Looking at Banner's outstretched hand,

Hulk clenched his fist.

He turned around and left Banner with his back.

Obviously, he was not ready to forgive him so easily.

Banner smiled bitterly, shook his head, and put his hand down.

In fact, apart from locking Hulk in his body, he couldn't really be blamed for anything else.

Ever since Hulk appeared in his body, Ross had never stopped hunting him.

Recalling the experience of being hunted by Ross,

Banner sighed deeply.

"Okay, don't be depressed. I called you out to ask you where Betty is."

Wu Yuyu pointed at Hulk.

"Hulk must have been influenced by you. Since he escaped from the pursuit, he has been heading towards New York. I can't think of any other goal besides looking for your girlfriend."

Banner was stunned, and his eyes couldn't help but follow the direction of Wu Yuyu's finger, just in time to meet Hulk's peeking eyes.


Hulk snorted coldly and turned his head quickly.

He looked like he was still angry.

This is just a child's temper...

Seeing Hulk's reaction, Banner laughed dumbly.

He probably knew how to communicate with Hulk.

Glancing at Wu Yuyu with gratitude, Banner walked in front of Hulk.

He walked wherever Hulk looked.

Finally, Hulk closed his eyes. The annoying guy kept swaying in front of him. Couldn't he just stop looking?

Seeing the atmosphere between the two personalities gradually become harmonious.

Wu Yuyu silently took two steps back.

Leave enough space for them........

On the other side, after Fury returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., he locked himself in the office and did not allow anyone to disturb him.

He put the photos of Wu Yuyu, Pietro and his sister, Mordo, and Casillas together.

After thinking about it, he also added the photos of Tony, Natasha, and Barton.

He took two steps back and looked at the photos.

In Fury's eyes, these photos seemed to be connected by lines, and these lines finally converged on

Wu Yuyu.

These lines represent the connection between people.

Wu Yuyu is the end point of these lines, connecting these people closely together.

He reached out and clicked on Wu Yuyu's photo.

Fury had a headache. With Wu Yuyu's personality, it would be easy for him to get into big trouble.

To be precise, someone would make him get into big trouble.

Just like Hydra and the Red House before, they couldn't last a few rounds in front of him and his partners.

Thinking of this,

Fury suddenly realized that the black widows in the Red House should also have been recruited by Wu Yuyu.


Fury touched the intercom in his arms.

If some stupid congressman provokes Wu Yuyu in the future, even if Carol returns immediately, I'm afraid she will only see the ruins of a city.……

‘Perhaps innocent civilians should be able to survive. '

Thinking of the personality assessment of Wu Yuyu, Fury felt relieved.

But Wu Yuyu's strength made him, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., feel tortured.……

""Fuck it!"

In the office, Fuck Man appeared again.........

In other words, Wu Yuyu didn't know what Fury was thinking.

Otherwise, he would have to point at Fury's nose and tease him, thinking about threats here and there every day.

Most of the real threats were blocked outside the planet by Ancient One and Odin.

The rest...

For example, the green fat man in front of Wu Yuyu, weren't they all made by the planet itself?

Looking at Banner and Hulk walking side by side.

Wu Yuyu raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that you have reached a consensus.

Banner looked at the big man next to him and shrugged.

"This is the case for now, if Ross doesn't come to cause trouble, we will take turns and never keep Hulk locked in our bodies again."

Hulk patted Banner's shoulder in agreement, but hit nothing.

Realizing that Banner was in soul state, he scratched his head awkwardly.

Wu Yuyu certainly wouldn't comment on the result of their discussion.

After all, the two of them are the owners of this body.

All he can do is provide them with a chance to communicate.

Patting Hulk's arm, Wu Yuyu looked at Banner and asked,"So, when are you going to look for Betty? Ross won't be back for the time being."

Ross, whose tire was removed by him, was surrounded by local troops before he left the town.

At the moment, he was in a state of panic, busy discussing compensation matters with local officials.

‘Damn it, how did the tire disappear?'

Looking at the calls coming in one after another on his phone, Ross's resentment grew deeper and deeper.……

"I want to let Hulk walk around outside first. Without Ross, he should be able to have more fun."

After hearing that Ross would not be back for the time being, Banner, who had just had a heart-to-heart talk with Hulk, did not want to look for Mr. Blue at this moment.

He figured out one thing.

Since Hulk was created by him, isn't he equivalent to his child?

Although this child is a little big and does not have his own body,……

"Hulk goes back... Banner goes to see Betty."

They are alone, so how can Hulk not consider Banner's feelings? He closed his eyes and didn't give the two a chance to react.

His tall body slowly shrank.

Finally, it returned to Banner's appearance.

Wu Yuyu shrugged.

He stretched out his hand and patted Banner back to his body.

"Hulk is a kind child, pay attention to safety, don't let him get beaten up all the time."

Banner held up his pants and nodded seriously.

"Okay, go do what you need to do. I'm going to go back to sleep."

Looking at Banner's look, Wu Yuyu didn't want to be on the front page with him the next day.

He made an excuse and ran away.

He didn't give Banner a chance to react.

Looking at Wu Yuyu who disappeared in an instant, he looked down at his own look.

Banner sighed helplessly and complained silently in his heart: 'Every time you go out, you have to ruin a set of clothes. Can't you be a little more economical?’


Hulk said he didn't want to talk to him and kicked him out of the conversation.

Banner, who was disliked by Hulk, could only hold up his pants and pray that someone would come to help him. He didn't ask for anything else, just give him a set of clothes.

Otherwise, there would be an extra news item on the next day.——【Running naked on the street late at night, is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Welcome to listen to our report. 】

Banner felt his scalp tingling when he thought about this scene. He kept looking around, fearing that a bunch of reporters would appear from somewhere.

As if his prayers had worked, a set of clothes fell from the sky and landed directly on Banner's head.

Looking up, he could only see a portal that was gradually disappearing.

""Thank you so much!"

He quickly found a corner to change his clothes.

He knew very well that this was definitely sent by Wu Yuyu.

After all, that was how he disappeared just now...

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