In the Arctic, on the SHIELD exploration ship, a portal slowly opened.

Feeling the sudden drop in temperature,

Wu Yuyu thought, and a magic that isolated the temperature was instantly deployed.

"Hiss~ That…magic…of yours, give…give it to me too~"

Barton revealed his identity to the security members who were approaching him, rubbing his shoulders frantically, as he was quite cold.

"If you don't mind, I... I also need this kind of magic."

The two looked at Phil who followed them strangely.

Isn't it their duty to meet again later?

For a moment, Barton had forgotten the coldness on his body.

Two consecutive spells enveloped the two of them, and in just a moment, the coldness of the outside world no longer existed.

"" Huh~"

The warm feeling is so good.

Barton let out a long sigh, and a smile appeared on his face when he looked at Phil who had the same comfortable expression.

He put his arm around his shoulders, and teased him in the face of his uncomfortable expression:"I didn't expect you to be absent from your post~" Phil's expression became even more awkward under his teasing.

He didn't know why he followed here for some unknown reason, when he was obviously preparing to meet Captain America in a better image.

Looking at his clothes, they were already covered with dust under the smoke and dust raised by the Destroyer.

Wouldn't this make Captain America think that he was a sloppy person? Thinking of this possibility, Phil regretted his rash action of following here even more.


Wu Yuyu snapped his fingers.

With the magic light, Phil's clothes were brand new.

He could understand the feelings of fans meeting their idols. No one wanted to leave a bad impression on the person they liked, even if the person they liked might not see it...

So when he noticed Phil's behavior, he helped him.

Stopping Phil from thanking him again, Wu Yuyu stretched out his hand and gave him the opportunity to see Captain America first.

Following the uneasy Phil, the three of them came to the ice ball named Captain America without any obstacles.

""Click, click."

The continuous sound of taking pictures completely destroyed Phil's excitement of seeing his idol.

It was as if she didn't notice his expression of wanting to say something but stopping herself.

After checking the clarity of the photos, Wu Yuyu reached out and gently patted the ice in front of her.

"Sleeping for so many years, what a lazy bug."

This is a slander against his idol!

Phil couldn't just sit there and watch his idol's reputation being ruined.

He quickly defended himself, saying that Captain America had to make an emergency landing here in order to avoid causing more damage, which led to him sleeping here for so many years.

His speech made everyone's eyes widen.

Usually Phil had a calm and smiling expression on his face, but this was the first time they had seen such a situation.


The sound of the camera made Phil calm down instantly.

Looking at Wu Yuyu fiddling with the camera, Phil felt that something was wrong. At this moment, Wu Yuyu's words made him understand why he felt this way.

"When Captain America wakes up and sees himself being protected by his fans, he will probably be very happy……"

An exclamation mark

, symbolizing danger, instantly appeared above Phil's head.

He was not ready to reveal his fan identity to Captain America.

"Forget it, I'm not familiar with Captain America, so I won't show it to him for now."

Wu Yuyu's next words put Phil's heart at ease.

Barton and other staff members who watched the whole scene all had the same opinion about Wu Yuyu who was frantically pulling Phil's emotions.

——This man might be a devil.

Wu Yuyu, who didn't know how distorted his image was in the eyes of others, looked through several photos in the camera.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and it's time to go back. He waved his hand and sent Barton and Phil back to the town.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the exploration ship and returned to Kamar-Taj.

Before he could make any move, Pietro appeared in front of him in an instant, and then Wanda's figure fell from the sky.

Facing the expectant eyes of the two.

Wu Yuyu took out two small pendants and handed them to them.

The pendants couldn't be more ordinary, but they still made smiles appear on their faces.

Suddenly, a huge energy wave appeared in the sky, and Wu Yuyu looked up instantly.

If nothing unexpected happens... it should be Thor who started to tear down the house.

I feel sad for Odin.

None of the children are worry-free. As a father, Odin should have lost a lot of hair. If the king of gods also loses hair...

"What happened?"

Noticing Wu Yuyu's unusual behavior, the brother and sister immediately became alert and began to emit energy fluctuations.

"It's nothing, there's a prodigal son who's destroying the house, don't worry about it."

Prodigal son?

Destroying the house?

The brother and sister who had never seen Thor couldn't understand Wu Yuyu's explanation.

But since Wu Yuyu said not to worry about it, it shouldn't be a big deal.

The two of them relaxed their tense bodies again.

But soon they realized that they relaxed too early.

Without any signs, two thumps, a big bump appeared on the top of the brother and sister's head.

In the resentful eyes of the two, Wu Yuyu showed his fists and poked his teeth to get some air.

"I'm teaching you that in a real battle, no one would say"I'm going to attack"~"

This explanation obviously did not satisfy the brother and sister.

Although there was nothing wrong with what he said, how could a family member launch a sneak attack at home!

They looked at each other.

Pietro disappeared from the spot in an instant, and at a sinister angle, he raised his leg and kicked at Xiao Wu Yudama.

""Hey, hey, hey, what do you want to do!"

Wu Yuyu, who barely dodged the kick, felt a chill in his heart.

If he was kicked... thinking about that scene, he couldn't help shivering.

I'm afraid he will be immersed in the shadow of this kick for the rest of his life.

"Hehe, you have reacted, right? Even if you didn't, I could stop."

Can I stop, right?"

Wu Yuyu raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and looked at Pietro who was letting his teeth out to breathe, with a wicked smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand and passed it in front of the Eye of Agamotto.

In a burst of green light, Pietro's body instantly froze in place.

"How can you use magic tools? You are such a scoundrel! Wanda, come and help me!"

Faced with Wu Yu Yu using magic tools, Pietro was very dissatisfied and began to call for his helpers.

However... a breeze blew by and nothing happened.


Pietro turned around and saw that Wanda was nowhere to be found. As early as when Wu Yudama's expression began to collapse, Wanda had already seen the situation and ran away.

When Pietro found that his helper ran away with the bucket, his neck was like a rusty gear, and he turned his head back and smiled at Wu Yudama.

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