opened in front of the two.

"I'll take you there. It's so tiring to run there."

Wu Yuyu was the first to pass through the portal. Looking back, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

I forgot the size of Hulk!

I saw Hulk bending over, standing opposite the portal, looking at Wu Yuyu blankly.


Wu���Yu quickly expanded the portal a little, which allowed him to pass through successfully.

‘Oh, I almost forgot.

He waved his hand in front of the Eye of Agamotto.

A green light covered the other side of the portal, restoring the land destroyed by Hulk to its original state. He nodded with satisfaction.

He raised his hand and patted Hulk.

He used the modified version of soul-leaving to knock Banner's personality out of Hulk.

"Hello, Dr. Banner."

He waved to the dazed Banner and stopped the Hulk who wanted to beat him up.

"Hulk hates him!"

Hulk has been locked in Banner's body for many years.

He can only come to the outside world when Banner is in danger.

What greets him is bullets and shells.

How can he not hate Banner?

Under Hulk's incoherent narration, Banner lowered his head with some guilt.

For so many years, he has always regarded Hulk as a disease and has never tried to communicate with him.

Slowly walked to the front of Hulk.

Banner stretched out a somewhat illusory hand, his eyes were very sincere

"Can You Forgive Me? Hulk……"

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