"The excitement is over, let's go home."

Seeing that everyone was still looking up at the sky, Wu Yuyu clapped his hands and turned to greet the agents who were gathering towards them.

"Excuse me……"

The questioning voice behind him made Wu Yuyu stop and look sideways at Jian who was hesitant to speak.

"Thor...will he come back?"

Thor's words before he disappeared still lingered in Jane's mind.

After hesitating for a moment, Jane still asked the question in her heart.

Although their contact time was not long due to Wu Yuyu's intervention, maybe this was fate. The young couple in the original play eventually fell in love with each other.

It's just...asking him everything, do you think he is an omnipotent god?

Wu Yuyu held the growing grass in his heart.

Looking up at the sky, the scene of Asgard seemed to appear before his eyes.

"Yes, but it is unlikely in the near future, so...keep your expectations. The longer you wait, the happier you will be when you meet again."

"The happier?……"

Looking at Wu Yuyu's back, Jane murmured, this was the first time she had heard of this saying.

Looking up, the clouds in the sky seemed to have turned into Thor holding the hammer of Thor.

"I will be looking forward to your return."

Barton looked at Jane, who was in love, and quickened his pace to run to Wu Yuyu. He touched Wu Yuyu with his arm and winked,"I didn't expect you to be so good at talking. The longer you wait, the happier you will be when you meet again~"

He repeated it in a funny way.

He tilted his mouth and motioned Wu Yuyu to look to the side.

"What are you going to say to your little fan? She just stood beside you and didn't retreat. She believes in you very much~"

Facing Barton who kept talking, Wu Yuyu had an idea, and an illusory finger appeared, pinching up and down.


Barton kept pulling at Wu Yuyu.

If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. What's the matter with pinching his mouth?

Are you guilty?

Wu Yuyu sighed and shook his head.

Barton, Mordo, Casillas...

Why is it that the more I get to know them, the more I feel that the personalities of these people - compared with the original drama, if not exactly the same, then it can only be said that they are completely unrelated.

What went wrong?

After thinking it over again and again, Wu Yuyu found that the culprit who caused them to become like this seemed to be him? He shook his head quickly.

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

He would never admit this.

Looking at Barton who was humming and pulling at him, Wu Yuyu loosened his mouth.

"Longing is the feeling farthest from understanding"


Barton, who was rubbing his lips, didn't react to what Wu Yuyu said for a moment.

He repeated it in his mind.

Then he realized that this was the answer to his question.

"Why did he suddenly become so artistic? Could he be possessed by some demon?……"

In order to avenge the pinching of his lips, Barton grumbled behind Wu Yuyu.

Suddenly, he found that Wu Yuyu in front of him stopped and looked at him dangerously.

"I can hear you."

Feeling the danger, Barton immediately shut his mouth, like a zipper, and raised his hand to indicate that he would not say anything more.

Wu Yuyu shook his head, not wanting to care so much, and continued to walk.........

Behind them, Daisy never left her eyes and watched them go away.

"Like? If you like, chase him."

Daisy shook her head and refused Jane's advice.

The love of the gods was not something she could enjoy. She just wanted to quietly watch the back of the gods from a distance.

However, she did not tell Jane about this idea.

After all, Jane had almost fallen in love, and it would not be good to pour cold water on her now.

When Wu Yuyu's back completely disappeared, Daisy raised her hands high.

"To celebrate our recovery and your finding your soulmate, let's have a drink.~"

"Eh? It was a long time ago that the data was recovered, why are we celebrating now?"

"Hey, let's go~"

Holding Jane with her left hand and Eric with her right hand, she dragged the two of them to the restaurant in the town without giving them a chance to refuse.

And on her body, an invisible light flashed in an instant.........

"Mr. Wu, what you said before... is Captain America?"

Looking at Wu Yuyu approaching, Phil was very nervous, afraid to hear some bad news from him.

You know, Phil is a loyal fan of Captain America.

Since reporting the news to Fury, he has to open his phone every once in a while to check it, for fear of missing the opportunity to see Captain America as soon as possible.

In Phil's nervous eyes, Wu Yuyu nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Not bad, you guessed it right. How is it? You should have passed the message up, is there any result?"

After getting the confirmation from Wu Yuyu,

Phil's inner joy can no longer be described in words.

It can be seen from the arc of his mouth that it is not the usual formulaic smile at all.

Forcefully suppressing the upturned corners of his mouth, Phil shook his head and responded to Wu Yuyu's question.

"Time is too short. Although Director Fury has started looking for it immediately, he has not found it yet. But with your affirmation, I think we will have an answer in a while. Coincidentally

, before he finished speaking, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Wu Yuyu felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Phil had already held the phone in his hand and started to check the text messages on it.

‘This hand speed is... scary. '

For Phil's instant hand speed, Wu Yuyu can only attribute it to the power of faith.

In order not to miss the news of his idol, Phil has already detonated his potential.


A cry of surprise brought Wu Yuyu out of his thoughts.

Happiness is contagious. Looking at Phil who was overjoyed, the corners of his mouth began to rise.

"It seems that you have found the captain."

Phil nodded vigorously, looking at Wu Yuyu with gratitude.

Just as he was about to thank him, he saw Wu Yuyu waving his hand.

Wu Yuyu didn't want to hear a word of thanks, so when he noticed that Phil was about to speak, he quickly reached out to stop him.

"Forget the words of thanks, it's not a big deal. Do you want me to take you to see the captain? It'll be quick."

As he spoke, Wu Yuyu had already stretched out his hand, ready to draw a circle at any time.

Phil was very tempted by his invitation, but looking at the people around him who were still busy collecting various information, he still forced himself to suppress this impulse.

"Thank you for your invitation, but I have responsibilities to attend to, and the captain also needs some time for treatment, so we will have a chance to meet later."

After saying this, Wu Yuyu shrugged and turned to look at Patton.

Although you can only see a lump of ice now, it is still worth taking a photo.

"are you going?"

"Let's go."

Barton didn't have any mission, and he was going to meet the legendary spiritual leader.

The next second, the two of them walked into the portal under Phil's envious gaze.

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