
A sound of miserable laughter rang out from this corner.

Wu Yuyu sat in the rocking chair, looking at Pietro who was hanging in the air, shaking the fan in his hand.

"Can you stop?"

"You're a scoundrel, huh?"

"Looking for help, right?"

With each question, the feather floating under Pietro's feet would slide, causing him to laugh even louder.

After a few questions in a row, the feather stopped sliding.

Wu Yuyu looked at Pietro, who was breathing heavily, and raised his eyebrows.

"Do you realize your mistake?"

Because of the long laughter, Pietro had consumed all his energy, so he couldn't control himself and spoke out his thoughts.

"You should...you should run after kicking.……"

After saying this, Pietro finally reacted.

It's broken!

Seeing the smile on Wu Yuyu's face, Pietro suddenly had the idea of destroying the world.

Why didn't he control his mouth?

So, another few minutes of"torture" were staged in this corner...

When Wanda secretly ran back to observe the situation, what came into view was Pietro lying on the ground with tears and heavy breathing, looking like he was being played.

Wu Yuyu, on the other hand, was sitting on a rocking chair beside him, fanning himself, as if nothing had happened.

This weird scene made Wanda's little head full of big question marks.

What is this.avi plot unfolding.

Unfortunately, she, who had not been taught by certain teachers, would not have such complaints in her heart.

She just felt that Pietro was treated very badly by Wu Yuyu.

At the same time, she complained in her heart,"What a stingy guy."

Tentatively, she walked towards Pietro, and seeing that Wu Yuyu had no intention of stopping her, Wanda immediately sped up her movements.

She waved her hand.

A red energy appeared, wrapped Pietro in it, dragged him up, and took him away from this corner.

When the two were about to leave Wu Yuyu's sight, a voice appeared in their ears.

"Train well, a war is coming……"

The brother and sister paused and turned their heads at the same time, but the corner was empty.

Retracting his gaze, Pietro fell to the ground and turned to look at Wanda, with a dissatisfied sound coming from his nose.

"Traitor, abandoning teammates."

Wanda scratched her cheek with her fingers, a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

She was indeed wrong in this matter. She forcedly defended herself:"I'm back, so I'm not a traitor.~"


"I pulled you out of the corner."



No matter what Wanda said, Pietro responded with the word traitor.……

"I'll treat you to dinner, so you won't be angry anymore, right?"

""Rebel... Good!"

Seeing Pietro's smile reappear on his face, Wanda felt relieved.

Fortunately, Pietro was easy to fool.

She was originally going to say three meals, but in order to give Pietro room for bargaining, she only said one meal.

Unexpectedly... she just dealt with him directly.

"What do you think the next war will be like?"

Wanda secretly rejoiced that she made the same mistake as Pietro.

"Three meals is too much... uh... I can't guess, I'll know after a while."

Realizing that she had let the cat out of the bag, Wanda forced herself to change the next words. She prayed silently in her heart, 'God bless, Pietro must not hear the first half of the sentence.'

But... she is a chaos magician, and it's strange that she can achieve anything by seeking God's blessing.

"Three meals? What three meals?"

Obviously, Pietro had grasped the point.

After thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked up at Wanda's tiptoeing back.

"You didn't want to treat me to three meals at first, did you?"

"You heard me wrong, I didn't say three meals."

Wanda silently quickened her pace, trying to leave before Pietro could react.

But no matter how fast she ran, she couldn't be faster than Pietro.

In just a moment, Pietro's figure appeared in front of her, and the two began to argue again about how many meals to have.........

A few days later, in the morning, Wu Yuyu received a call

"The captain is about to wake up, come and see?"

Barton's voice came from the other end of the phone, which immediately made Wu Yuyu, who had nothing to do, perk up.

After determining the location, he put away the fan in his hand and stood up from the rocking chair. The next second, his figure appeared in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Holding the camera, his eyes fell on Barton.

"What about others?"

"You came so fast, don't you have anything to do normally?"

After complaining, Barton waved his hand and motioned Wu Yuyu to follow him.

"Who said I have nothing to do? Don't forget, I have a company, so... taking pictures is also part of my job."

Following behind Barton, Wu Yuyu defended confidently.

Barton responded by nodding perfunctorily, with a look of"Guess whether I believe it or not" in his eyes.

"You... forget it, I'm too lazy to explain to you, he's right here, I'll go in and take a look."

Wu Yuyu, who was a little at a loss for words, just walked outside Captain America's room.

He grinned at Barton and disappeared instantly. No one knew where he was except for the surveillance.

""Click, click, click" sounded one after another in this retro room.

As if feeling that his portrait rights were being infringed, Captain America's eyelids trembled slightly while he lay on the bed, and then slowly opened.

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, his eyes revealed a trace of confusion.

Where is he?

"Pitch, good ball!"

The baseball game broadcast on the radio seemed to remind him that he had been rescued.

He sat up and looked around the room.

A strong sense of disobedience made him frown.

""Oh my, it looks like we've been discovered."

The sudden voice made Captain America stand up instantly, and his eyes were alertly staring at the place where the voice came from.

The next second, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"" Who are you!? Where is this place!?"

Captain America's muscles were tense, and he would punch the man in front of him if he couldn't answer any question correctly.

Outside the house, Fury stopped his subordinates who wanted to rush into the room,"Let them talk on their own, there will be no problem."

He still believed in Wu Yudama's social skills... as long as he didn't lead Captain America astray.

Inside the room, Wu Yudama didn't bother to wait when no one rushed in.

He ignored Captain America's vigilance against him, as if he was at home, and then pulled over a chair and sat down.

At the same time, he waved his hand, motioning Captain America to sit down as well.

"Sit down, feel free, just treat it as your own home"

"No, if you can tell me where this is, I think I will be very grateful to you.

Although he did not feel any malice from Wu Yuyu, he did not want to follow Wu Yuyu's arrangement.

"All right, if you don't want to sit down, then don't sit down. Let me make it clear in advance that you need to stay calm and don't interrupt me while I'm talking." Wu Yudama didn't care about Captain America's vigilance, and he could stand if he wanted.

Although Captain America was a little puzzled by Wu Yudama's agreement, he still nodded and agreed.

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