Although Phil said he would offer a gift as an apology, Eric couldn't really accept it.

He waved his hand quickly, saying that as long as they could take their research materials away, it would be fine.

Phil looked at Wu Yuyu and saw him nod slightly, so he stopped forcing him and asked the agent beside him to prepare according to Eric's instructions.

It must be said that Phil's actions made Wu Yuyu feel very comfortable.

Therefore, he decided to give Phil a small gift. He waved his hand, motioning Phil to come closer, and whispered in his ear:"I have a message for you, the North Pole, a nice butt, and alive."

These three words confused Phil for a while.

But seeing Wu Yuyu's mysterious face, Phil didn't think too much and personally sent them out of the base.

When he returned again, his mind seemed to be struck by lightning.

He remembered that the last place Captain America appeared was near the North Pole, and to be disrespectful to his idol, his butt was indeed nice and nice. He silently said sorry to his idol in his heart.

As for the last one...

Phil's eyes gradually widened, and an idea emerged in his mind.

He quickly dialed Fury's phone

"Sir, I think there's something you need to hear.……"........

Outside the base, Wu Yuyu did not lead his men away immediately, but stood there quietly, waiting for someone to arrive.

At the same time, it also gave Eric and the others time to check the equipment.

Soon, a series of hurried footsteps appeared behind him.

A happy smile appeared on his face, and he turned around and bumped fists with Barton who came behind him.

"I know you can see me."

"Of course! I'm Hawkeye!"

Barton pointed to his eyes proudly.

Turning to look at the listless Luotangshen,"What happened to him?"

Wu Yuyu shrugged, Xiao Xiong spread his hands, and his eyes swept across an uninhabited place without a trace.

"Abandoned by his father, he is now doubting his life. Ignore him and tell me, have you researched anything about Meowth Hammer?"

Hooking Barton's shoulders, he dragged him to a slightly farther place.

As for Thor, he didn't have the energy to argue with Wu Yuyu about whether it was Meowth Hammer or Mjolnir. He was completely immersed in the pain of not being able to lift Meowth Hammer.


A familiar voice appeared.

Thor suddenly raised his head and looked at Loki who appeared beside him.


Loki covered Thor's mouth with his hand, and looked at Wu Yuyu in front of him with some concern. After confirming that he didn't hear anything, he breathed a sigh of relief and let Thor go.

Among all the people present, he only sensed a trace of danger from Wu Yuyu.

In order not to affect the plot he had arranged, he had better be careful not to be noticed by Wu Yuyu.

Unfortunately, everything he did was completely clear to Wu Yuyu's"eyes", but she just didn't expose him.

"Thor, what's wrong?

Jane, who was busy checking the equipment, heard the noise and stood up to look over.

Looking at Loki who was shaking his head at him, Thor shook his head.


Seeing him like this, Jane didn't pay much attention to it and turned around to continue checking their equipment.

"Now tell me, what are you doing here?"

After making sure that everyone's attention was not here, Thor lowered his voice and asked Loki the purpose of his visit.

"I had to come to see you, my father……"

Loki's face was filled with pain, and Thor felt a chill in his heart. A bad premonition soon emerged in his heart.

Soon, Loki's next words confirmed his premonition.

"My father... passed away……"


Hearing this, Wu Yuyu couldn't hold back and burst out instantly.

Filial piety, great filial piety...

Barton looked at him with a question mark on his face. Was what he said so funny? Why didn't he think

"I'm not laughing at you." Wu Yuyu waved his hand,"I'm laughing at a certain old man. Although he is very powerful, it's hard to judge him because he was trained by a few children."

"Oh? Can you tell me about it?"

Wu Yuyu's words hinted at something, which instantly brightened Barton's eyes, and the flame of gossip ignited in his heart.

Shaking his head, Wu Yuyu did not satisfy his curiosity.

Although a certain peeping Tom should not be able to notice this at this time.

But with his presence, Wu Yuyu will not casually talk about the private affairs of a certain God King. If it happens to be heard by that God King, it will be bad to summon Gungnir.

Seeing that he was not going to say it, it must be something that he was not suitable to know, so Barton extinguished the flame of gossip and did not continue to ask.

‘Looking at Loki who was still trying to CPU (PUA) Thor behind him, Wu Yuyu shook his head.

If Thor had learned anything from this brain, he would not be sitting here sighing now.

Wu Yuyu's sighs here did not affect the plot that Loki had arranged for himself.

With his verbal output, not only did Thor recognize his throne, but he also made Thor admit the crime of killing his father.

After leaving a word of"goodbye", Loki looked at Wu Yuyu fearfully, and his figure slowly disappeared in front of Thor.


Thor closed his eyes in pain and silently sent his blessing to his brother.

At the same time, he also apologized to his"dead" father.

The drama ended, Wu Yuyu came back with Barton, and looking at Thor's reaction, a huge sense of speechlessness appeared in his heart.

‘This kid...really believed it. Wouldn't he have doubted it? Loki, the god of trickery! Odin, the father of all gods! How could he believe it? '

Uroyu felt very confused. Although Thor didn't have a God's perspective, he should at least have doubted it.

It was obvious that Loki had been too lenient in the past, which led to Thor believing everything he said.

He looked up in the direction of Jotunheim and said to himself:

‘Laufey, the words of the God King are really not an excuse. Although this man is big... he is still a child. '

Looking down at Thor, Wu Yuyu did not expose Loki's idea for the time being.

As an heir to the throne, Thor should reflect on the mistakes he had made.

"Have you finished the checkup? I'm a little hungry."

When she heard that Wu Yuyu was hungry, Daisy appeared in an instant.

"I know a really delicious restaurant, let's go together!"

She would never miss the opportunity to dine with her idol!

"……Let's go, I'll treat you."

Looking at Daisy with shining eyes, Wu Yuyu couldn't bear to refuse the request of his little fan.

""Okay! I'll go tell them to hurry up."

Seeing that Wu Yuyu agreed, Daisy ran to call Jane and Eric with joy.

After she left, Wu Yuyu felt someone poked her waist.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Barton's winking expression.

She rolled her eyes and said,"If you dare to think about it again, I'll throw you to the North Pole to keep company with some hottie!"


Looking at Wu Yuyu's reaction, it seemed that it was not what he thought. This discovery made Barton lose interest instantly. He pouted, got in the car, and prepared to eat for free!

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