In the next few days, Ross, who had gotten rid of his obsession, finally began to reflect on everything he had done in recent years.

Pushing open the door of his home that he had not returned to for a long time, looking at the empty room without a trace of popularity, the happy family scenes in the past emerged in his mind.

He took the photo of Betty and himself when they were children in his hand and wiped off the dust on it.

Betty's bright smile appeared in front of him again.

He at this moment.

Suddenly wanted to do something for his daughter to make up for the harm he had done to her over the years...

As for Banner?

As an old father, the relationship between him and his daughter broke down because of him.

His idea of Banner now is to turn a blind eye.

No compensation, no arrest, no attention.

Putting the photo back in place, Ross took out a note from his arms.

"If you want to restore your family ties, go to the address listed here."

This is what Wu Yuyu said when she handed him the note a few nights ago.

‘He was right.

Ross unfolded the note and looked at the address with complicated eyes...

After a while,

Ross looked at the door that was just around the corner and raised his hand repeatedly, wanting to knock on it.

But every time before he touched the door, he stopped, sighed, retracted his hand, and raised it again.

This cycle repeated.

Until the door was opened from the inside, this strange cycle was finally broken.


Ross opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he shrank back at Betty's vigilant gaze.

"Can't you just let us go? Where are your men? Armored vehicles, helicopters, and other weapons and equipment, this place is surrounded!"

"I'm not……"

"With a"bang", the door was shut tightly, blocking Ross's words.

"Banner! Trouble is coming again……"

Listening to the sound getting farther and farther away from the door,

Ross stretched out his hand weakly.........


Although Ross was allowed to enter the room under Banner's persuasion, it did not mean that Betty would be nice to Ross. She ignored Ross's outstretched hand.

She put the water cup in front of him and turned to sit next to Banner.

She grabbed the pillow and hugged it in her arms, staring at Ross with a vigilant face.

"Tell me, what plan have you come up with this time?"

Ross looked at Betty who was sitting opposite him, and then looked at the cup of water on the coffee table that was originally full but now only half full.

His eyes drooped slightly.

He took the cup of water in his hand and took a sip.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Banner touched Betty's thigh inconspicuously.

His eyes signaled her not to do this. Her eyes moved between her father and her boyfriend. Betty snorted coldly, threw the pillow at Banner, and turned back to the room.

The eyes of the two men present followed her footsteps until the door closed with a"bang", and then they retracted their eyes.

Under Ross's gaze, Banner smiled innocently.

He pulled a few tissues to wipe the water stains in front of Ross.

Watching Banner's actions, Ross turned the cup of water in his hand.

"Your friend has talked to me."

Banner paused, said nothing, and continued to wipe the water stains on the coffee table.

When the water stains were dry,

Ross gently put down the cup, sat up straight, and looked directly into Banner's eyes.

"I agree... I'll cancel the hunt for you."

Looking at Banner's eyes getting bigger and bigger, Ross waved his hand, signaling him not to get so excited.

"Don't get excited yet. Although I agree to cancel the hunt for you, it doesn't mean I agree with you being with Betty."


Before Banner could comment, the door of the room that was originally tightly closed suddenly opened, and Betty came out angrily.

Obviously, although she returned to the room, her attention was always in the living room.

Standing in front of Ross, with her hands spread out, she asked angrily:"Since you agree to cancel the pursuit of Bruce, why can't you agree to let us be together?!"

Ross stretched out his hand and wanted to pull Betty to sit next to him, but was dodged.

The successive setbacks made Ross's temper rise.


Ross slammed the coffee table hard, stood up, and stared at Betty in front of him.

"I'll tell you why I object!"

He pointed behind him.

"First, you already have a boyfriend, who is excellent in character, career, and ability."

He waved his hand and stopped Betty from making excuses.

This time, he aimed at Banner.

"Second, can you guarantee that you won't suddenly change in your future life? Or do you want to have a platonic relationship? Don't be ridiculous!"

After venting,

Ross realized that he had gone too far, and sat on the sofa sullenly, not saying anything.

The two people who were speechless by what he said looked at each other silently.

The memories that they had tacitly"forgotten" were now ruthlessly revealed by Ross, forcing them to face these problems.

Looking at the old man with his head bowed in front of her, Betty's anger slowly dissipated.

She reached out and held Banner's hand, speaking gently.

"I will talk to Leonard, I believe he will understand. Even if it is a platonic relationship, I am willing. Please agree that we can be together, father."

Feeling the strength coming from his palm,

Banner, who had been a little bit withdrawn, mustered up his courage again.

He shook hands with his backhand and looked at Ross seriously.

"If I have the information, I think I can find a way to control the transformation. Please believe me, I will definitely give Betty a stable home."


Looking at the two people's determined eyes, Ross snorted disdainfully.

He stood up, put his hands behind his back and walked out the door.

In the increasingly disappointed eyes of the two people, Ross stopped at the door.

"The information will be sent to you tomorrow."

After saying that, he left the house without looking back.

The moment he closed the door, the cheers in the room could not be concealed and reached his ears.

Looking at the sunset in the sky, Ross's face slowly showed a smile.

"It seems like you guys are having a great time chatting."

The voice coming from the side made Ross instantly stop smiling.

"Are all of you mages so idle? Or are you deliberately spying on me?"

Turns his head sideways, watching Wu Yuyu slowly emerge from the fluctuating space, and Ross starts to complain.

Wu Yuyu is like a little bear spreading his hands.

"You are slandering me. I was just watching openly."

What's the difference between these two statements?

Ross was speechless at his shameless appearance.

However, he did not care much because his goal was achieved and his relationship with Betty had eased.

He waved at Wu Yuyu.

He hummed the little song he used to coax Betty when he was a child and left here slowly.

"It seems that I can rest assured this time."

Looking at Ross who was leaving like a retired old man, Wu Yuyu knew that the grudge between him and Green Fatty was over...

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