"Thanks for the treat!"

Wu Yuyu rubbed his stomach and walked out of the restaurant with a satisfied look on his face. His look made Mordo roll his eyes. He was quite polite. He didn't forget to say thank you after robbing a meal...

He raised his hands and was about to circle back to Kamar-Taj when police and military vehicles whizzed past them one after another.

"Looks like there was an accident over there."

"You're right, a big green monster is doing whatever it wants in the next area."

Through his mental power, Wu Yuyu looked at the unparalleled abomination in the next area.

Before he could say anything more, a portal suddenly appeared.

Wu Yuyu turned his head in surprise and looked at Mordo who raised his hands to maintain the portal.

"I know you want to go and watch the fun."

Modu tilted his head, with an expression that said I understand you.

Wu Yuyu shrugged. He really wanted to say that he wanted to watch the fun.……

"Hey, you picked a good position!"

He raised his hand and broke the oncoming car wreckage into ribbons, and then restored it to its original shape behind him.

At the same time, his other hand unfolded a magic shield to block the bullets shot from behind.

He had just walked out of the portal and had received so many surprises. Wu Yuyu looked at Mordo with some suspicion. This man might be taking revenge for his wallet!

Beside him, Mordo whistled, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Well, there is no doubt that he was taking revenge.

"One week's food as compensation to me."

After saying that, Wu Yuyu walked towards the abomination that was roaring towards him.

"Hey, hey, hey, you are blackmailing me!"

Modo trotted to Wu Yuyu's side, waving his hands, saying that it was all a misunderstanding and had nothing to do with him...

On the other side, Fury and Ross simultaneously gave orders to stop the attack.

Looking at Wu Yuyu who suddenly appeared, they had to admit that although this person was a bit weird, his appearance did make them feel relieved.

"I think... you are not needed here."

Fury looked at Wu Yudama standing in front of the Abomination and said to the phone in his hand.

On the other side of the phone, Banner looked confused.

He was ready to drive to the scene, and now he was told that he was not needed?

However, before he could ask about the situation on the scene, the phone had already turned into a series of busy tones.


Fury unilaterally ended the call.

"What's going on?"

Betty fastened her seat belt and saw that the car had not started. She looked at Banner in confusion.

"Not sure, but I think I still need to go there and take a look. And... why are you here too?!"

Banner was about to start the car.

He was shocked to find that Betty had sat in the passenger seat without him knowing.

Before he could open his mouth to persuade her, Betty glared at him and said,"Don't think about leaving me behind. Let's go now, immediately!"

He shrank his neck.

Banner didn't dare to say anything to ask her to get out of the car, and hurriedly turned the key. With a catapult start, the car carrying two people drove away into the distance...

The perspective was raised. While Banner and the other person were rushing to the scene, a stream of light was also rushing to the scene in the sky.

"Hey, big guy, look here!"

The Abomination had just rushed to Wu Yuyu, ready to crush him.

Hearing the voice from above, the Abomination raised his head obediently.

He saw a huge iron fist that filled his vision. With a"bang", the whole person was smashed and flew backwards.

He rolled several times on the street, smashed several walls, and disappeared in a cloud of dust.……

"Bingo! Home run!"

Accompanied by a series of metal splicing sounds, a fat battle armor appeared next to Wu Yuyu.

Although he couldn't see the face, Wu Yuyu could imagine that Tony inside must be very proud at the moment.

"Don't quibble, you can't escape from a week's worth of food!" He launched a fatal blow to Mordo.

With a sad expression on his face, he reached out and knocked on Tony's armor.

""Dangdang~" a crisp metallic sound

"Not bad, you prepared this for Hulk, didn't you?"

Tony still looked very pleased with himself after hearing the first half of the sentence. As soon as the second half came out, he suddenly coughed violently.

The arm of the armor waved

"Ahem, don't slander me, this is specially prepared for enemies of huge size!"

Wu Yuyu squinted his eyes. Who doesn't know who? Who knows that he has another set of armor called [Anti-Wu Yuyu Armor] in his armor library.

I'm too lazy to expose him.

Turning his head to look at the big guy gradually exposed by the dust.

Raising his hand, he moved Tony aside.

"Let me show you my armor, too!"

He reached out and pulled out the empty


Along with the sound of the sword being unsheathed, the Dragon Sword appeared in Wu Yuyu's hand.

Looking at the sword, Mordo recalled the scene that had happened before.

He didn't care about his wallet, and trotted to stand next to Tony's armor.

Looking at Wu Yuyu who drew his sword and pointed it at the sky, Tony was a little confused about the situation, and looked down at Mordo beside him.

"Brother, do you know what he is doing?"

Faced with his question, Mordo shook his head.

"Just wait and see, the next scene... is very exciting"


Wu Yuyu has some double standards. When he saw Yelena and the others performing the transformation, his toes almost dug out a three-bedroom, one-living-room apartment.

Now it's his turn.

Instead, he doesn't feel embarrassed.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Wu Yuyu's mouth corners stretched wider and wider, and he looked up at the sky.

"" Dragon God!"

A golden light shot up from the sword in his hand.

At the same time, a hateful figure rushed out from the dust in the distance and threw a huge rock at Wu Yuyu. At the moment when the rock was about to hit her, a golden dragon descended from the sky along with the golden light, turned into a mecha, and landed in front of Wu Yuyu, just blocking the rock.

"Oh my god!"

"This is unscientific!"

Countless exclamations appeared with the appearance of the mecha.

With a move, he jumped to the top of the Dragon God and gradually disappeared into the mecha.

"Jarvis, record the scene just now, our next goal is determined."

Tony recalled the scene just now, he will also have such a handsome appearance in the future!

Other people's thoughts have no effect on Wu Yuyu.

Turning around, he looked at the abomination who stopped behind him and tilted his head.

"You were the one who attacked me just now, right? Come, pick up the stone, I told you to pick up the stone!" He didn't even draw his sword.

He punched the abomination in the face, sending it back to the ruins.

When his fists touched, Wu Yuyu suddenly felt that it would be nice to have a close combat occasionally.

If the abomination could hear his thoughts, he would definitely question him, using a mecha to hit someone is called close combat?!

Wu Yuyu: Hmm... why doesn't it count?

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