The rescue work was in progress.

For this operation, the heroes gathered all the cruise ships in the world near this port, in order to bring all the millions of people in this port to Gotham Forest for protection today.

If such a plan is done by the country, it is almost impossible to complete even if all the countries unite. The migration of millions of people in one day has exceeded the country's limit.

For example, there is no port in the world that can accommodate such a number of cruise ships and cargo ships that can carry so many people.

But they are superheroes. Things that the country cannot handle are not impossible to achieve in the hands of these superheroes.

The enlarged Atom Smasher can even lift a cruise ship or cargo ship with one hand. With him on the water to replace the operator, the superhero Dream only needs to protect the safety of the route to complete this task.

Here, Clark and others are still tasked with maintaining the stability of the crowd.

But this is a huge crowd of millions of people. Even if the survivors sent to Gotham City are carefully screened by Flash and Superman at super speed, there will always be some people who are undisciplined compared to the remaining survivors who are transported to Paradise Island.

A middle-aged uncle walked in the crowd with his big belly, but at this moment when the world is destroyed by the spread of the virus through the Internet, he is still looking at his mobile phone in the crowd. He doesn't worry about the virus infecting him, and he doesn't care how much threat his behavior will bring to other survivors around him.

Finally, an old lady couldn't stand it anymore, she stood up and said to the uncle.

"Don't you know that the virus can spread through the Internet? If you do this, aren't you afraid of being infected or dragging all of us down?!"

And this uncle can do such a thing, naturally he himself is a person who doesn't care about others at all, and doesn't care about others' accusations against him.

Instead of thinking that he was wrong, he scolded the aunt.

"What does it have to do with you? I like to watch it, why do you care about me?"

And his attitude naturally caused dissatisfaction among the survivors around him. After all, they were also selected by Superman and Flash, and they were gentle and rational people. They all knew the horror of the virus.

So, all the people around joined in and began to denounce the fat uncle.

But such behavior not only did not make this guy feel ashamed, but angered the other party.

He reached into the backpack behind him, and then took out a black pistol and aimed at everyone.

"Let's see who of you can say another word!"

He was so angry that he pulled the trigger without hesitation. He wanted to kill someone to suppress the bastards around him who were insulting him.


With the sound of the gun, no one was injured. Damian appeared behind him at some point, grabbed his wrist with his hand, and shot the gun into the sky. .

"Stop your stupid behavior."

Damian's style of coming behind others unconsciously has begun to look like Batman, but it is obvious that Damian's thin figure cannot play a deterrent role like Batman.

The uncle was not afraid, but turned around and looked at Damian, showing his mobile phone screen.

"Are you afraid of this? Take a look for yourself, is there any..."

Bang! !

Another heavy blow, Supergirl flew over, kicked the mobile phone in the man's hand away, and knocked him to the ground at the same time.

Damian also took this opportunity to crush the phone with one foot.

"Since you need our protection, then do as we say, is there a problem?"

Supergirl was still rational and just knocked the man down without hurting him, but Talia, who came right after, didn't think so.

Damian was his son. Even though his son had inherited the damn Batman's mantle and became the new Batman, he was still her son. And just now, this guy dared to point the phone screen at his son, exposing his son to the risk of infection?

Even if the heroes have destroyed the Internet all over the world, who can guarantee that there will be no virus left in some electronic devices?

Faced with this

Talia was so angry that she almost killed her son. She rushed over with a knife and wanted to cut this ignorant guy in half.

In the end, it was Damian and Supergirl who persuaded Talia.

"There are so many people watching now, don't be impulsive, we are heroes and can't kill people."

Talia was persuaded, but it was not because of Damian and Supergirl's words that she was persuaded, but because she saw a very interesting scene.

"Really? Damian, but your friends don't seem to have the same idea as you."


Damian turned around and saw Clark, who was supposed to use his flying ability to maintain order in the air, appeared here at some point. Even though he was thin, the power of the Kryptonian made it easy for him to grab the man's collar and lift him up.

"Clark! What are you going to do!"

Damian did not rush to stop him the first time like he did when facing Talia, but asked loudly, because he knew that his mother Talia would really kill people when she was angry, but Clark was different. He, like himself and Superman, would not kill people.

"We really won't kill people, Damian, but this does not mean that people who don't care about the safety of others will just have their phones smashed after breaking the rules."

As he said this, Clark's eyes lit up red. In the man's horrified eyes, the thermal vision with strictly controlled power penetrated directly into his eyes, accurately destroying the other's cornea without damaging anything other than the cornea.


The man realized that he was blind and rolled on the ground with his face in his arms. Damian also looked helpless. Just as he was about to face the survivors who rioted because of Clark's brutal behavior, he found that all the survivors around him looked at the man with a gloating look, and were not afraid of Clark's violent behavior at all.

" not right..."

Damian is still too young. Maybe he has inherited Batman's true teachings in other aspects, but he is limited by his age in seeing through people's hearts.

Talia looked at this scene with satisfaction, patted Damian's shoulder, and watched Clark fly up to the sky to command order after doing all this.

"Damian, although you are a little older and have more combat experience, you are used to accepting, accepting the wealth and thoughts left to you by your father, but unlike you, Clark, this young Superman from another world, has been thinking. He is not thinking about how to become a qualified Superman, but thinking about how to be a good person. His future may be higher than yours and Jonathan's."

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