The two of them were very happy.

"It's okay, sir. I'm fine and not tired at all."

"Ma'am, I don't need to eat either. You know, Kryptonians only need the sun to shine on them."

"Oh!!! What kind of country is this Eastern country? The pre-prepared dishes are so delicious!!!"

Kara was embarrassed to deal with Clark's enthusiastic parents. Except for showing an excited expression when eating the food of the Eastern country, she showed great respect at other times, but both Benjamin and May could see it.

Kara's respect for them is based on Clark.

If it weren't for the fact that they were Clark's adoptive parents, Kara probably wouldn't even look at them straight in the eye.

"Sure enough, it's just like what Clark said."

Benjamin said secretly in his heart, he would not say it directly, because he knew that Kara was not his child Clark, and would not think of suppressing his superpowers deliberately.

At this distance, no matter how he controlled the volume, as long as he spoke, Kara would definitely be able to hear their voices.

May went to the kitchen to cut fruit, while Benjamin stayed in the living room to communicate with Kara.

"Kara, didn't you go outside the street to take a look?"

Benjamin had a feeling that even though Clark had been saying in his letter that Kara's personality was more impulsive and she didn't like to think.

But after all, she was a Kryptonian, maybe Kara did notice something.

"Outside the street? I really want to go, but Carl said that if I want to go, he will take me with him when he comes back."

Kara answered Benjamin's question calmly, which made Benjamin more convinced that Kara did vaguely realize something.

"Does Carl like this planet very much?"

Kara stroked her collar. This human-style uniform was made by Clark using Kryptonian technology.

Except for the family crest of the El family printed on the collar, the rest of the clothes are no different from those of ordinary people.

"Clark...does love this planet."

Speaking of Clark, Benjamin gradually relaxed, but his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, which Kara noticed keenly.

This made Kara feel angry, not against Benjamin, but...

"The race called humans does not accept Carl, right?"

When Clark was in the Fortress of Solitude, he left from time to time to deal with some major disasters. Kara also saw these things, and therefore, Kara felt that Clark was simply the patron saint of this human race.

When she heard that Clark had another company and was gradually showing the research results of Kryptonian technology to human society, Kara was simply incredible.

She simply couldn't understand why Clark did this. With such unrequited efforts, what did humans give you?

Hearing Kara's words, Benjamin couldn't help but feel ashamed. He certainly didn't feel bad for Clark, because he was his favorite child, but humans felt bad for Clark's efforts.

No matter what, Benjamin is still a member of the human race, and it is inevitable to feel ashamed because of the overall behavior of the human race.

"Clark's power is too strong... the governments of various countries..."

"Since you know that Clark is powerful, shouldn't you be more honest? Accepting gifts from others, and not even saying thank you, is this the human race?"

Kara was as impulsive as Clark said, she didn't think about the reasons why the human government did this. After losing Krypton, she, the last Kryptonian, had a very simple idea, that is, whoever treats Kryptonians badly is the enemy.

But it must be said that Kara was not wrong.

Accepting gifts from others should be expressed as gratitude, or give back.

And now the human government not only has no thanks and no return, but even allows the red sun lamp to spread on the market, making Superman's activities gradually dangerous.

Not only do they not appreciate what Superman has done, they are even thinking about how to stab Superman in the back.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the ordinary people protected by Superman have not been affected by the government's actions and are still grateful for what Superman has done.

Otherwise, even without Kara saying it, Benjamin himself would have planned to persuade Clark to give up his identity as Superman.

If everyone from the government to ordinary people reject Superman's kindness.


Humans are not qualified to get help from Superman.

"Ah~ I'm so angry!"

Kara said very angrily, but there was no place to vent. He couldn't yell at Benjamin and May, nor could he destroy the streets now. He could only sit on the sofa angrily and vent his anger with the fruit plate brought by May.

The atmosphere became cold for a while.

Kara had established her own world view and values ​​in Krypton a long time ago, and had a strong sense of identity with her Kryptonian identity.

Clark's idea of ​​letting Benjamin and May influence Kara little by little failed. Although Kara was impulsive, she would think after all. Kara, who had her own judgment, would not be so easily influenced by others.

In the end, it was Katie who reacted and led the topic to Clark's childhood and the stories between him and mutants in the past.

This finally eased the atmosphere.

It also made Kara understand why her cousin had become so mature.

"Now reporting the emergency news..."

Just when everyone finally restored the happy atmosphere, the TV suddenly interrupted the emergency news.

"Over the Atlantic Ocean, a flight to the United States was hijacked by robbers. Now, it is flying towards the United States. It is reported that the robbers installed high explosives on the plane. Everyone's life is in danger. We can imagine that this is a tribute to the 911 incident. We will continue to report in the future."

The plane was hijacked and flew to New York.

Moreover, the robbers had no idea of ​​communicating with the US government at all. They didn't want wealth, weapons, or anything. It seemed that they just wanted to fly this civilian airliner to New York.

All thoughts were transferred to the disaster seven years ago, and everyone couldn't help but worry.

But soon, ordinary people were relieved. Now it's different.

In the past, they suffered such pain, but today, they have the superhero Superman. For Superman, a civilian airliner can be easily stopped. Even before, there have been similar incidents.

At the Parker family, everyone who watched the news turned their eyes to Kara.

Kara was excited at this time, pointing at the screen on TV.

"Does Karl usually stop things like this?"

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