"Ton, ton, ton."

Thor, who thought his father was dead, had no intention of talking to others. He just kept drinking.

"Another glass!"

After finishing the wine in the glass, he subconsciously wanted to throw the empty glass on the ground.

But he suddenly realized that this was no longer Asgard, so he paused and gently placed the glass on the table.

"Your wine."

Thor took the wine glass and raised his head, wanting to say thank you, but was surprised to find that the person who handed him the wine was none other than Jane, whose eyes were full of concern.

His eyes fluctuated a little, and he lowered his head to look at the wine glass and said sullenly,"Thank you.""

"You're welcome. If you don't mind, I think I'm a very good listener." Pulling out a chair and sitting down, Jane stretched out her hand to support her cheek , assuming a listening posture. Thor stopped his action of preparing to bang,...

"I thought I would be a competent king……"

From disobeying his father's order and leading the team to Jotunheim, to Odin's rescue, depriving him of his position as the God of Thunder and knocking him down in the courtyard.

People around him were amazed.

Knowing Thor's identity as the God of Thunder, they did not doubt the truth of his words.

Seeing that Thor was getting more and more depressed, Eric silently handed him a glass of wine.

"Thank you.

Thor took a sip of wine to calm his emotions, shook the remaining wine, and a few tears flowed from his eyes.

"Until just now, my younger brother told me that my father died because of my recklessness...……"

Looking at Thor who was full of grief, several people on the side suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Thor's brother?

They didn't see anyone contacting Thor.

Moreover, from Thor's narration, they felt a strong atmosphere of conspiracy hidden in it.

Patton turned his head to look at Wu Yuyu, just in time to see the arc of his mouth.

No need to think about it, this person must know everything.

He leaned close to Wu Yuyu's ear and whispered:"Do you have any inside information? Tell me."

Glancing at Patton, Wu Yuyu took a sip of Coke and shook his head mysteriously.

"It would be no fun if we knew it in advance. Let's wait and see. Something will happen later."

Uroyuki's words whetted Barton's appetite.

He wanted to know the whole story, but he was also worried that it would affect his enjoyment of what Uroyuki said. He had to sort out the clues given by Thor in his mind, while paying attention to what Thor said next.

When Thor said that the throne was inherited by Loki, everyone in the field finally knew why they felt the breath of conspiracy.

""Struggle for the throne."

This term was said in unison.

Everyone present was either a scientific researcher, an agent, or a bystander.

It was very easy to conclude that everything Thor had experienced was all part of his brother's plan, with the goal of seizing the throne.

Upon hearing this conclusion, Thor immediately stopped wanting to have another drink.

Everything he had experienced and Loki's strange behavior were all connected in his mind.

He seemed to... have been deceived by Loki again.

Thinking that he was drinking alone here while Loki was sitting on the throne and enjoying delicious food in Asgard,

Thor immediately wanted to give Loki the love of a brother. He subconsciously stretched out his hand.

But Mjolnir did not follow.

‘Yeah, I'm not Thor anymore.……’

Jane put down her hand dejectedly.

Even if she knew, what could she do?

She no longer had divine power and could not return to Asgard.

Jane looked at the pitiful Thor, and an emotion called maternal love rose in her heart.

She reached out and touched his head, and comforted him:"Since you are no longer the god of thunder, why not join us and continue to live here."

It was the only way.

Thor gave Jane a grateful look. In this strange place, the lady in front of him was the first one who was willing to take him in.

In his eyes at this moment, Jane seemed to be emitting countless lights.

Raising the glass, a smile appeared on his face

"Cheers to life!"

Everyone looked at each other and raised their glasses at the same time.

"Respect life!"×N


All their actions were seen by Heimdall who was far away in Asgard.

Seeing that Thor had gradually adapted to the life in Midgard, Heimdall felt a little worried.

If this continued, the heir to the throne of Asgard might really have to continue his life in Midgard.

As the gatekeeper of Asgard, he could not disobey the order issued by King Loki, which prohibited the opening of the Rainbow Bridge and the search for Thor.

After thinking for a moment, he turned his gaze to the four warriors in the residence.


As it happened, the next morning, the four warriors were in their residence, arguing about finding Thor.

Heimdall knew that the opportunity had come.

He summoned the four warriors to the Rainbow Bridge and put them to the final test.

After hearing their response that they would rather commit treason than bring Thor back to Asgard, Heimdall looked very serious.

"As a gatekeeper, I will not disobey the king's order to open the Rainbow Bridge."

As soon as these words came out, the four warriors looked frustrated and began to complain in their hearts.

‘Why are you saying this?

Seeing the four people's reactions, Heimdall didn't want to explain, and walked straight through the four people and headed towards the direction of the God's Court.

However, his memory seemed to be not very good, and he actually forgot the key to open the Rainbow Bridge here...

Sif noticed this and touched the three people beside her.

In the light of the opening of the Rainbow Bridge, the four people understood Heimdall's intention and set out on the road to the courtyard.


Loki in the temple saw the light of the Rainbow Bridge and held the scepter tightly in his hand. He swung his cloak and walked towards Odin's treasure house.

He wanted to teach these traitors a lesson, so that they would know that he, Loki, was the king of Asgard!

While he was searching for treasures, the four warriors on the other side had found Thor who was preparing breakfast.

"Chew...you said...chew...there is something else to do...chew...when is it?"

Wu Yuyu took the breakfast handed to him by Thor.

"Thank you."

He turned around and rolled his eyes at Barton.

"Swallow what you have in your mouth and then talk to me."

After saying that, he was ready to taste Thor's cooking.

At this moment, he sensed four figures approaching

‘finally come……’

Knowing that the exciting drama was about to begin, Wu Yuyu suddenly lost interest in slowly savoring the food. He quickly finished the food and sat down, waiting for the arrival of the four warriors.

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