"You came pretty fast~ So, between Banner and your current boyfriend, which one do you choose?"

Although she was already surrounded,

Wu Yuyu still had no sense of urgency.

Instead, she asked Betty how she wanted to deal with this complicated triangle relationship.

The others who also heard the voice were speechless.

Is this the time to care about this?

"I choose Banner."

Although she felt sorry for her boyfriend, Betty couldn't deceive her heart.

Since the moment she saw Banner, her heart no longer belonged to him.

Looking into Banner's eyes,

Betty spoke her heart out seriously.

Wu Yuyu looked at the young couple hugging each other tightly after Betty expressed her feelings.

She nodded.

Very good, he was willing to eat this bowl of dog food.

"Do you want to be wanted too?"

The voice from outside the door interrupted the sweetness between the young couple.

Ross walked to the door with a gloomy expression, and he turned every question into a statement.

It seemed that if Betty dared to nod, he would immediately issue a wanted order.

Betty left Banner's arms, looked up at her father, and smiled coldly.

"Wanted? Ever since you told me about Banner's death, has my phone ever been monitored by you? If you want to issue a wanted warrant, then come on!"

He reached out and shook Banner's hand firmly.

He proved his attitude to Ross.


Ross' pupils suddenly shrank, and his already gloomy expression was about to ooze out tears.

He glanced at everyone in the store.

Especially Wu Yuyu and Bronski.

The former was because he remembered Fury's advice.

As for the latter...

Ross swore, this man will be a soldier for life!

He looked at Betty seriously, turned around slowly, and walked to the back of his subordinates...

Wu Yuyu's mental power spread out.

In addition to the military, there were only them in the pizza shop.

‘Very good, no need to open the mirror space. '

There were no innocent people present, and he was too lazy to clean up Ross's mess.

He glanced at the very conspicuous boiled egg head opposite.

With a slight thought, he instantly replaced the clothes on Wu Yuyu with a blue and white shirt and blue jeans.

With a flick of his hand, a red and white baseball cap appeared.

He put it on his head and turned it.

Like a passionate young man, he stretched out his hand forward.

"It's decided that it's you. Go ahead, Hulk!"

He threw Banner, who didn't understand the situation, forward with a very passionate smile on his face.

"Hulk! Smash!"

‘It seems that one more item needs to be added, that his mental state is suspected to be abnormal. '

Fury silently added another entry to the page for Ueyama in the little notebook in his heart.

He took two steps back.

He dodged the armored vehicle thrown by Hulk.

Looking at the Hulk who was killing everyone in the field, Fury's face darkened a little.

Why does it feel that his reserve Avenger has such a good relationship with Ueyama?

He cast his eyes towards the pizza shop where the atmosphere was peaceful.

Fury sighed in his heart.

At this time in the pizza shop, under Ross's order, no bullets were fired at that place.

The three people from Ueyama inside... to be precise, it should be Ueyama, who was eating popcorn that he got from somewhere, while watching Hulk holding the armored vehicle and killing everyone.

As for the other two, they were looking at the Hulk who was doing whatever he wanted in the field with a worried look on their faces.

"With such a strong firepower, Banner will be hurt. No, I have to stop them!"


Wu Yuyu stretched out her hand to stop Betty who wanted to leave the room.

Looking at her serious eyes, and then looking at the soldiers who were chased by Hulk and fled with their heads in their hands


Did she worry about the wrong person...

The ammunition prepared by Ross could not break Hulk's defense.

No matter how you look at it, Ross and the others should be the ones to worry about.

Can love really make people blind?

As a magician (and single dog), Wu Yudama obviously cannot understand this emotion.

After a while.

Hulk has almost vented.

Putting the last bite of popcorn into his mouth, Wu Yudama clapped his hands and walked out of the pizza shop.

Ignoring the stray bullets passing by, he walked straight to Hulk.

"Are you happy smashing it?"

"Hulk is very happy!

He threw the armored vehicle he was using as a weapon.

"With a"boom", the last helicopter was knocked down.

He waved his fist with satisfaction.

He had been hunted down all the time, and this time he finally vented all his resentment.

Looking at the smile on Hulk's face, Wu Yuyu nodded.

Then, it's his battlefield next.

As his thoughts swept through, all the soldiers fell into a stagnation at the same time and were locked in a small dark room.

The entire battlefield fell into a dead silence in an instant.

Today, Wu Yuyu is like a nuclear weapon in this battlefield of ordinary people.

The outcome of the battle depends entirely on his thoughts.

"That's why I don't let you mess with him."

Hearing Fury's whisper, Ross lowered his eyes and slowly walked out from behind the barrier.

At this point, there was no point in him hiding.

It would be better to face Wu Yuyu face to face and see what kind of person he really is.


Ross walked past many soldiers who had collapsed on the ground.

He felt bitter when he saw Betty running to Banner without even looking at him.

"This should be our first official meeting. Wu Yuyu, nice to meet you, General Ross."

This sense of déjà vu...

Fury, who was standing by, looked at the scene in front of him and felt a sense of familiarity.

It seemed that someone had said the same thing to him when they first met.……

‘Fuck you.

Of course, Ross couldn't hear Fury's thoughts. At this moment, he looked at the very young man in front of him with a complicated expression. He adjusted his mood, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Wu Yuyu.

"I'm not happy to meet you."

"How unhappy?"


Ross opened his mouth repeatedly but didn't say a word.

This question really confused him.

I'm not happy to meet you. How unhappy am I?

Is this how a normal person would answer?

His face darkened and he stared at Wu Yuyu, trying to put some pressure on him with his eyes.

"The man behind you is suspected of stealing state secrets. Anyone who helps him will be wanted!"


This short answer instantly dispelled Ross's brewing emotions.

It seemed that this answer was not a good one.

Wu Yuyu thought about it and added:

"How scary! Then just catch me."

Fury looked at Ross, whose breathing was getting heavier, and was a little worried that it would cause irreversible consequences, so he hurried forward to separate the two.

"How about this, let me take care of Banner, and let SHIELD take care of him, what do you think?"

Ross and Wu Yuyu stopped fighting and turned their eyes to Fury.

What's the matter, little brother?

You're here to pick peaches.

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