While Wu Yuyu was eating and drinking, Mordo sat opposite him, looking at his wallet with a sad face.

‘I'm sorry, I made a bad friend and made you suffer.……’

Mordo sighed secretly, and suddenly noticed a pair of sneaky chopsticks out of the corner of his eye.

"With a"smack", he viciously slapped the chopsticks that Wu Yuyu had extended to him, and protected his food with a look of dissatisfaction.

"this is mine!"

""Okay, okay, it’s yours, yours."

Wu Yuyu looked at Mordo who was protecting his food and quickly raised his hands. He had already stolen a meal, so it didn’t matter if he didn’t have the stolen food!........

While Wu Yuyu was fighting for the ownership of the food,

Bronski had already arrived at the Department of Cell Biology at Greyburn College.

He looked at the information in his hand and confirmed that it was correct.

He kicked the door open

, drove the students inside away, grabbed the collar of a little curly-haired boy, pulled him in front of him, and said viciously:"Dr. Stern, I should call you Mr. Blue, right?"

Mr. Blue?

Hearing this familiar word,

Stern blinked and looked at Bronski with some confusion.

"Are you Mr. Green? I thought you weren't real... Hey man... calm down."

With the cold muzzle of the gun against his forehead, Stern immediately realized that the man in front of him was definitely not Mr. Green. He quickly raised his hands to show that he was not a threat. He exerted force with his palms and threw Stern onto a chair beside him.

Bronski slowly loaded the gun.

"Dr. Stern, you must have gained something from your long time with Banner.……"

In fact, he was not sure whether Stern had gained anything.

During the investigation during this period, he only found that he had contacted Banner. As for the content of the contact, before the investigation was completed, Ross's wanted order had been cancelled.

Therefore, he could only try to trick Stern in front of him to see if he could get any unexpected results.

"So his name is Banner? A very common name. To be honest, he only sent me some blood samples. Without other information, it is very difficult to get results.……"

As expected, Stern was fooled.

With just a little threat, he started to talk nonstop.


Bronski looked at Stern who was getting more and more excited. Was there something wrong with this man's brain? Listening to the series of nouns coming out of Stern's mouth, Bronski felt a little overwhelmed and quickly turned off his microphone. He poked his head with a gun.

"Listen, I don't want to hear about your research process, I just want to get what you extracted from his blood."

Bronski's words made Stern's eyes flash with a subtle surprise.

A little white mouse delivered to his door?

Before, he tried to conduct experiments on various animals, but never on humans.

The two hit it off.

In order not to waste time, Stern immediately took Bronski to his laboratory.

"Yes, that's it. Just lie there and I'll take care of the rest!"

After debugging the various devices, the lights in the laboratory began to flash wildly as the green light representing gamma rays flashed.

Amid the screams, Stern felt that something was wrong.

"Hey, hey, hey, it shouldn't be like this, have you injected something else! ?"

While quickly adjusting the equipment, he complained about Bronski's concealment of the truth from him.

Soon he couldn't complain anymore.

The panting and roaring coming from behind him, and the huge shadow cast over his head.

All told him that there was a problem with his experiment... and it was a huge problem.

He turned around carefully.

He gave the monster behind him a sneer,"Hey man, maybe you don't understand what I'm saying now, but you really can't blame me for becoming like this. It's another power in your body that's at work.……"

Originally, Bronski was still concentrating on experiencing the tremendous power surging in his body, but someone kept chattering in his ear, which made him feel very uncomfortable. He swung his right hand from the lower right to the upper left.

Stern was immediately knocked out and fell heavily on the wall in the distance.

Bronski, who had regained his silence, hummed with satisfaction, kicked through the wall, and set out on the road to find Banner.


Honking, braking, screaming... Ever since Bronski... now we should call him Abomination.

Ever since he appeared on the street, all kinds of noises have come one after another.

At the same time, the phones of various security chiefs have been ringing, reporting that a monster has appeared on the street.

"Banner! Come out here!"

The Abomination kept roaring, trying to get Hulk to come out and fight him.

"Bang, bang!"

Hate looked down at his body, and saw several bullets slowly falling off.

He looked up at the direction where the bullets came from, and saw several agents hiding behind obstacles.

A hideous smile appeared on his face.

He looked around, grabbed a taxi from under his feet, aimed slightly, and threw it hard.

"With a"boom", there was no one behind the obstacle...

Abomination was quite satisfied with this result.

He kicked the cart away and continued to walk, looking for Banner.

On the other side, SHIELD and the military had received information about the situation here.

While arranging his men to rush to the scene, Fury called Ross.

Looking at the rampant Abomination in the surveillance, Fury asked Ross on the other side:"Do you think this is Hulk?"

"It doesn't look like it."

Ross shook his head. He had dealt with Hulk so many times, and the one in the surveillance video couldn't be him.

Besides, there was no reason for Banner to appear in this area.


"The new Hulk has appeared!"The two said in unison.

From the surveillance, it can be seen that the physique of the Abomination is similar to that of the Hulk.

Fury couldn't help but feel a little headache. Why are the frequency of superpowers appearing more and more recently?

Facing these superpowers, their SHIELD is still a little stretched and there is nothing they can do about them.……

"Ask him for help.……"

The destruction caused by the abomination was getting bigger and bigger.

Fury had no choice but to ask for help before he caused more damage...

Ross was a little stunned and asked tentatively:"Who should I ask for help? Wu Yuyu?"

Fury's face darkened.

Ask him? I'll be skinned alive.

"Of course it's Banner, using monsters to defeat monsters."

After that, Fury hung up the phone and started to contact Banner......... the other side

"All indicators are normal, we can set off."

With the mechanical voice of Jarvis, an unidentified flying object flew straight into the sky from Tony's beach villa...

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