Under the gaze of the two, Fury spread his hands, indicating that he had said nothing.

The action of taking advantage of the fire was stillborn before it even started.

Ross and Wu Yuyu looked at each other, and at the same time let go and stepped back.

Looking at the young couple standing hand in hand, Ross had a complicated expression.

If he gave up... he would not be satisfied with all the efforts he had made over the years.

In order to capture Banner, even his own daughter... was looking at him with hostility.

He looked at Betty.

Ross's expression did not change. He retracted his gaze and looked at Wu Yuyu in front of him.

"It seems that it is impossible to take Banner away today."

Seeing Wu Yuyu's expression, Ross shook his head and turned around slowly.

If he couldn't take Banner away, there was no point for him to stay here.

"General Ross paused as he left.

He tilted his head slightly, waiting for Wu Yuyu's next words.

After taking off the Eye of Agamotto, Wu Yuyu's mouth showed a mysterious arc.

"If you don't mind, I'll treat you tonight. I have something to discuss with you."

���Ross wanted to refuse.

Then he saw a green light flash in Wu Yuyu's hand.

The soldier who had turned into a corpse, blood and flesh flowed back, the wounds healed, and restored to the appearance before the battle.

This was like a miracle, and Ross's heart was shaken violently.

If it weren't for the ruins around him, Ross even had an illusion that they had never fought at all.

He also released the soldiers who were locked up in the small dark room.

He nodded to Ross,"Then, I'll wait for your arrival."

After that, he took Benner and the other two, turned around and walked into the portal that opened behind him, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

After the few people disappeared.

Ross stood there for a long time without saying a word, his eyes staring at the place where the portal disappeared, and I don't know what he was thinking about.……

""General Ross? Did that monster escape? Please let me lead the team to hunt him down!"

Bronski's words pulled Ross out of his thoughts.

Looking at the wreckage of the armored vehicle with black smoke around him, he saluted Ross excitedly, and completely forgot about Wu Yudama who was catching the bullet in his hand.

Of course, he naturally did not notice the coldness in Ross's eyes.

He patted Bronski's shoulder gently and said,"Forget it this time. Wait until you find him next time, and you will have a chance to show your skills."

After a few perfunctory words, he sent him away and gathered the soldiers who didn't understand the situation.

Bronski stared in disbelief.

The prey in hand is gone just like that?

A burst of anger instantly surged in his heart. Looking at Ross in front of him, Bronski snorted and didn't dare to get angry with him.

Turning around, he vented all his anger on the soldiers behind him.

As long as anyone moved a little slower, his foot would appear on that person in the next moment and kick him to the ground.

"There's something wrong with this soldier."

Fury noticed Bronski's abnormality, came to Ross and glanced at him.

"He was injected with that."

Needless to say, the injection alone was enough to remind Fury of the problem.

——Super Soldier Serum.

Over the years, they have never stopped replicating this serum.

If Bronsky was injected with an imperfect serum, then it is not surprising that his personality changed.

This serum is a personality amplifier, the better the better, the worse the worse.

The former is represented by Captain America, and the latter is represented by the Red Skull.


Bronsky belongs to the latter.

After figuring out the situation with Bronsky, Fury was too lazy to pay attention to him.

The replicated serum is destined not to reach the level of Captain America and the Red Skull, and it is not worth spending too much time on.

Looking at the desolate streets, a smile flashed across Fury's one eye.

Knowing the abilities of Umeba, he naturally knew that the scene in front of him was deliberately left for Ross.

It just so happened that he could take this opportunity to squeeze Ross a little.

"This is another huge expense. I don't know if your budget is enough. Don't let yourself get hurt."

"Thank you for your concern. I can still afford these expenses."

After saying that, Ross led the assembled subordinates and started to clean up the battlefield.

He did not give Fury a chance to continue speaking.........

On the other side, Wu Yuyu brought Banner and the other two to a remote wilderness.

At the same time, he also summoned the combat team including Yelena and Antonia here.

Looking at the heroic girls in front of him, Banner seemed a little confused.

Didn't he ask Hulk to help fight to test his results?

Can these skinny girls in front of him withstand a punch from Hulk...

Time came to a few minutes ago.

Thanks to Wu Yuyu's participation, Banner escaped from Ross's pursuit very smoothly.

In order to express his gratitude.

Banner directly rejected Wu Yuyu's idea of letting him rest for two days.

"Anyway, it was Hulk who did it, so I don't feel tired at all. Now I'm going to test your results, is that ok? Hulk"


Looking at the two people who were so excited,

Wu Yuyu certainly would not reject their interest.

He immediately contacted the combat team in the base, and it was time to test their combat capabilities.

So, there was Banner's confusion. After looking at Wu Yuyu and confirming that he was not joking, Banner slowly took two steps back and gave a final reminder to the dozen girls in front of him.

"You guys better be careful, Hulk is very strong"

"He is right. I picked this opponent for you. Be careful."

He nodded to the girls who looked at him inquiringly.

Wu Yuyu opened the mirror space and took Betty and Stan, who were ordinary people, away from the battlefield.

"呲~ ton ton ton~"

"Watch carefully, the next battle is much more exciting than the battle between Hulk and General Ross.……"

Looking at Wu Yudama holding a can of Coke,

Betty and the others found it hard to connect him with the figure who just faced Ross.

Do people with superpowers have such strange personalities?

At this moment, Wu Yudama was concentrating on enjoying the battle in the field. He didn't pay any attention to the complaints of the two people in their hearts.

Even if he could hear it, he would just laugh it off.

Then secretly, he would find an opportunity to take a small revenge.……........

Seeing Wu Yuyu paying attention to them from the sidelines, Yelena and Antonia looked at each other and turned to look at the people behind them.

"The BOSS is watching us, this battle... must be won!"

"We must win!"

The twelve girls looked very serious.

They took out their transformation devices at the same time and put them on the back of their hands.

As Wu Yuyu dug her toes into the ground, they made the transformation moves in unison.


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