'I think this is what you want me to learn, father.……’

In a trance, Thor saw the shadow of his father in the Destroyer.

Coming back to his senses, looking at the Destroyer who was beginning to accumulate energy, Thor opened his hands

"Don't you just want my life? Kill me and put an end to it all."

He closed his eyes, and the experiences during this period began to roll in his mind.

Although he had not been in the atrium for a long time, he had gained a lot here.

When he was frustrated, he had Jane's care, and Wu Yuyu and others' company. When facing the threat brought by the Destroyer, he risked his life to protect his four companions.

If sacrificing himself could exchange for their survival, it would be worth it!

"Hey, hey, hey, you want to play the trick of heroic sacrifice in front of me, are you looking down on me a little bit?"

The atmosphere created by Thor had just reached its peak.

A jumping voice appeared, instantly breaking the atmosphere.

""Go away!"

Wu Yuyu thought about it and threw Thor, who was blocking the Destroyer, into Jane's arms.

‘Seize the opportunity yourself~'

He looked at the young couple who were not yet lovers with a joking look.

He turned his head and looked at the Destroyer who was shrouded in green light.

Next, it was the second round.……


Just as he was about to take action, he heard a sigh of an old man. He stopped moving and looked at the Destroyer who was standing still in front of him. A question mark slowly appeared above his head.

He shouldn't be hallucinating.

The voice just now... Wu Yuyu recalled the old figure he saw in Jotunheim and called softly:"God King Odin?"

His eyes blurred and he disappeared with the Destroyer.

In an uninhabited place, the two appeared again.

Without any panic, Wu Yuyu looked at the figure gradually emerging from the Destroyer and sighed in his heart.

‘Sure enough, everything Thor experienced was seen by Odin.

He said, how could a god who ruled the nine realms let his treasure be stolen so easily?

The two looked at each other for a long time, and no one spoke first.

After a stalemate, Odin sighed and said,"Put away your magic. The Ancient One has a very good successor. It would be great if Thor's personality could be like yours."

"The God King is too kind, he still has a long way to go."

The appearance of another voice made Wu Yuyu relax instantly, his backer is here! He bowed to the Ancient One.

Wu Yuyu stood straight and said to Odin confidently:"The God King is too kind, my personality is too jumpy, the heir to the throne of Asgard cannot be like me."

After saying this, Wu Yuyu quietly retreated behind the Ancient One.

The eyes look at the nose and the nose looks at the heart, the next conversation has nothing to do with him........

After a while,

Odin disappeared from the Destroyer.

Ancient One waved her fan, feeling very happy.

Thor, who was not very strong, would come to this planet, and she was too lazy to care about it.

But she did not allow a strong man like Odin to come, even as a projection.

After a"harmonious and friendly" conversation, Odin successfully left the Destroyer as an apology.

The fan was waved gently, and Ancient One's figure slowly disappeared. Obviously, her real body did not arrive here either.

"This armor is for you, keep it for fun."

After leaving this last sentence, Ancient One's figure completely disappeared.

Wu Yuyu bowed, then rubbed his hands and walked towards the Destroyer.

""Little armor, your Wu Ge Ge is here to love you~"

The Destroyer is very easy to control. Wu Yu Yu only got familiar with it a little bit, and it was very skillful.

With the Destroyer, Wu Yu Yu returned to the crowd again.

Under the puzzled eyes of the crowd, he controlled it to circle around Thor.

"The things given by the God King are really good. I like them very much."

"Have you seen my father?! Has he forgiven me?"

Thor would get to the point.

He quickly came to Wu Yuyu and asked Wu Yuyu if his father had forgiven him.

As for the Destroyer's fate, he didn't care. He already had the attitude of selling his father's land without any regret.

Wu Yuyu didn't see the emotion of heartache in Thor's eyes, and suddenly felt a little bored.

He waved his hand and let the Destroyer disappear from his sight.

"The God King didn't say whether he forgives you or not. Maybe you can summon your Meow Hammer and try?"

"It's Mjolnir!"

After arguing, Thor stretched out his hand and waited for the response of Meowth Hammer.

‘Wu Yuyu is right. If Mjolnir can be summoned by me, it means that my father has forgiven me. If not,……’

Wu Yuyu looked at Thor's actions, not knowing how to evaluate them. His mirror space had not been cancelled yet, so it was strange that Meow Hammer could hear the call.

At first, seeing Thor's actions of preparing to die, I thought he had grown a lot.

Now it seems... he is still the same big fool as before.

He waved his hand to disperse the mirror space and gave Thor a hint.

"Think about how you felt when facing the Destroyer, think about your companions, and get your power back, Hammer God."

"I am not the God of Hammers!"

Thor had already begun to recall his previous feelings, but when Wu Yuyu said the last sentence, his eyes widened instantly, and a feeling gushed out from his heart.

With a flash of lightning, Mjolnir returned to his hand, and his clothes were changed back to the original clothes of the God of Thunder.

Raising the hammer to the sky, accompanied by lightning and thunder, Thor looked full of momentum.

""I am - Thor!"

However, Wu Yuyu didn't buy his words. She curled her lips and said disdainfully:"Tsk~ Only those who hold the hammer have divine power. If you are not the god of hammer, then what are you?"

This sentence dealt a heavy blow to Thor.

He wanted to defend himself and opened his mouth repeatedly, but he didn't know what reason to refute Wu Yuyu's words.

After all, without the hammer, he really couldn't use his strength.

Seeing his tangled look, Wu Yuyu was worried that his brain would freeze, so he waved his hand and reminded him

"Okay, stop making up excuses. Don't forget that you haven't dealt with your brother yet."


Thor slapped his forehead.

How could he have forgotten Loki?

He led the four warriors to the side and raised his head.


While waiting for the arrival of the Rainbow Bridge, Thor's eyes swept across the crowd and finally stopped at Jane.

"I promise you, I will come back here for you."

As soon as the words fell, the light symbolizing the Rainbow Bridge descended from the sky, covering the five of them, and then flew away.

Unlike in the show, Heimdall had already broken free from the Ice Box, and as soon as he heard Thor's call, he directly opened the Rainbow Bridge and took them back to Asgard, leaving no time for Jane to respond.

Naturally, the kiss scene between Thor and Jane did not appear.

This made Wu Yuyu take back the camera with a sigh.

‘I want to keep a record.……’

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