The grudge between the two families was resolved, but Bronski was upset.

He had been training hard these days.

Suddenly, he learned that the hunt for Banner had been cancelled.

He immediately put down his equipment and went to Ross's office.

He pushed the door open without caring if there were other people in the office.

"General Ross, are you serious? That monster is just left alone?" When the door was pushed open,

Passerby A, who was reporting to Ross, looked back in surprise.

He thought it was a senior executive. But when he turned around, there was no senior executive, only a captain who didn't know the rules, who walked in from the door. Just as he was about to scold him

, he saw General Ross waved his hand.

"Okay, go ahead and do your work. I'll report back later."


After saluting Ross, Passerby A turned and walked towards the door, glaring at Bronski fiercely on the way.

However, it was this one look that made Bronski remember him deeply.

He walked in front of Ross and stood still, waiting for his response.

The reckoning with Passerby A could be put off until later. The most important thing now was to make sure whether Ross had really decided to give up the pursuit of Banner.

Ross got up from his chair and walked in front of Bronski, staring into his eyes.

"Listen, soldier, I gave the order to cancel the pursuit, and you just need to obey. Don't forget what you promised me when you injected the serum."

"Keep your wits about you and obey orders"

"Very good, do you have any questions?"

Facing Ross's gaze, Bronski slowly lowered his head, his eyes gradually becoming more vicious.

"No more generals."

After saluting, Bronski slowly turned around and walked out the door.

Looking at his back, Ross tapped the table thoughtfully and sent a message.……

"Hey, isn't this the captain who broke into the general's office? Look at his gloomy face, I'm afraid... uh... what are you going to do! ?"

Bronski left the office and ran into Passerby A in just two steps.

Or rather, Passerby A was deliberately squatting here, just to wait for him to appear.

Bronski, who was already full of anger, directly grabbed Passerby A's collar, lifted him above his head with one hand, and with a little force, pushed him against the wall beside him.

"Listen, Lieutenant Colonel, you should be thankful that this is the base, otherwise... Hehe."

Without continuing,

Bronski gently let go of the passerby and let him slide to the ground.

Looking down at the heavily panting passerby, Bronski smiled disdainfully.

"By the way, if I hadn't refused, my current rank would be colonel, do you understand? Lieutenant colonel."

After saying that, Bronski kicked him away and left the base.

"You gave up, but I didn't. I won't let the mission fail so easily!"

Looking at the base behind him, Bronski turned around and headed straight for Greyburn College.……........

On the other side, Kaecilius watched Wu Yuyu's movements nervously.

For fear of disturbing Wu Yuyu, he even slowed down his breathing.

Since joining Kamar-Taj, he rarely experienced such big emotional fluctuations.

But this time, his emotions were completely out of his control.

Because Wu Yuyu was doing... to resurrect his family.

Under his nervous gaze, Wu Yuyu spread his hands and placed them under the Eye of Agamotto.

The thought came to him.

A green light spread out from the Eye of Agamotto, shining on the two skeletons in front of him.

He stretched out his right hand, and a green magic circle appeared.

He slowly turned his palm counterclockwise, moving the time... bones, blood vessels... clothes shrouded in the two skeletons.

Under Wu Yuyu's manipulation, Kaecilius' wife and children appeared in front of them intact.

""Did it... succeed?"

Casillas' eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

He wanted to touch his wife and children, but was afraid of disturbing Wu Yuyu's operation, so he could only ask carefully.


Wu Yuyu's sigh immediately chilled his heart. He rushed forward and observed his wife and children. They were breathing and their heartbeats were still there, but no matter how he called them, they could not open their eyes.

"What happened? Hasn't it been restored?"

"Souls... their souls are gone. Is that right?"

As a mage, he quickly noticed the situation of his wife and children, and quickly turned to Wu Yuyu to confirm.

"That's right, the Eye of Agamotto alone is not enough to revive them for the time being. It has been too long and their souls are no longer in their bodies."

He touched the cheeks of his wife and children lovingly.

Casillas took a deep breath, stood up, and bowed deeply to Wu Yuyu.

He dragged her away, and Wu Yuyu pretended to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Come on, don't think you can get away with treating me to a meal by just bowing! Get ready to bankrupt your wallet!"

Casillas, who found hope, no longer had that cold look on his face.

He showed a big smile and patted his chest, saying that in the future, whenever Wu Yuyu wanted to eat, he would treat her!

Glancing at his wife and children behind him, Casillas pounded Wu Yuyu's chest and turned to go to the library. He couldn't let Wu Yuyu suffer all the time, he had to make some efforts, right?

"Playing with time is against the laws of nature."

After Kaecilius left, Mordo appeared in the darkness.

He stretched out his hand in front of the Eye of Agamotto and waved it over Kaecilius' wife and children.

A green magic circle covered them and then slowly dissipated.

Time stopped for them.

Putting away the Eye of Agamotto, Wu Yuyu turned around and looked at Mordo behind him.

"But you didn't stop me, did you?"

Modu shrugged noncommittally.

"To be honest, I don't know why I didn't stop you."

"We have a saying that small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be changed. So don't worry, this does not violate the laws of nature."

Wu Yuyu patted Mordo on the shoulder and comforted him.

If he was not afraid of scaring Mordo, he would even say that my fate is in my own hands.

Looking at Mordo who was lost in thought, Wu Yuyu stretched out his hand and pulled him into a portal

"Let's go, I'm happy today, you can treat me to a meal"

"Explain clearly why you are so happy and I have to treat you to a meal, instead of you treating me.……"

As the two walked further and further away, the sound gradually became quieter.

Finally, the portal closed, and the two people's voices disappeared completely.

No one noticed that beside Casillas' wife and children, there was a sudden fluctuation in the air, and then it returned to calm again...

(PS: There will be another chapter later. In addition, I wish you all a happy May Day.~~~)

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