The two of them looked at each other and nodded.

"Yes, Clark will probably find out about this in a few seconds and stop it."

When the three looked back at Kara's position, they suddenly found that Kara on the sofa had disappeared.

"Where's Kara?"

Several people had a bad feeling, and Katie even walked to the window and looked at the window that had been opened at some point.

"I guess she wants to experience Clark's life."

It's not hard to guess. Kara has always been curious about Clark's life and Clark's special ideas. Seeing this opportunity, she wants to try what it feels like to be a superman.

Just like Clark hopes Kara can adapt to life on Earth, and also regards Clark as the last family member, Kara also hopes that she can understand Clark.

"But this is not a good time."

Benjamin was still worried about this.

Clark became Superman based on his many experiences, and the experience and mature way of dealing with things accumulated through continuous fighting.

Even so, the identity of Superman is now resisted by governments all over the world, and the immature and even impulsive Kara's rash actions may intensify the existing contradictions.

"I hope Kara won't be too impulsive, and Clark will react quickly."

In fact, Clark had already noticed when Kara set off.

He slowly stood up from his office chair, but after hesitating for a moment, he sat down.

He looked at the weapons in the hands of the plane hijackers, and there was no threat to Kara. Even if it was a bomb installed on the plane, as long as he paid attention at all times, there would be no accidents.

Since he was sure to control the situation, it would not be a bad thing to let Kara experience the feeling of Superman and the feeling of ordinary people.

Perhaps such an experience can make Kara change her view of human beings.

Now Kara's tolerance for humans comes from her love for humans, and Kara's anger towards humans also comes from what humans have done to her.

She needs her own judgment of humans, whether this judgment is good or bad.


In the sky on the other side.

Kara changed into her own Superman suit, a blue tights and a red skirt, the standard Superman cape in the outside world.

Unlike Clark who likes to wear black and gold suits.

Kara did not choose to wear the black clothes that Kryptonians like on Earth.

This also means that Kara has no sense of belonging to Earth.

"Found it, it's you."

Above the Atlantic Ocean, Kara quickly found the hijacked plane. Using super vision, he saw that both captains had been shot and killed, and a hijacker had taken control of the cockpit and was operating the plane with that clumsy method.

"I'm here!!"

Accompanied by excited shouts, Kara rushed directly from the nose of the plane, and the powerful force directly smashed the nose of the plane to pieces.

"Fuck! What the hell!"

The robber in the control cabin was blown away by a huge force before he could react to what happened. When he came to his senses, he was already swept up by the airflow generated by the internal and external air pressure and flew into the air.

"No! No! Help!!!"

The robber may have been prepared to die, but not in such a horrible way.

"Tsk, what a trouble."

Kara tutted impatiently, and the next moment she appeared beside the robber, grabbed him and threw him directly back into the plane.

"Next, it's time to save people."

After freezing the robber's body and the fuselage of the plane with freezing breath, Kara pushed open the door to the passenger cabin.

And the moment the door opened, she was greeted by continuous shooting from several rifles.

"You are annoying!"

Kara just instinctively raised her hand to block her eyes, but the bullets that hit her body were deformed and bounced away one after another, and some bullets even rubbed the cheeks of passengers, scaring the passenger to scream loudly.

"Okay, it's too noisy, I won't play anymore."

The noisy and chaotic environment made Kara feel impatient, so she rushed forward and knocked out the robber closest to her with a punch, and then immediately used super breathing to completely freeze the robber's body on the side.

"You, you, you... don't come over, if you come over I will kill her!"

The last robber saw Kara

Pull's ability, obviously panicked, he grabbed a passenger next to him as a hostage, blocking him in front of him, trying to make Kara afraid to act rashly.

But it was obvious that Kara didn't buy it, or his approach had no effect on any of the two Kryptonians now.

Clark's speed was simply not something that the human brain could keep up with. If Clark wanted to subdue the robber in front of him, the other party would not even be able to think of pulling the trigger and would be knocked out directly.

And Kara was even simpler.

She didn't have any psychological pressure at all. She was kind in her heart and did want to save as many people as possible, but if she couldn't save them, she wouldn't have any extra thoughts.

As a Kryptonian, the death of humans couldn't have much impact on her.

So Kara took action directly.

Without any idea of ​​negotiation, a red hot line of sight shot out from her eyes, directly melting the gun in the robber's hand and the other's entire hand.


The severe pain made the robber lose the power of resistance in an instant and collapsed to the ground.

But because Kara's control over her abilities was not enough, the hijacked woman had obvious burn marks on her neck.

"Ah! I'm sorry for accidentally hurting you, but bear with it, I'll find a way to rescue you."

Kara just glanced at the injured woman and didn't care much. It wasn't a serious injury. She could recover completely after returning to New York for treatment. Isn't it okay if she didn't die?

But when Kara finished speaking, no one reacted. They all looked at Kara in horror, as if in their eyes, Kara was no different from the hijackers who hijacked the plane.

"What are you looking at? I saved you!!"

The Kryptonians' super five senses make them more sensitive to some details. The fear and rejection of themselves in the eyes and vague movements of these passengers made him feel uncomfortable.

Some people were indeed injured by stray bullets, some were injured because they subdued the robbers, and some were terrified by the vibration caused by their rushing into the plane.

But aren't they still alive? Isn't it enough to be alive?

"What else do you want!!"

Angry and confused, Kara punched the inner wall of the plane next to her.

"Do you want me, a superman, to kneel down and beg you before you are willing to live? If you don't want to live, why not just jump down from here? I will never save you!!"

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